The General Education Program provides foundational skills and knowledge upon which the major disciplines are built. It is within the General Education curriculum that our students are given their first academic exposure to the contents and structure of a Christian Liberal Arts education. Therefore, the General Education Student Learning Outcomes target knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind that our students have and take with them when they successfully complete the General Education Program. The GE outcomes are aligned with the Institutional Learning Outcomes.

In order to thoroughly assess what our students will be able to demonstrate, produce or represent upon completing the GE program, the assessment of student learning in relation to the GE outcomes is spread over the two six-year assessment cycles. The GE assessment is conducted by the faculty teaching in respective GE areas and facilitated by the General Education Committee.


for the 2011-2017 assessment cycle

Students will

Biblical and Theological Canons:

demonstrate literacy in Christian scripture and Christian doctrine

Writing for the Liberals Arts; Writing/Speech Intensive courses:

communicate in written form for a variety of purposes and audiences across the curriculum

Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning:

apply relevant scientific, mathematical and logical methods to analyze and solve problems effectively

Reading Imaginative Literature:

analyze imaginative literature to indicate an understanding of language beyond its literal level

Thinking Globally:

articulate how a particular topic is approached in at least two different cultures or distinct geographical areas

Exploring the Physical Sciences, Exploring the Life Science:

generalize how the scientific method can be used to investigate the physical and living world

Performing and Interpreting the Arts:

demonstrate appropriate techniques and critical awareness in an artistic production

Physical Education

write and successfully implement an appropriate fitness program based on the training principles of frequency, intensity, and duration