Fox Valley Workforce Development Board
Youth Council Meeting
Fox Cities Workforce Development Center Conference Room
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Geigle at 3:15 p.m.
Members Present: Dr. Geigle, Mr. Malsin, Ms. Kohn, Ms. Rubin, Ms. Doell
Others Present: Ms. Lund, Ms. Meyer, Ms. McAtee (Reality Store), Mr. Krueger (FC Leadership), Ms. Williams (FVTC), Mr. Hesse, Ms. Welch (by phone).
Ms. Kohn made a motion to approve the minutes of December 8, 2005. Mr. Malsin second. Motion passes.
Overview of Reality Store
Ms. Jolene McAtee gave the group a report on how the Reality Store has been done in her area. She commented each student will be acting as a 28 year old single parent and will draw to see if they have zero to three children. Prior to the event, each school should have helped each student determine their career and subsequent yearly salary. Each student will be in the store moving around to all booths for one hour, which means 50 volunteers are needed for each store day. Volunteers will do checkbook calculations for students and students are to choose their “item” from each booth; volunteers are to not steer them towards better decisions. Approximately 200 kids can get through in a half day period. There was more discussion on specifics of the event and Ms. McAtee will help provide technical assistance as our own “store” is developed. Fox Cities Leadership group has adopted the Reality Store as a project for the Appleton area and will assist with the events. She left Reality Store folders with the group as an FYI. Ms. Lund noted letters had been sent out to area schools with nine possible Reality Store dates; as they are being returned, best dates will be selected.
Overview of Youth Literacy Project to date
Ms. Lund is meeting with the school district and Hmong Leadership director next month; they will be looking at this event as an ongoing project. Ms. Lund will provide more information at the next meeting.
Career Connection Quarterly Report
Ms. Doell distributed a Quarterly report for Career Connection; she notes the video lending library has been a big success. She commented the busiest time of the year is spring so numbers will increase soon. A discussion followed on the DPI Career survey which is coming up soon; each district must have one school participate in order to receive Carl Perkins funding.
Future Ruby Payne Training Sessions
Ms. Lund shared in April 2007, Ruby Payne will conduct a one day workshop with a community agency and business focus, and her consultants will also do a 2 day workshop focusing on strategies for business and community agencies to help move individuals out of poverty. Ms. Lund will provide further information and details as they become available.
Ms. Lund is participating in a Life Skills and Career Day workshop next week, will assist in the Fond du Lac Career Day in March, and is working with the Youth Coalition to do a Bridges Out of Poverty presentation this semester. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please contact Ms. Lund.
Next meeting will be held in March. Ms. Meyer will look at the FVWDB calendar and email possible dates.
Ms. Doell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:30pm. Mr. Malsin second. Motion passes.