ASTM Technical Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing established the William C. Cullen Award to recognize outstanding contributions and personal commitment by Committee D08 members to the field of roofing and waterproofing as exemplified by the distinguished accomplishments in this field by William C. Cullen. Bill Cullen was a 40-year widely recognized and respected D08 member, often being the voice of reason when task group deliberations became overly contentious. He chaired numerous task groups, the D08.18 Subcommittee (1972 through 1975), and the D08 Main Committee (1962 through 1967). He also chaired the D08 Awards Committee for over 10 years, and was a member of the Committee on Standards (1978 through 1980). In 1973, Bill was honored with the ASTM Award of Merit and named a Fellow of the Society. In 1978, he received the Voss Award for his contributions to the understanding of roofing materials and systems performance. In 1980, Bill was named an Honorary Member of the Society. In 1997, D08 presented him an Award of Appreciation with thanks for his 40 years of continuous, active participation in its activities.
The William C. Cullen Award is presented not more frequently than once a year to a member, or former member, of Committee D08. The awardee shall be living at the time of the Award nomination and shall have a significant number of the attributes that follow:
- be well known in the field of roofing and waterproofing.
- have made significant and sustained original contributions to the advancement of roofing-waterproofing science and technology.
- have made major contributions to the utilization of roofing-waterproofing science and technology by business and industry.
- have expertise, knowledge, and extensive experience regarding both the theoretical and practical aspects of roofing and waterproofing performance.
- be an active member, or former member, of ASTM Committee D08, who has made substantial contributions to standards development, as exemplified through chairing of task groups, chairing of subcommittees or otherwise being a member of the D08 Executive Subcommittee, regular attendance at meetings including valued participation in task group deliberations, and habitual return of ballots.
- be widely published including authoring papers in ASTM STPs sponsored by Committee D08.
- be an active member of professional organizations related to the roofing and waterproofing industry with significant contributions made toward those organizationsÆ growth.
- display a willingness to share knowledge of the roofing and waterproofing business and industry with others as exemplified through papers, articles, textbooks or chapters, conference presentations and related seminars, teaching, and consulting.
- have admirable personal characteristics such as integrity, objectivity, sincerity, humility, and sensitivity.
The William C. Cullen Award consists of an engraved black brass plaque with nameplates engraved with the names of recipients and years of the awards. This plaque, sponsored by the National Roofing Contractors Association, is mounted on the wall of ASTM Headquarters that honors winners of Technical Committee awards. The recipient is presented with a wooden wall plaque.
ASTM Technical Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing proposes to establish the Carl G. Cash Award to recognize outstanding research-oriented contributions by ASTM Construction Committee members to the advancement of building envelope technology, as exemplified by the distinguished accomplishments in this field by Carl G. Cash. Carl Cash devoted his entire professional career to enhancing the performance of materials, components, and systems used in the building envelope, and most notably roofing and waterproofing. This career spanned 50-plus years and ended only with his death in 2007. As a chemist by formal training, after a term in the U.S. Army, his formative years were spent working in industrial chemical positions for manufacturers of roofing materials and systems. His professional duties covered the numerous facets and activities within roofing industry including manufacturing, quality control, research, product and systems development, marketing, and sales management. This broad background provided him unique insight into the workings of the roofing industry and served him invaluably as he moved into his major lifelong position as a consulting engineer, and building envelope pathologist. In 1971, Carl joined Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger Inc., a consulting engineering firm, where he continued to work as a senior principal until his death. His duties at SGH focused on both the practical and theoretical aspects on roofing performance. Specifically, not only did he design and develop specifications for countless buildings including residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, college, and university structures, he also developed new and improved test methods, and conducted laboratory research to establish roofing materials and systems properties. He also conducted numerous field and laboratory investigations on both failed roofing and waterproofing systems. In the latter case, the results of his investigations often became the bases for many of the technical papers and presentations that he contributed to the roofing industry both nationally and internationally. It is noted with acclaim that, through his own studious self-education,he passed the Massachusetts PE exams, and consequently,was a registered professional engineer in Massachusetts.
