Year 3
Week Commencing – 15th May
The Year 3 children have been learning about:-
· Maths - Mrs Wood’s group have been working on 3D shapes, classifying them and making models.
· Mrs Wilson’s group have been working on 3D shapes, classifying them and making models, as well as understanding parallel and perpendicular lines.
· English - We have continued reading ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo. We have been discussing whether the lion should have been kept by Bertie or sent to the circus and creating some drama based on this part of the book.
· This week in Creativity Week we have based our work on the book ‘If the World were a Village’ We designed and made our own models of houses with electrical circuits. We also created art work and posters inspired by the book.
To help your child at home:
Have a go at the changing circuits game, adding and changing different components in the circuit.
Please could you also save any small lidded boxes, like a shoe box or pet food box, for a DT project next week (week beginning 15th May)
Could we also have any newspapers for a Maths modelling project next week