PPP Infotech Limited – A Profile
PPP is one of the leading Internet Software Product Developers in India. The Internet is rapidly changing the methods of communication and the Internet Company has to grow with his constant change if one has to keep its competitive edge. Thus, our philosophy is to push the barriers of technology and customer service in order to provide high quality services for individuals and Corporate customers. PPP has played a significant role in creating and establishing user friendly products and services since the advent of Internet in India in the year 1995.
The history of PPP is as old as the history of Internet in India itself Founded in 1995, we were the first Internet Product developer in India to enter the US market in 1995 operating from Chennai, when product development was not an accepted practice at all in India. The dynamic infrastructure and professional team-oriented partners for Marketing and Support, combined with outstanding Customer Service and adaptation of the latest technologies, remain PPP’ s trademark and on-going Promise.
PPP founded the Chennai chapter of the Internet Users Community of India (IUCI) and acted as an agent between various agencies to propel the growth of Internet use in the southern part of the country. With IUCI meets held at ISP premises constituting ISP engineers, Telecom providers, Internet users, State / Central Govt Policy makers, PPP was instrumental in achieving the following:
- First Internet Access Node outside Chennai (Tiruchirapalli)
- Decongestion of Internet Dial up lines
- Introduction of 172226 lines
- Publishing of examination Results Online coordinating with State Education Department and ISP
- Conducted more than 700 seminars, workshops, training programs on Internet awareness, technology and usage for all segments of people.
PPP was also instrumental in unleashing the Internet booth revolution in Chennai, which led the way for the whole country. The number of Internet browsing centres in the city proliferated thanks to its maiden product, PPPshar, as media reports hailed, powered this growth.
For the first time in India, PPP created the Online Model Exam for TNPCEE in the year 1999 and continues this project for the benefit of student community.
In the Year 2000, the founders of PPP were a part of the Indian Business Delegation to Singapore, Korea, Canada and Australia to establish business links with the companies in these countries on Internet products. It was also able to explore new global markets and develop products and solutions to suit the conditions in these markets. The company has proven expertise in Internet, Java & networking, E-commerce, Web database and Web programming.
In the year 2003, PPP entered the foray of Solutions for educational institutions with its new product “Internetcop” developed with the robust PPPshar engine. Successful trial on the product was conducted by Technical Teachers Training Institute, Chennai which paved the way for agreement with M/s ELCOT, the Nodal Organization of IT Activities of TN State, and the Product “Internetcop” had been recommended to the Educational Institutions in the States of TamilNadu & Assam. The product was Implemented in 50 Arts and Science colleges in Tamilnadu through NIIT and more than 400 Schools in Assam through NIIT and CMC Ltd.
In the year 2005, PPP came out with the next generation of PPPshar- ”Net Minister” – integrated browsing, sharing, firewall, access control & monitoring software. The product made the headway in Books and LR Exhibition, conducted by National Project Implementation Unit, approved by Ministry of HR, Govt. of India.
PPP has more than 30,000 users in international market buying PPP products Online and over 400 customers in Indian Market. PPP products have been acclaimed by Indian & International media and featured in all top magazines and newspapers abroad.
PPP has invested heavily in its Network infrastructure and backbone in order to provide reliable and high quality Internet services to large corporations at the same time as remaining flexible to attract personal attention to the details that are significant to every individual user.
Throughout the years of its operations, the company has maintained the same philosophy when dealing with customers. PPP has focused on supplying its customers with the most up to date technologies at competitive prices, always with a commitment to high quality Internet access, reliability, high speeds and excellent customer service
The effective usage of our technological know-how and the company's dedication in offering the best quality services, constituted the key strategic factors towards success.
PPP co-sponsored the "Welcome Bag" at APCUG Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 3-6, 2005