/ Friday 22nd March 2013Time / 10.00am – 12.30pm
Location / Denning Room, Podium Level, EII Court, The Castle, Winchester
Present / Frank Rust (Chair) / Aldershot Senior Citizen’s Forum
Chris Cornwell / Hartley Wintney and District Over 55s Forum
Graham Finlayson / Basingstoke and Deane Over 55s Forum
Jean Buckle / Havant 50+ Forum
Haydn Watkins / Andover and District Older People’s Forum
Richard Strong / Gosport Older Persons Forum
Veronica Lucas / Gosport Older Persons Forum
Janet Chierchia / Winchester District Over 55s Forum
Dorothy Harvey / Hartley Wintney and District Over 55s Forum
Gilda Newsham / New Forest Older Persons’ Focus Group
Philippa Locke / Horndean Olders People’s Enabling Forum
Alex Burn / HCC AS Older People’s Wellbeing Team
David Harris (Minutes) / Prevention and Early Intervention, HCC
Lee Joss (Guest Speaker) / Hampshire Fire and Rescue
Moraig Forrest-Charde (Guest Speaker) / Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Anne Meader / STOIC
Margaret Forrest / MeonValley Active Retirement Association
Susan Moody / ESPOPF (Eastleigh Southern Parishes)
Margaret Baker / ESPOPF (Eastleigh Southern Parishes)
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1. / Welcome & ApologiesFrank Rustwelcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were offered as listed above.
Minutes & Matters Arising – 23rd March 2012
Accuracy - NIL
Matters Arising - NIL
2. / Annual Report
Frank reviewed the last 12 months and highlighted the following consultations and projects:
- Ageing Well in Hampshire - Joint Older People’s Well- Being Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014- reflecting how HAOPF can support the plan
- Hitting the Cold Spots fuel poverty project promoted through the local forums
- Insulate Hampshire –promoted through the local forums
- Consultation as part of developing a site analysis tool for Extra Care Schemes
- Consultation of the proposed closure of Residential Care facilities
- Community Transport Volunteer Recruitment Campaign- supported and promoted through local forums
- New Meals on Wheels Service- provided feedback during the development process and represented on the Meals Support Service tendering panel
- Village Agents project –supported and promoted through the relevant local forums
3. / Statements of Accounts
Graham presented the Treasurer’s report and the Receipt and Payments Account for the period 1st January 2012 to 29th February 2013.
It is planned to have the accounts independently audited at a later date.
Dorothy Harvey proposed that Graham should be thanked for all his hard work – passed.
The Statement of Accounts was unanimously accepted.
4. / Election of Committee Delegates nominated by Local Forums
It was agreed that this was not an issue that should be discussed at this Forum. The decision on who Local Forums should nominate as delegates should be made by Local Forums.
5. / Election of Officers drawn from the nominated committee:-
Frank Rust stood down as Chairperson.
Nominations were invited from the floor.
Haydn Watkins nominated Frank Rust as Chairperson. Nomination seconded by Chris Cornwell.
Frank Rust was unanimously re-elected as Chairperson.
Vice Chair (Two Posts)
(i) Chris Cornwell stood down as Vice Chair.
Nominations were invited from the floor.
Frank Rust nominated Chris Cornwell as Vice Chair. Nomination seconded by Haydn Watkins.
Chris Cornwell was unanimously re-elected as Vice Chair.
(ii) Graham Finlayson stood down as Vice Chair.
Nominations were invited from the floor.
Haydn Watkins nominated Graham Finlayson as Vice Chair. Nomination seconded by Frank Rust.
Graham Finlayson was unanimously re-elected as Vice Chair.
Graham Finlayson stood down as Acting Treasurer.
Nominations were invited from the floor.
Haydn Watkins nominated Graham Finlayson as Treasurer. Nominated seconded by Dorothy Harvey.
Graham Finlayson agreed to accept the nomination as Treasurer only on a acting basis and on the understanding that a appropriate action is taken to identify a permanent treasurer.
Graham Finlayson was unanimously re-elected as Acting Treasurer. / Chair
6. / Motions from Local Forums - Nil
7. / Two amendments to the Constitution
As a result of the Forum having it’s own bank account it has been necessary to amend elements of the Forum’s constitution as follows:
Receipts and Expenditure
a.The funds of the Association, including all donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Committee in the name HAOPF, at such a bank as the Committee shall from time to time decide.
b.All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two of the three members of the Committee who have signature approval. The three will normally be the chairman, vice-chairman, and treasurer. Approval for cheques over £600 will be sought at a Committee Meeting.
Annual Report and Return of Accounts
The Committee shall comply with their obligations with regard to:
- the keeping of accounting records for the Association;
- the preparation of annual statements of account for the Association;
- the auditing or independent examination of accounts of the Association.
The Committee shall present to each annual general meeting the report and audited accounts of the Association for the accounting period 1st January to 31st December in the preceding year.
The amendments to the Constitution were unanimously accepted.
AGM closed at 10:26am.
Main Meeting
8. / Minutes & Matters Arising
- Item 3Gosport Older Persons Forum. 2nd line of last paragraph on page three. Delete maintain insert build.
