Tool 8: Practice Council Charter Template
Author’s note: This is a sample Practice Council Charter. If you do not have a Charter Template for your organization, this can serve as your Charter. Charters are important, as they outline the purpose and function of the council/committee. They also determine what authority the team has for decision-making. Defining membership and member expectations is necessary to hold those members accountable. Outlining communication processes is also important so that everyone knows what to expect from the chair/co-chair, members, and others who need to work with the council/committee.
- Purpose and Function
- Purpose of the council is…
- The primary function of the council is…
- Philosophy and Vision (if you have them)
- Authority/Decision-Making:
- The ______council has authority over decisions impacting their practice area.
- Decisions are made by… (majority vote, consensus…)
- Nursing practice issues will be determined by nurses only. All other decisions are open to vote by non-nurses as well as nurses.
- Cultural Covenants/Unit Norms/Ground Rules (commitments to each other and the unit/area, how you will communicate, treat each other with respect, listen to all sides, support each other’s view and decisions…)
- Structure
- The council is comprised of… (how many people? nurses, non-nurses, educators, practice specialists, supervisors, managers, directors?)
- Selection process for council membership (describe process for getting nominations and electing members: letters of intent to current chair or manager?vote by nursing staff on unit?)
- Employment for 6 months is required
- Good standing with manager/director
- The council will elect a chair…
- All practice area/unit staff are welcome to attend and voice their opinions on the agenda items.
- Membership Guidelines and Responsibilities
- The term for the council is…
- Members will rotate in ______(month) each year…
- All elected members are expected to attend 90% of meetings…(if a member does not meet this expectation, ask the department to replace that member)
- All members are accountable for decisions made…
- Members
- Engage in the council and participate in shared decision-making
- Represent the voice of the area/unit
- Chair:
- Preside at all meetings of the council, and work closely with council members to create agendas for monthly meetings. If the chair will be absent, orient another member to the chair position.
- Engage all members and encourage individuals to express their opinions.
- Keep attendance records.
- Keep minutes (or delegate) and disseminate minutes to the entire staff.
- Disseminate notices and reminders of upcoming meetings.
- Ensure that the master email distribution list is up-to-date.
- Communication Processes (this is a good place to describe what the unit wants to do for the primary method of communication; will they email, post minutes, use a newsletter, bulletin board, electronic team site?)
- Communication among council members
- Communication between council and staff
- Meetings
- Meetings will occur … (describe how often, what day/time)
- Location
- Meetings will begin with a check-in (I would encourage this process for all council meetings)
IX. Agendas
Use agenda template provided.
List standing agenda items or how staff gets items on the agenda, etc.
X. Minutes
Use minute template provided.
Address who will take them, when will they be available, dissemination plan…
XII. Goals (list the goals for the council, andmake sure they are SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound)
XIII.Diagram (create a diagram of how your councils, committees, and task forces connect)