Advanced (5) / Acceptably Proficient (4) / Novice (3) / Unsatisfactory (2) / Not Evident (1)
Student focuses writing on a specific purpose/claim/goal.
Thesis and purpose are focused, effective, and clearly related to the assignment.
Demonstrates a coherent, original, well-developed and clear purpose. / Thesis and purpose are fairly clear and match assignment.
Generally demonstrates a coherent, original, well developed purpose. / Thesis and purpose are somewhat vague OR only loosely related to the assignment.
Purpose is not clearly discernable. / Thesis and purpose are vague OR frequently unrelated to the assignment. / Thesis and purpose cannot be determined and/or are unrelated to the assignment.
Student produces logical, coherent, and well-structured writing.
All ideas are presented in a logical order. Ideas are clearly introduced and connected. Body includes sophisticated level of details, and conclusion summarizes main idea or effectively closes the presentation.
Writing flows smoothly throughout / Ideas are presented in an overall logical order. The writing includes introduction to, development of, and conclusion for the topic.
Level of appropriate details is acceptable.
There are no distracting shifts in presentation of ideas throughout the writing. / Most ideas are presented in a logical order. There is an indication of an organizational pattern—introduction, body, and conclusion—although they may not be equally effective.
Level and organization of details may be weak with occasional distracting shifts in presentation of ideas. / Some ideas are presented in a logical order. Writing may occasionally be fragmented with very weak considerations for presentation in a logical order. Introduction, body, and conclusion are only somewhat clear.
Details may be missing, disjointed, or inapplicable. / Writing is fragmented. Ideas are not presented in a logical order. Introduction, body, and conclusion are not clear.
Details are missing, disjointed, or inapplicable.
Writing Standards:
Student applies appropriate writing standards.
Impeccable spelling, grammar, syntax, word usage, and punctuation. If used, proper citation of texts according to the documentation style used in the discipline. / Very few errors in spelling, grammar, word usage, and punctuation. Proficient control of citations according to the documentation style used in the discipline. / Several errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, work usage, and punctuation. Inconsistent control of citation system used in the discipline. / Many errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, work usage, punctuation, and citations.
Writing does not demonstrate collegiate level of print literacy. / Errors so numerous that they interfere with or hinder communication.
Rhetorical Awareness:
Audience/Voice/ Engagement with the Subject/ Awareness of Self as Writer/ Presenter: Student demonstrates a rhetorical awareness of self as presenter.
Writer exhibits the ability to create and control both style and tone throughout the written work.
Clearly demonstrates a sense of being a writer presenting ideas to an audience. / Style and tone engage the audience and holds their interests through most of the written work.
Generally demonstrates a rhetorical sense of writing for an audience. / Has limited awareness of presenting to an audience; has few engaging qualities.
Shifts in style in tone for no rhetorical purpose. No clear sense of being a presenter of ideas to an audience. / Little control or creation of style or tone. Only slight demonstrated awareness of creating a work for an audience. / No control or creation of style or tone. No demonstrated awareness of creating a work for an audience.
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