December 7, 1971
Orem City Council met in regular session Tuesday, December 7, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Winston Crawford, Chairman; Councilmen Eldon Bailey, Donald Shaw, Harley Gillman, Robert Dove and John Jones. Also present were City Manager Earl Wengreen, Engineer Russell Brown, Attorney Frank Butterfield, Assistant City Manager Odell Miner and Clerk Virginia Jensen.
Others present were as follows:
Joachim C. Grube Center Street
Eric Sandstrom Center Street
Arden J. Bodell Center Street
Charles Topham BYU Class
E. Dixon Larson General Interest
Floyd Farley Planned Dwelling Hearing
Davil L. Smith Hearing
Virgil Johansen Hearing
K R Olinghouse Hearing
Frances Detomasi Hearing
LaMar Farley Hearing
Glenn Zimmerman General Interest
Jim Simmons General Interest
Toby Bath General Interest
Jeanne Juarez Hearing
MC Juarez Hearing
Iris Marcroft Hearing
Elmer Gerber General Interest
Scot Backus General Interest
Jack M. Miller Hearing
Linda & Walt Wellman Hearing
Rudolf Parker Hearing
Ruth Carter Beer License
M C Hunter General Interest
Rodney Despain General Interest
Clyde Weeks Press
Paul Spotten General Interest
Leland R. Gappmayer Subdivision Plat
Donald B. Rawlings Zone change
Jeanette C. Rawlings Zone change
Erroll Burns Youth Development Program
Todd A. Britch Town House Development
Florence T. Britch Town House Development
Ralph A. Britch Town House Development
Jerry Young Press
Larry Palmer Student Intern
Harvey Pace Subdivision Plat
Meeting opened with prayer by Donald Shaw.
Motion was made by Robert Dove and seconded by Donald Shaw to approve the minutes of November 30, 1971 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Donald Shaw that beginning January 1, 1972 the expense allowance for the Mayor and Councilmen be increased by $25.00. Motion was seconded by Robert Dove and passed by a majority.
Those voting aye Donald Shaw, Robert Dove and John Jones. Voting nay Harley Gillman. Eldon Bailey abstained from voting.
Mr. Gillman said he wants the minutes to show that he does not want his expense account increased, that he refuses to take more that the $25.00 which he is now receiving.
Councilman Shaw asked about an appointment from the City Council to the Alta Ditch Board. City Manager Wengreen and the Metropolitan Water Board met with the Alta Ditch Board and they voted to have a member on the board from the city Council. It was decided to make an appointment after the first of year.
The following letter from the Planning Commission was read:
December 1, 1971
Honorable Mayor:
The Orem City Planning Commission met in regular session December 1, 1971 and the following action was taken:
A petition for zone change from the present A-1 Zone to R-l-A Zone at 400-800 South from the A-1 Zone to the I-15 freeway was presented. In view of the opposition present at the meeting, Jay Eitner made a motion to refer this request to the City Council with the recommendation that it be denied. Motion seconded by Vernon Greenland, and passed unanimously.
A zone change request was made by the Hammond Development Company for the area at 200-300 West Center to 100 North, from the present C-2 Zone to an R-2 Zone. The fire restrictions in the C-2 Zone prohibit this type of development. It was felt that this extension of the R-2 Zone would not interfere with the integrity of this area. The motion was made by Jay Eitner to recommend to the City Council the scheduling of a public hearing for the Hammond Development Company in conjunction with the public hearing for the Planned Unit Development, which hearing should be rescheduled for a later time to allow for advertising of both issues. It is necessary that the parties involved be notified as soon as possible for this date. Please notify the Planning Commission Secretary, Kathy Wilson, for the names and addresses of those representatives. The motion to approve was seconded by Vernon Greenland, and the voting was as follows: Voting aye: Vern Greenland, Jay Eitner, and Russ Park; Voting was abstained from Jack Jones and Richard Baldwin. Motion passed.
