Ms. Arthur’s Spanish 3
Course: This course is the 3rd step in a 5 tiered program of Spanish at Rock Bridge. You will expand upon the foundation of Spanish studies you have already begun. You will continue to develop your ability to write, read and communicate in the target language and prepare you for Spanish 4. This class will further you along on your journey towards second language acquisition.
Instructor: Ms. Kris Arthur
Room: 247
Cell Phone: 573-230-9060
Voice mailbox: 33833
Availablility: 1A-1B (World Languages office), & Mornings 7:45-8:55, 4A Advisory, After school until 4:15pm (Rm 247)
Goal: Bring together everything you have learned thus far, expand on your grammar knowledge, broaden your understanding of the Hispanic world, investigate Hispanic culture, and most importantly, to improve your ability to communicate in the target language.
Classroom Etiquette: Class will take place in an atmosphere of discipline, industriousness, and RESPECT for all individuals in the classroom regardless of our individual differences.
Be in your seat and ready for class to start when the tardy bell rings.
Come to class prepared with the needed materials; i.e. pen/pencil, homework, book, notebook, dictionary, etc.
Actively participate in instructional, group, and individual activities.
Be respectful of the property of others.
Be considerate and supportive of your classmates. No derogatory comments will be tolerated.
Take care of personal matters before class; i.e. drinking and restrooms, etc.
Observe all other student rules in your handbook.
Grading: You will be graded in this course on:
Classroom Work
Discipline Procedures: Classroom disurbances: 1st Verbal Warning
2nd Referral
3rd Referral....
Tardies: Each quarter, you may be tardy 3 times without consequence.
4th and every other tardy will be referred.
Cheating: 1st offense is a 0 and a call to parents.
2nd offense will result in an F for the quarter.
(all cheating offenses will be reported to the administration)
Ms. Arthur’s
Class Policy Agreement
Each class we meet is the equivalent of 2 standard class days. For each of these class periods, we cover 2 traditional class periods worth of content. Attendance is a HUGE part of the study of Spanish.
Absenteeism: FREEDOM with RESPONSIBILITY.Your education is reliant largely on what you do, day-in and day-out. If you are absent, you are expected to go to the website for classroom activities (access website on go to Staff Directory, scroll to Arthur, Kris find your class for calendar activities), get with someone in the class, see me before or after school, or call me between 6-9pm the day you are absent in order to get further instructions (1-573-230-9060). It is your responsibility! IF you miss class on a B Day, but are present the next day on A Day, you need to pop into class at some point in the day, go to the website, or get with a classmate to get the assignment you missed the previous day so thatyou can be prepared for the next B Day. Having class every other day makes this an easier expectation.If you miss 2 days or more due to emergencies or illness,you will have an equal number of days to get your work completed as you were absent, unless other arrangements are made with me. After the allotted number of makeup days have passed, your work will not be accepted. If absences are unexcused, your work will not be accepted.If you are absent on an exam day, you are expected to take the exam the day you return. If you arrive later in the day, after missing my test or class, you are expected to see me that day and submit the project due, take the missed test or schedule a makeup time. If you leave early, knowing you will be missing my test, you need to see me to arrange a make-up date.
All preplanned absences (school activities taking you from class OR leaving for a trip or vacation) you are expected to see me BEFORE leaving in order to make arrangements for the work you will be missing.
Late Homework:
Due to the fact that HWK is for a completion grade and the review of the HWK in the next class period is a vital part of learning your strengths and weaknesses and working on the areas you realize you need to focus on, arriving without your homework makes it impossible to evaluate your learning.SO, late homework will not be accepted. No credit will be given for HWK not completed (not including excused absences).
Late Projects:Late class projects will lose 10% per day late.
In order to create a learning environment where each and every student is committed to the learning process, it is imperative that each student commits to embarking on that journey. Each student needs to agree to do their best work at all times.
“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you to where you want to be, no one else.”
I affirm that I will act with honesty and integrity at all times, especially in my academic work. I understand that academic honesty respects the work of others, flows from dedication to and pride in performing my own best work, and is essential if true learning is to take place.
I understand that Ms. Arthur’s definition of cheating is ‘taking the work of others and presenting it as my work ‘for credit’. This means that if an assignment is for points, it is to be done on my own. This does NOT include completion point assignments. Completion points are in essence participation points. If an assignment is considered completion points, I am permitted to work with other students and discuss assignment with other students. However, this does NOT mean I can copy their work. If I am turning in my work for assessment/evaluation, it is considered ‘for points,’ and I am expected to submit my own work.
“I have read this syllabus and agree to be responsible for Ms. Arthur’s class policies and procedures.”
Name (print)______
Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
Signature Date______
All policies and procedures, class activities, tests & quizzes are published in advance on Ms. Arthur’s website
This site can also be accessed by going to the RBHS website: Staff Directory Arthur, Kris Spanish 2 Calendar of Activities