- Matters Arising forth bullet point – Visit to Extra Care Scheme in Gosport has been arranged for the 17th May. Details will be circulated
- Matters Arising fifth bullet point - Graham is still waiting for some Forums to advise him of the areas they cover. Richard has made contact with Paul O’Beirne from Community Action Fareham to discuss the possibility of them running a forum. It was agreed that Richard would put Paul in contact with Frank so that they can discuss the role of HAOPF and local Forums.
- Item 3 Andover and District Older People’s Forum – Copy of letter to the Office for National Statistics is to be circulated.
9. / Home Fire Safety Tips – Lee Joss Hampshire Fire Service
A very good presentation well received by the Forum. Lee circulated leaflets on Home fire Safety with helpful tips and also a Carbon monoxide detector for each member of the forum attending the meeting.
To contact lee if you would like her to present at one of your meetings
10. / The “art of the possible” with older persons care – Moraig Forrest-Charde and Vanessa Arnell-Cullen – Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Moraig would like to maintain contact with any group or Forum who are prepared to be involved in testing new developments?
Moraig’s contact details are:- / All
11. / Equality Audits - NIL
12. / Open Space – Discussion from Local Forums
Basingstoke and Deane Over 55s Forum (Graham Finlayson)
Currently have over 550 members signed up. An early payment of annual subscriptions attracts a discount of £1.00.
Planning to run a number of coach trips. If members book three trips they will get a free trip at a later date. Currently 12 planned for this year.
At the last Forum meeting a discussion was held regarding cycling in the town centre – a representative from the local police was in attendance. A representative from the Blue Lamp Trust also attended this meeting to promote the services they offer. Further details can be found at
Havant 50+ Forum (Jean Buckle)
Jean explained that their close partners Age Concern Havant are losing their funding in March 2013 and this will involve them closing their information shop. Work is ongoing to try and raise or identify funds to allow the shop to remain.
The monthly H50 coffee and information meetings are still going ,although the last one was not as well attended as others.
The campaign to save the Havant War Memorial “Dalton” tiles has been a success. The tiles depict scenes from nursery rhymes. Further details can be found at
A local school is now involved in raising funds using the tiles on mugs, key rings etc.
Gosport Older Persons Forum (Richard Strong)
Forum has had their funds boosted by assisting Gosport Voluntary Action in their bid to obtain lottery funding to maintain their Befriending and Advocacy services.
A further open meeting to discuss ”Men’s Sheds” is planned for the 17th May to see if there is any interest in this project and to determine the way forward. Men’s Sheds is a project to reduce isolation in older men. MeonValley have a men’s group that meet on a monthly basis for lunch, which is another way of finding activities that are popular with men.
Hartley Wintney and District Over 55s Forum (Chris Cornwell)
An indoor games club is planned for the 4th April. Club will take place in a local residential home which has offered its facilities free. Free refreshments will be offered. Board and card games have been donated.
Still planning to run computer club but there are ongoing issues with the security of information currently held on the PC’s that will be used which hopefully will be resolved sooner rather than later.
Parish Council has the first community bus in Hampshire. Bus will be used for commuting to Wichfield Station and scheduled services to shops in Basingstoke, Camberley, Fleet and Hook. When not otherwise in use it will be available for hire to be used for outings and meetings.
Winchester District Over 55s Forum (Janet Chierchia)
AGM took place in November 2012 – only attended by 10 people. Forum finding it very difficult to attract new members and is in danger of closing. It is possible that the Winchester City Council Older People Forum will assume the role of the local forum.
Horndean Older People’s Enabling Forum (Philippa Locke)
First meeting planned for the 15th May with 16 confirmed attendees.
New Forest Older People’s Focus Group (Gilda Newsham)
Group is mainly used for information exchange with partners.
Last meeting was on the 13th Feb and the next one is in May.
12. / AOB
Chris Cornwell asked the Forum if anyone had the contact details of the lead person from Hampshire LinK for the North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group? Frank advised that the lead is a Tony Goddard. Frank will provide Chris with an email address for Tony.
Alex Burn updated the Forum on the new Meals on Wheels service. Main points are as follows:
- New service run by apetito starts on the 1st April 2013.
- Hot meals will be provided 365 days of the year. No frozen meals will be provided. Clients do not need to have meals every day they can have as many or as few as their needs dictate.
- Delivery of meals will be between 11:45 and 1:45 carried out by a uniformed apetito driver. No volunteers involved with the delivery of meals.
- Cost of a meal to be £3.50 for all new customers.
- apetito drivers are fully trained and are CRB checked. They will help with plating of meals and providing a drink if necessary. They are also trained to raise any concerns regarding the welfare of clients and how to escalate this information
- Service available to anyone over 55 years of age who finds it difficult to prepare meals because of mobility or health problems. Meals are available long term or just for a short period, perhaps to help someone recuperating after a stay in hospital, or to assist and older person who cares for someone else and just needs a break from cooking for a while. Still available to those . who meet Adult Services eligibility criteria.
- apetito are keen to visit individual forums to explain the service. Contact Alex with a suggested date.
Janet Chierchia raised concern regarding a carer who was over 55 who looked after a relative with learning disabilities who was under 55. The carer currently makes all meals for the relative. Is reaching the stage that she cannot cook for herself or the relative on a regular basis. As the carer is over 55 she can request meals on wheels when required for both of them. / Frank
13. / Date of Next Meeting & Close
Friday 31st May 2013, 1pm - 3:30pm Denning Room, Elizabeth II CourtWinchester.
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