The Amended Plat C of Rocket Gem 270 N 200 W was presented showing a change in the dimensions of the lot size to accommodate four-plexes. Vernon Greenland made the motion to deny this request and return the plat to the developers for clarification with the City Council of legal requirements without the need for amendment. Seconded by Richard Baldwin and passed unanimously.
The Motion was then made by Jay Eitner to recommend to the City Council approval of the adjustments as discussed in that meeting as re-designed to meet the requirements of the City Council. Motion seconded by Richard Baldwin. Voting aye: Jay Eitner, Richard Baldwin, Jack Jones, Russell Park. Voting nay: Vernon Greenland. Motion passed.
Russell W. Park
Orem City Planning Commission
The Hammond Development Company made a presentation regarding a planned dwelling development at 200 to 300 West from Center to 100 North. This will be a fifty unit development, funded through F.H.A.
Councilman Shaw asked if this development will be for welfare recipients who if unable to pay the rental charged, it reverts to 1/3 of their annual income and is then subsidized by the government. Mr. Miller said they have not asked for rent supplement, and are not anticipating making application for this.
There are ten, one bedroom apartments which will rent from $91.13 and 40 two bedroom apartments that will rent for $117.93. Slides were shown of similar housing units already built by Hammond Development Company.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to set a public hearing on January 4, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. and include both the zone change from C-2 to R-2 in the area of 200-300 West from Center Street to 100 North, and for the planned unit development in this area. Motion was seconded by John Jones and passed unanimously.
Councilman-elect Zimmerman asked who will be responsible for the upkeep on the wood siding.
Mr. Miller said the Hammond Development Company would be responsible. This is the zone requirement that annual inspections are made and a certification has to be made regarding condition of buildings.
A public hearing on the Cherry Village Planned Unit Development was held. Mr. Walter Wellman explained the proposed plan.
Councilman Gillman explained that there had been a previous public hearing held on this development. Since that time the City has acquired the property adjoining the Johansen property on the South owned by Kline Adams. In view of the fact that we still need this property between the two schools for a park site, we have negotiated a trade with Mr. Wellman for the west end of the Johnansen [Johansen] property in exchange for the east end of the Kline Adams property. The new development will be on the east end of the Adams and Johnansen [Johansen] properties.
Mr. Wellman explained that the rear five acres of ground was traded for front property. This squares up his property. On the original plan there was no provision for campers, boats, truck storage. This is provided. They have changed from rental units to the condominium development. Our interest is to develop something beneficial to the City.
Floyd Farley asked if the street would be 30 feet wide, the same as before.
Mayor Crawford answered, "Yes".
Virvil Johnsen [Virgil Johansen] said if this is going to be something like is on the North of him he does not want it. Regarding the trade of property, there will be no trading until the property is cleared.
Mr. Wellman said he will pay Mr. Johansen off tomorrow.
Mrs. Frances Detomasi: Mr. Gillman spoke about changing the ditch and putting it along the south end there, which would be in my property. I don't want to interfere with your plans, but do you realize what a mess we have there? I've worked on this ditch to try to get the water throught [through] and have been tired and angry when I got through. I don't want that kind of mess in that ditch, so for that reason I want a good fence. A chain link fence on the North side so I won't be pulling our drowned kids and mess from the development. If I got the fence then the ditch will be Okay there if I don't it's out. I don't know who would have to stand the cost for the ditch, but I definitely have to be assured of that.
Mr. Wellman: A chain link fence would be somewhat incompatible with the design of our all over area. We would like to put in some type of wood-cedar fence.
Mrs. Detomasi: I don't want a wood fence. I've seen those pulled down by youngsters. I feel I even need a pupe [pipe] along the top to keep them from coming over the top. They'll be on my property along there and with you putting the storage equipment along then you can imagine what kind of layout will be coming across, so I definitely need a good metal fence. I'm sorry if it will interfere with your plan, but I must have that protection.
