Campus Neighborhoods Revitalization Corporation
Regular Meeting, May 11, 2016
7:30 AM, 709 Beechurst Ave., Morgantown
Present were Board Vice President David Satterfield, City Manager Jeff Mikorski, Secretary/Treasurer Narvel Weese, Ron Justice, Bill Kawecki, Ryan Hess, and Mayor Marti Shamberger (Ex Officio). Also present were Chet Parsons, Representing AECOM, and Jim Craig, Sunnyside Businessman and Stakeholder.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 AM.
Minutes of the April 13, 2016 meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Weese, Second by Justice.
Return to discussion of Third Street Streetscape: Chet reported that AECOM is currently in a holding pattern while agreements get worked out with the City for moving ahead with preparation of construction documents for beginning this project in Spring of 2017. The total cost for Third Street is projected at $470K, but that does not include milling & resurfacing of street, demolition of sidewalks, ROW acquisition and maintenance of traffic during construction. Sidewalk width on Third is currently set at 5'. Suggestion was made that 4' would be adequate. Once the agreements with the City are in place, all of this can move forward toward the construction phase. Putting together the construction documents will take time that eliminates possibility for construction this season.
Re: sidewalk construction, a desktop analysis of current conditions and establishment of highest priority needs can be done quickly and construction could begin this summer.
The traffic study on Beverly can be done during the next month. Cost for study at approx. $11,000. But no clear signal to move ahead from Traffic Commission or Engineering. Political considerations are also negative on doing the study, especially on making Beverly one way.
Discussion of Beverly came round to turning radii at newly constructed intersection (U. Ave., Beverly, Third St.) and what to do about that. Changes in original design to accommodate handicap access may have been basis of some of these problems. Proposal by Board that AECOM go back and take another look at what is currently there and how to improve ready and safe access & use.
Motion by Weese to take another look at engineering of all component parts of new intersection in order to determine problems and correct them to make the intersection work as originally intended. Second by Justice. Suggestion by Kawecki to include cost of doing so into Third Street design. Original motion carried unanimously. Implement by AECOM working with City Engineering and Fire Depts to review turning radii to make sure everyone is comfortable with them and come back with recommendations for corrections if needed. Cost rolled into Third Street project.
AECOM directed to have study of intersection done by June meeting. AECOM also directed to move forward desktop study of sidewalks for presentation at June 2016 meeting. Board put hold on the traffic study for Beverly.
Motion by Kawecki, second by Weese, to move into Executive Session.
Motion by Justice, second by Hess to move back into Regular Session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made to adjourn.
Narvel G. Weese, Jr., Secretary