McLean High School PTSA
April 13, 2015
Attendees: Elia Femia, Sophia Bruner, Kirsten Huber, Laura Przypyszny, Heather McCullough, Ellen Reilly, Paul Stansbery, Alison Senold, Rachel Hunter, Tracie Becker, Lori Mabus, Jeanie Thomas, Jamie Lane, Paige Whitlock, Kate Stavish, Ben Nowak, Sue Tabish, Mike Zook, Beth Raymond, Ryan Kantor, Jackie Bruner
1. Call to Order - MHS PTSA President, Elia Femia, called the meeting to order. She welcomed the general membership and established that a quorum of fifteen members were present.
2. ANGP Committee Report – 1st Co-Vice President for Fundraising, Kirsten Huber, reported that the ANGP ticket sales had begun and that the Sign-up Genius to track volunteers for the event is up and running. Key committee chairs have been filled, and Chairman, Lourdes Venes, is handling the entertainment. The Committee still needs many donations of giftcards for prizes. The next meeting of the ANGP Committee is Wednesday, April 15. Looking ahead, next year Sophia Bruner will chair the ANGP Committee. The party is a monumental effort that has the most complicated logistics of anything the PTSA does, and we are fortunate to have a committee chair for the class of 2016 already in place.
3. PTSA Website – Elia Femia reported that the newly designed PTSA website is nearly done, with Kenny George’s students making final adjustments in the next couple of weeks. The new design has greater functionality and aesthetics. Elia also recognized Matthew Miro, who is the lead on the web-development team for the PTSA website. He as done a fantastic job and the PTSA would like to write a letter of recommendation for him to thank him for the many hours he has poured into the project.
4. Approval of Minutes – The March 18, 2015 PTSA Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. A motion to approve was made by Kirsten Huber. The motion was seconded by Sophia Bruner. The vote was favorable and the minutes were approved.
5. Treasurer’s Report –Treasurer, Laura Przypyszny, reported that revenue from the 1st and 2nd rounds of Kaplan ACT/SAT Practice Test Administration sponsored by the PTSA resulted in a surplus of $3,190. Laura also reported that grant payments from the spring grant season are still being paid.
6. 2015 Nominating Committee Proposed Slate of Officers –The Nominating Committee, comprised of Elia Femia, Alison Senold and Lisa Roberston (not in attendance) presented the slate of officers for 2015-16 school year.
President-Elect: Tracie Becker
1st Vice President, Fundraising: Lisa Robertson and Heather Covington
2nd Vice President, Membership: Heather McCullough and Jeanie Thomas
Secretary: Lori Mabus
Treasurer: Laura Przypyszny
Sophia Bruner moved to approve the slate, and Mike Zook seconded the motion. The vote was favorable.
Principal Ellen Reilly asked that after the May 2015 PTSA meeting, new officers attend the next staff meeting so that she can introduce the new PTSA leadership to faculty and staff.
7. Committee Chairs for 2015-2016: – President-Elect, Alison Senold, reported that the Nominating Committee is actively working to fill open committee positions for next school year. The Committee is delighted to welcome many new faces to the positions that have already been filled.
8. International Night: Principal Ellen Reilly reported that International Night will be a talent show this year; and next year $500 should be budgeted for International Night.
9. Webmaster and E-News Editor: Elia reported that with the new website design, more PTSA news will be accessible to members on-line. It could be time to rethink the job of Webmaster and E-News Editor. She asked those present to think of people with the necessary skills and about the division or combination of labor for these important communication jobs. The name of Peter Suskind was raised, as he has been actively involved with Longfellow PTSA in this capacity.
10. MHS Highlander Staff Appreciation Week: Co-Chairs, Beth Raymond and Jeanie Thomas described the plan for the week of May 18th – 22nd day-by-day. Beth and Jeanie have worked closely with Erin Trusdell and Lori Wagoner, who teach the leadership class with the goal of involving as many students as possible in the new concept for appreciation week.
11. Principal’s Report: Principal Reilly reported that McLean High School was recognized as a leader in Fairfax County in Health and Wellness by the School Board. Several students from the Stress Less Club and the Active Minds Club described their mission and activities to support students in the areas of mental health education and awareness. Principal Reilly also described the school’s response to the recent student death that occurred this spring and the importance of the school taking the lead when personal tragedies occur in our community. Principal Reilly also noted that so far this spring she is aware of 15 teachers leaving MHS with 12 of these teacher leaving either fully or partially because of financial considerations.
12. Planning for Next Year:
- Tracie Becker suggested sending the PTSA E-Newsletter to Longfellow families to give rising 9th graders a taste of what is to come in high school.
- Jeanie Thomas suggested changing the PTSA dues structure. Prices would increase and each membership would include a directory. It was suggested that $20 single, $40 double, $50 family might be appropriate. Alison Senold confirmed that the Bylaws do not require a vote to raise dues.
- Kirsten Huber noted that the number of directories ordered should be increased to ensure that we have directories for new families who enroll students during the school year. Directory Chair, Beth Mahood, will return next school year, but she needs a co-chair. The name, Vance Gore, A-Z Chair at Franklin Sherman, was raised as a possibility. Kirsten suggested that the PTSA membership portal be opened one week before Highlander Kick-off for optimal results, and Heather McCullough noted that while on-line registration for the PTSA is most efficient, paper membership forms are also necessary and effective.
13. Close of Business – The President closed the official business.