Carl joined ASTM Technical Committee D08 in 1959 – making him a member for close to 50 years. He was not only one of D08’s most respected members for his outstanding efforts given to standards development, but perhaps also one of its most feared because of his tireless dedication to preventing draft standards from reaching final approval when he considered that they were not in shape to be issued. During his 48 years of D08 service, Carl was its most diligent and tireless member. He chaired numerous task groups, was a member of countless others, was the principal author of 14 D08 standards, and participated in numerous round robins when the laboratory that he developed at SGH had the apparatus to do so. Through the 1980s and early 1990s, Carl served as chair of D08.20 on Roofing Systems. From 1995 to 2001, hechaired the D08.00 Main Committee. From mid-1994 through 1996, he chaired the D08 Awards Committee. In 1983, Carl was honored with the ASTM Award of Merit and named a Fellow of the Society. In 1998, he received the Voss Award for his contributions to the understanding of roofing materials and systems performance. In 1999, D08 presented him an Award of Appreciation with thanks for his 40 years of continuous, active participation in its activities. In 2003, his long-term contributions were further recognized when the D08 Committee members elected him an Honorary Committee Member. In 2007, D08 presented him posthumously its most prestigious Award, the William C. Cullen Award, in recognition of his distinguished contributions and personal commitment to Committee D08 and to the field of roofing and waterproofing. Also in 2007, the D08 Awards Committee nominated his seminal paper, “Porosity of Glass Fiber Felts Used in Built-Up Roofing,” (Roofing Research and Standards Development: 2nd Volume, STP 1088, ASTM, June 1990) for the 2007 ASTM Charles B. Dudley Award.[1]
Carl’s contributions to building envelope technology, and particularly the roofing and waterproofing industry, are well known in that community both within and outside of ASTM Committee D08. As a consulting engineer, Carl’s primary professional responsibilities were to SGH and its clients. In spite of such responsibilities, to his credit, he was also one of the roofing industry’s most prolific authors. Carl’s authorship of more than 60 papers and reportsabout one paper or article per year over his professional careeris a significant accomplishment for a consulting engineer. The subjects that he addressed were generally aimed at providing recommendations for improving the performance of roofing, which is a segment of the building industry that has been traditionally starved for technical information. His papers and reports were directed at broad audiences concerned with roofing design, construction, and performance and appeared in a wide variety of media ranging from professional journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, manuals, and trade publications. Included here were at least nine papers in ASTM STPs. Among Carl’s last major efforts, which will provide advice and direction to roofing technologists for many years to come, was the publication of Roofing Failures (Spon Press). This text recounts numerous examples of his personal experiences in investigating roof failures with emphasis on the lessons learned during his investigations. In summary, Carl’s love of advancing knowledge through the written word fittingly forms the basis of the proposed Carl G. Cash Award.
The basis of the Award shall be:
- Outstanding contributions to building envelope technology through research conducted in either the laboratory or field. Such research shall have resulted in significant advances or major innovation to the knowledge base and performance of materials, components, or systems that comprise the building envelope for either residential or commercial-industrial construction.
- Reporting of this research in a meritorious technical paper, series of technical papers, monograph, text book, or the like.
As such, the Carl G. Cash Award may be thought of as a “best paper award” in the building envelope field.
The Carl G. Cash Award shall consist of an engraved black brass plaque with nameplates engraved with the names of recipients and years of the awards. This plaque shall be mounted on the wall of ASTM Headquarters that honors winners of Technical Committee awards. The recipient shall be presented with a wooden wall plaque.
The Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes an individualÆs exceptional service to Technical Committee D08.
The Distinguished Leadership Award is presented not more frequently than once a year to a member Technical Committee D08. The recipientÆs exceptional service is illustrated by, but is not limited, to the following:
- Exemplary work as a Committee or Subcommittee officer for a substantial period of time. While it is intended that there be no specific minimum time in a single office, total accumulative time should be at least six years.
- Prolonged diligent standards activity, for example a task group chairpersonship that resulted in generating new D08 standards or authoring revisions to existing D08 standards.
- Task group work that addressed a very difficult problem for which there may or may not be any specific tangible product.
- Significant contributions to the development of a new test method, or improvement of an existing test method, that is incorporated in D08Æs standards.
- Other significant work deemed worthy of recognition by either D08Æs Awards Committee or D08Æs Executive Subcommittee.
The Award is an engraved walnut plaque bearing the recipientÆs name.
The Presentation Excellence Award recognizes excellence in presentation by a speaker at a Technical Committee D08-sponsored symposium or conference.
The Presentation Excellence Award is presented after each symposium or conference based on the technical content of the presentation, its applicability to standards development, and the clarity of presentation. The recipient is determined by a written vote the participants taken immediately after the conclusion the symposium or conference. The recipient is announced at the D08 Main Committee meeting occurring after the symposium or conference has concluded.
The Award is an acknowledgment plaque bearing the recipientÆs name.
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