This Competency Unit Framework is designed to help the Assessor to find the evidence for ensuring the validity of this Certification and guarantee the quality of that evidence.
- Day 1.The candidate reads throughthe Introduction unit, which give information about the whole Care Certificate in an Easy-Readformat. It covers all the criteria that the Skills for Care have decided you should know, both for knowledge and competence. Day 2. The candidate reads Standards 1-3. Day 3. The candidate reads through Standards 4-7. Day 4. The Candidate reads through Standards 8-10.Day 5 The candidate reads through Standards 11-15.
- WEEK 2 and beyond (Target 12-15 weeks, although this will be tailored to individual needs.
- The candidate re-reads the Introduction, then re-reads the Care Certificate Standards 1-3,and when read are read and signed as understood,
- The candidate then answers the Multiple Choice for Standards 1-3 questions by e-Learning and gets an immediate marking score. This is then added to the Training Matrix.
- When this is completed, the candidate will commence working on The Competence Knowledge Testing for new Care/Support staff are then completed.Once completed and marked as competent is then signed by the Candidate and Assessor. This is then followed by the Competence Testing Units 1-3. Once completed and marked as competent is then signed by the Candidate and Assessor.
- Following this, a Reflective Account iswritten to show practical application of knowledge learnt, again signed by Candidate and Assessor
- At a stage where the candidate is competent, and certificates are issued to the candidate showing their successful achievement.
- The same process is continued for Standards 4-7, 8-10, 11-15.
- Unit 13, Basic Life Support will also include resuscitation with a resuscitation manakin, and an online First Aid Course
- On full completion the candidate is both awarded a Meadow Court Certificate of competence and the Skills for Care - Care Certificate.
(see also Multiple Choice questioning) / Name
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] ] Internal Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / Date / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ] Coffee Club [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ ] / H / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff Handbook[ √ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ √ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Employment File [ √ ] Job Description [ √ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
1.1c / Demonstrate that they are working in accordance with the agreed ways of working with their employer / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
1.2d / Demonstrate how to access full and up-to-date details of agreed ways of working that are relevant to their role / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
1.4c / Demonstrate behaviours, attitudes and ways of working that can help improve partnership working. / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
1.4d / Demonstrate how and when to access support and advice about:
• partnership working /• resolving conflicts / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
1.1c / State how you work to promote good practice in the home
1.2d / Show where you find information regarding the well-being of clients and the needs of the home as a whole
1.4c / Explain how you interact with others, including clients, families, colleagues and others, including professionals
1.4d / Describe situations when you would need support and advice in:
• partnership working
• resolving conflicts
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(see also Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √] / H / Workbook [ √ ] Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [√ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff Handbook[ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ √ ] Employment File [ √ ] / N / MC Training File [MC Session File ] Plan [ √ ] Matrix [ √ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
2.1d / Contribute to drawing up own personal development plan / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
2.1e / Demonstrate how to record the progress they make in relation to their personal development plan / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
2.2f / Demonstrate how to measure their own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
2.2h / Demonstrate how to record progress in relation to their personal development / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
2.1d / What are your training needs and priorities
2.1e / State how your training and development plans are recorded and analysed
.2.2f / How do you know that you are meeting the standards for training that you are obliged to complete
2.2h / What are the processes that enable you to follow your personal development
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(for Multiple Choice questioning)
(for Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] Certificate [ √ ] [ ]
B / Direct Observation [ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff File [ ] Staff Handbook [ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ √ ] Employment File [ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
3.3a / Demonstrate how to respond to comments and complaints in line with legislation and agreed ways of working / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
3.5d / Demonstrate how and when to access support and advice about resolving conflicts / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
4.2b / Demonstrate interaction with individuals that respects their beliefs, culture, values and preferences / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
3.3a / How do you deal with complaints and what would you do if your complaint is not dealt with
3.5d / State who may be involved in a complaint
4.2b / How do you deal with different individuals with different cultures, beliefs, what they stand for and personal likes
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(for 1.3 see Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] [ ] Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ √ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff File [ ] Staff Handbook [ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
5.3a / Take appropriate steps to remove or minimise the environmental factors causing the discomfort or distress. This could include:
Lighting / Noise / Temperature / Unpleasant odours / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.3b / Report any concerns they have to the relevant person. This could include:
Senior member of staff / Carer / Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.4a / Raise any concerns directly with the individual concerned / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.4b / Raise any concern with their supervisor/ manager / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
5.4c / Raise any concerns via other channels or systems e.g. at team meeting / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.5a / Ensure that where individuals have restricted movement or mobility that they are comfortable. / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.5b / Recognise the signs that an individual is in pain or discomfort. This could include:
Verbal reporting from the individual
Non-verbal communication
Changes in behaviour / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.5c / Take appropriate action where there is pain or discomfort. This could include:
Reporting to a more senior member of staff
Giving prescribed pain relief medication
Senior member of staff
Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
5.6b / Demonstrate that their own attitudes and behaviours promote emotional and spiritual wellbeing / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.6c / Support and encourage individuals own sense of identity and self-esteem / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.6d / Report any concerns about the individual’s emotional and spiritual wellbeing to the appropriate person. This could include:
Senior member of staff
Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.7a / Demonstrate that their actions promote person centred values including:
rights / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
5.3a / List factors which can cause an individual’s distress, and state what you would do to minimise or eliminate the distress /
5.3b / List those who may cause you to complain and what you should do about it
5.4a / How would you raise any concerns directly with the individual concerned
5.4b / How would you raise concerns with your supervisor / manager
5.4c / How would you raise concerns other than an official complaint
5.5a / How would you raise ensure that where individuals have restricted movement or mobility that they are comfortable.
5.5b / How do you recognise the signs that an individual is in pain or discomfort.
