Kingsdown School
Snakes Lane, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 6XT
Headteacher: Margaret Rimmer NPQH
Telephone: 01702 527486 Facsimile: 01702 526762
11thJune 2017
My views on The Portage Service
I have always been and continue to be extremely impressed with all the members of the Portage Service. I have worked closely with the team for over 10 years and throughout all this time the quality of their work has always been very good
The Portage Team has an excellent relationship with Kingsdown. Although they are not officially a member of the school, to me they are very much part of Kingsdown and I am proud of this, and that they have their base at the school.
The members of the team give advice but also listen and meet with me to discuss and ask advice about children.
Some of the young children they support transfer into the Kingsdown. Through talking to theirparentsit is clear they havegained their confidence;this can bevery difficult, as the parent of young achild who has special needs are often still in mourning / denial.
Parents are often frightened at the thought of their child attending school;at this time the Portage Team positively supportthem,suggesting how the school could support their child.The excellent relationship between Portage and Kingsdown is visible to parents and this does assist with a positive transition.
The Portage team is always looking to ensure the correct school placement for a child, and I know wherever possible and appropriate they suggest and supporta mainstream school.
Their holistic knowledge of the children they support is exceptional, as can be seen by both talking to them and in their excellent paperwork.
The meetings they chair, and minutethey take are always both supportive and professional.
They support teachers, and when appropriate SSAs to gain a good understanding of the children who are going to enter their class.
When they borrow school equipment, use the resources it is always returned in the same condition. If they think their equipment might support a child at Kingsdown they are always willing to lend it to the school.
The Portage Team always gives far more than their job description requests.
To conclude I cannot speak highly enough of this exceptional team; they have warmth,positivity, energy, enthusiasm and professionalism.
Margaret Rimmer – Headteacher