Mayor: What type of wood fence did [you] have in mind?
Mr. Wellman: We haven't formulated final plans yet but it would be a wood type fence that has approximately 1" to 1 1/2 " between the vertical boards to allow air to go through.
Mrs. Detomasi: We have a wood fence there now and some is up and some is down. I haven't been able to do much about it. They are planning on putting a metal fence there. That was understood when I signed that piece of ground that was deeded to me, on the other side of the old fence and we decided to keep the fences where they are.
M.C. Juarez: I have lived in Orem also and I've got an idea. Why can't he pipe the ditch and save these people a lot of problems. You can buy the reject pipe out of U.S. steel for almost nothing. That would save everyone a lot of problems.
Mayor Crawford: How big a pipe would he have to have there?
Mr. Juarez: About 37 inch diameter.
Councilman Gillman said that since this is only a temporary ditch they have considered concrete lining the ditch, but not covering it.
LaMar Farely [Farley]: The ditch would have to be cemented or it really would wash out. The fence Mrs. Detomasi is talking about needs to be a foot chain link fence with a bar across the top. It needs to keep kids from throwing rocks and trash in the ditch. The ditch company won't go for it if they don't.
Mr. Gillman said a wood fence would be better in a planned unit development because of privacy. A chain link fence would not look too good.
Councilman Shaw asked what action had been taken on the motion last week in relation to the 5 foot easement on the Wellman property. Mr. Gillman said they had met down there and decided they couldn't put a ditch in that five foot easement, that close to the other ditch. If two ditches are that close together and a full stream is put in without a concrete lining it would just make a big gully. I had a proposal to make that the City do something on Mrs. Detomasi's property and handling the entire stream down there. Then taking it across the west end of the Walter Wellman Property over into its natural channel where it's been running for year[s]. As far as the warranty deed is concerned, Mr. Wellman is agreeable to that, he will give title insurance.
Motion was made by John Jones to approve the preliminary plat for the planned unit development of Cherry Village. Motion was seconded by Donald Shaw and passed unanimously.
Engineer Brown explained that now that this has been approved there are many things that must be done before they can go ahead. There are guarantees, contract for maintenance etc. All this will have to be done properly before they can begin work on the development. This public hearing and the approval of the development only means it can be built in the area.
Robert Dove asked how the City stands with the ditch and Mrs. Detomasi. Mr. Gillman said if we can't work it out with Mrs. Detomasi, then the ditch will have to go on Mr. Wellman's property and lined there.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize the Mayor to sign the exchange agreement with Walter Wellman. Motion was seconded by Donald Shaw and passed unanimously.
Councilman Bailey reported on getting Christmas decorations. The Chamber of Commerce president expressed his willingness to help but felt this should be done next year since it is so late this year. It should not be dropped, but there are some decisions as to where to begin, how to obtain them etc.
City Manager Wengreen had contract on the B.O.R. funding for parks. One contract is for $17,457 for purchase of Westmore and Windsor Park properties, the other is for $49,197 for Sharon Park development.
Motion was made by John Jones and seconded by Donald Shaw to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for funds for the purchase of Westmore and Windsor Park property, and for Sharon Park development. Motion passed unanimously.
Engineer Brown discussed putting improvements on 1200 South from Main Street to 400 West. If we cover the ditch and all it would cost about $14.50 per front foot. We had discussed putting improvements in on 1600 South east of US 91 to 800 East across to the diagonal and back to 1700 South. The cost would be about $11.50 per front foot. We had planned to apll [poll] the people in the neighborhood rather than publish it. Mr. Wengreen said they had a letters and were waiting for a list.
Motion was made by Donald Shaw to send out letters to poll the property owners on 1600 South, 1700 South and 1200 South regarding special improvements east of US 91 to 800 East. Motion was seconded by John Jones and passed unanimously.