What types of reporting may be involved
5.5c / State ways of minimising or eliminating pain or discomfort
5.6b / Describe how you show how your attitudes and behaviours promote emotional and spiritual wellbeing
5.6c / Explain how you support and encourage individuals to improve their own sense of identity and self-esteem
5.6d / State who you would report any concerns to about the individual’s emotional and spiritual wellbeing:
5.7a / Demonstrate that your actions promote person centred values List Person Centred Values
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(see also Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ]Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ √ ] / I / Written Statements
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
Coffee Morning [ √ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff File [ ] Staff Handbook [ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
6.5a / Demonstrate the use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication:
Verbal: [] Tone [] Volume Non-verbal: [] Position/ proximity [] Eye contact [] Body language [] Touch [] Signs [] Symbols and pictures [] Writing [] Objects of reference [] Human and technical aids
Communication may take place: [] face to face [] by telephone or text [] by email, internet or social networks [] by written reports or letters / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
6.6a / Ensure that any communication aids/ technologies are: - Clean - Work properly - In good repair
6.6b / Report any concerns about the communication aid/ technology to the appropriate person. This could include: - Senior member of staff - Carer - Family member
6.5a / Discuss the use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication:
- List Types of Verbal Communication
- List Types of Non Verbal Communication
6.6a / How would you ensure that any communication aids/ technologies are: Clean - Work properly - In good repair
6.6b / Describe how you would report any concerns about the communication aid/ technology to the appropriate person. This could include: - Senior member of staff
- Carer - Family member
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(see also Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ √ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ √ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff File [ ] Staff Handbook [ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
7.2a / Demonstrate that their actions maintain the privacy of the individual. This could include:
Using appropriate volume to discuss the care and support of an individual
Discussing the individuals care and support in a place where others cannot overhear / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
7.2b / Demonstrate that the privacy and dignity of the individual is maintained at all times being in line with the person’s individual needs and preferences when providing personal care. This could include:
Making sure doors, screens or curtains are in the correct position
Getting permission before entering someone’s personal space
Knocking before entering the room
Ensuring any clothing, hospital gowns are positioned correctly
The individual is positioned appropriately and the individual is not exposing any part of their body they would not want others to be able to see / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
7.2d / Report any concerns they have to the relevant person. This could include:
Senior member of staff
Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
7.4b / Ensure any risk assessment processes are used to support the right of individuals to make their own decisions / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
7.2a / Show that your actions maintain the privacy of the individual.
7.2b / Give an account showing that the privacy and dignity of the individual is maintained at all times, in line with the person’s individual needs and likes when providing personal care.
7.2d / Report any concerns they have to the relevant person. Who may this be
7.4b / How would you ensure appropriate risk assessment processes are used to support the right of individuals to make their own decisions
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
(see also Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ √ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ √ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ ] Client Handbook [ ]
D / Oral Questioning [ ] Discussion [ √ ] / K / Client Meetings [ ] One to One Working [ ]
E / Examples of work seen [ ] / L / Staff Meeting [ ] Staff File [ ] Staff Handbook [ ]
F / Outings [ ] Activities [ ] / M / Handover [ ] External Training Certificate’s [ ]
G / Policy and Procedure [ √ ] / N / MC Training File [ ] Plan [ ] Matrix [ ]
Element No / Element Statement / Element Evidence Type (See Code below)
Tick Box as competence evidence
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
8.2a / Ensure drinks are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.2b / Ensure that drinks are refreshed on a regular basis / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.2c / Ensure that individuals are offered drinks in accordance with their plan of care / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.2d / Support and encourage individuals to drink in accordance with their plan of care / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.2e / Report any concerns to the relevant person. This could include:
Senior member of staff / Carer / Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N
8.3a / Ensure any nutritional products are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.3b / Ensure food is at the appropriate temperature / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.3c / Ensure food is presented in accordance with the plan of care i.e. the individual is able to eat it / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.3d / Ensure that appropriate utensils are available to enable the individual to meet their nutritional needs as independently as possible / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.3e / Support and encourage individuals to eat in accordance with their plan of care / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.3f / Report any concerns to the relevant person. This could include: Senior member of staff / Carer / Family member / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
8.2a / Why do you ensure drinks are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility
8.2b / Why do you ensure that drinks are refreshed on a regular basis
8.2c / Why do you ensure that individuals are offered drinks in accordance with their plan of care
8.2d / How do you support and encourage individuals to drink in accordance with their plan of care
8.2e / How do you report any concerns to the relevant person. Who would you inform
8.3a / How do you ensure nutritional products are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility
8.3b / How do you ensure food is at the appropriate temperature
8.3c / How do you ensure food is presented in accordance with the plan of care i.e. the individual is able to eat it
8.3d / How do you ensure that appropriate utensils are available to enable the individual to meet their nutritional needs as independently as possible
8.3e / How do you support and encourage individuals to eat in accordance with their plan of care
8.3f / How do you report any concerns to the relevant person. Who would this involve
9.1b / How does mental health, dementia and learning disabilities influence a person’s needs in relation to the care that they may require
9.1c / Why it is important to understand that the causes and support needs are different for people with mental health, dementia and learning disabilityconditions
As the Assessor [√ ], I can confirm that the above Candidate has shown me that they are competent in the above.
Signed Candidate
ASSESSING COMPETENCE / STANDARD 10: SAFEGUARDING ADULTS (see also Multiple Choice questioning)
No / Evidence Type / No / Evidence Type
A / Multiple Choice Questioning [ √ ] / H / Workbook [ √ ] Certificate [ √ ]
B / Direct Observation [ √ ] / I / Written Statements [ √ ]
C / Food / Diet management & support [ ] / J / Care/Support Plan [ √ ] Client Handbook [ ]