Translation Portal

Quick Reference Guide

for Subaru Supplier

Online Translation Request (OTR)

Feedback Tool

Search Tool

Survey Tracker Tool


SDL Translation Portal is located at:

Online Translation Request

The Online Translation Request (OTR) is to be used to submit any new translation requests to SDL. Information must be entered in all fields marked with a red asterisk.

OTR Form Quick Reference Guide

To be used only for new requests

Note:For modifications of an on-going request or to add a file to an existing project, please forward information or file(s) using the confirmation e-mail for that given project.

  1. Type the following URL in your web browser:
  2. Enter user name and password:

User Name = SubaruSup

Password = $8baru16!

  1. Click on Translation Request form.
  2. The first time the requestor will have to fill the required fields – Name, Company, Department, Contact information, etc. If your browser allows cookies, this information will be pre-filled next time you access the form.
  3. Enter project information including turnaround date and time. The project title must be clear and descriptive, including name of product if applicable.
  4. Select requested services.
  5. Provide special instructions, if required. Always specify, when sending a PowerPoint document, if the note pages have to be translated.
  6. Attach documents. If there are more than 5 documents being sent, please send them using a Zipfile.
  7. Make sure a content expert is specified.
  8. Delivery method will be defaulted to e-mail.
  9. Confirm the e-mail address(es) for receipt of documents. If no address is provided, the files will be sent to the requestor.
  10. Add an additional e-mail address if someone else should be cc’d on the request.
  11. Click Send. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the requestor. Please keep the confirmation e-mail until the end of the project. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, your request most probably did not go through. You should then contact your project manager at SDL.

Search Tool

The Online Translation Request (OTR) Search Tool was created to allow clients to access a variety of data, such as status or invoice details and number, online.

To use the tool:

  • Access the OTR located at using your usual user ID and password. The OTR home page will display.
  • Click on the Search link on the home page.

The Search tool main page will display. If you are denied access, it is most probably because our main contact at your company has requested the use of a different password to access the tool.

You can search by filling out one, a combination, or all of the following fields:

Requestor:Name or part of the name of the person entered in the Requestor Name field on the translation request form

Document title:Title or part of the title entered in the field of the same name on the translation request form

Request number:Number automatically assigned to you by the system after submitting a translation request

Invoice number:Number displayed on the invoice you received from SDL

You may type partial information (such as just a first name or a key word found in the title) or exact information (such as the full name or title) to refine your search.

You may also check one or more of the following statuses:

New:to see all requests that were submitted but not yet activated by SDL

Quote:to see all “Quote only” requests

Active:to see all requests being processed by SDL

Pending:to see all requests that were put on hold

Closed (delivered):to see all requests that have been delivered back to you by SDL

Sent to accounting:to see all requests that are being invoiced by SDL

Finalized (invoiced):to see all requests that have been invoiced by SDL

Cancelled:to see all cancelled requests

If you enter text in one of the search fields and check one of the statuses, the tool will list all requests matching all criteria.

Once you have selected the search criteria, click on the Search button.

The results will display under the criteria box. If you want to see the details of a specific request, click on its number.

The request details page will display. Sample data were used for the following example.

Additional information on the project from SDL

Status:Current status of the project (see page 3 for status description)

SDL file #:Sequential number used internally by SDL

Multiple invoices:Indicates if the project was flagged as requiring more than one invoice by SDL project manager

Final invoice:For a “Multiple Invoices” project, indicates that the final invoice has been generated

Submit date:Date on which the translation request was submitted

Negotiated deadline:Deadline agreed upon between SDL project manager and the client. By default, this date is the requested deadline entered on the translation request form, unless another date was negotiated at a later time.

Closing (delivery) date:Date on which the project was delivered to the client by SDL

Comments:Note to inform the client on various subjects, such as reason for late delivery and agreed-upon change of scope

Invoicing details:This section shows the invoice number, the line items and total before tax(es) of each invoice. The invoice number can be found just above the Amount column header.