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Vigil Mass 8.00pm
Sunday 11.00am
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday &Friday 9.30am
Wednesday 8.00pm
Vigil Mass 7.00pm
Sunday 10.00am
Monday to Friday 9.30am
Thank YouLast week’s Offertory Collection.
Loughmore €341
Castleiney Offertory Collection €306
Eucharistic Adoration in Castleiney Church on Tuesday from 10.00 to 11.00am and from
6.00pm to 9.00pm.
Eucharistic Adoration in Loughmore on Thursday from 10.00am to 11.00am & 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Eucharistic Adoration in the evening will take place in the Sacristy
Sacristans/ Cleaner Collection: We thank all who have supported this collection. If you have forgotten your envelope it will be welcome next weekend.
Trocaire: A further €284 was added last week to the Trocaire Lenten Campaign – this brings the total to date to €2122.28 Again thank you for your support for Trocaire who from your generosity can help the people of the Third World.
Wedding Bells: We offer our congratulations and best wishes Maurice McBride, Carrickmacross,
Co Monaghan and Deirdre Cleary, Loughmore Village who were married on Friday. We wish Maurice and Deirdre a long and happy life together.
Fatima Apostolate Three Hour Vigil: on this Tuesday 13th May in the Pallottine Chapel, Thurles from 7.30to 10.30pm.
In Memoriam
We remember our Deceased Relatives and friends
Recently Deceased
Anniversary Masses
Tim Fogarty Lisheenataggart 11.00am
William & Margaret Brennan Ballinroe 7.00pm
Next Weekend 17th /18th May
Sean O’Shea Kilahara, Dovea 8.00pm
Jack & Catherine Quinn Kilcurkee 7.00pm
May they Rest in Peace
Defibrillator: Responders for this week are
Tom Connolly, Bernie McGrath, Mai Healy,
Jerry Stapleton and Helen Ryan.
Dial 112 for Ambulance, followed by
0504 60011 for local defibrillator
First Holy Communion: for the children of Castleiney NS will be celebrated next Sunday at 10.00am. We wish them every blessing. May they and their families have a lovely day on this very special occasion
.Progressive 25: Every Sunday night at 8.45pm cards in Loughmore Parish Centre. Tea served
Loughmore NS 80th Anniversary Celebration
We urge any past pupils or parishioners who may be interested in attending this celebration to book or purchase their tickets as soon as possible to enable the committee to cater for numbers. Tickets for this event, which will take place on Saturday 31st of May, are on sale now in the School, the Cottage and in Alvy Stapleton’s Pub for €8. If you have any old school photos (1933+) that we may copy and use in our exhibition we would be glad to hear from you. That includes family photos of you in your heyday, or life in the locality at the time! Please contact the school on (0504)32225 or email . Please also spread the word to anyone associated with the parish or school that all are welcome to attend this event – not just past pupils, it is more of a celebration than a reunion. The next committee meeting will take place in the school on Thursday next @ 8.30pm. All are welcome to attend and assist in any way possible.
Loughmore-Castleiney GAA Lotto Results
Numbers Drawn: 4, 14 20, 30 One Winner
Áine Cosgrave c/o Martin Cosgrave Borrisoleigh
In House Draw Alvy Stapleton
Promoters Draw: Joe Ryan
Lucky Dip Winners €40 each: None this week
Next week’s Jackpot €2000 draw will take place in Nolan’s Bar on Wednesday at 9.30pm
Loughmore Castleiney Juvenile GAA Club
Our Annual Clothes Recycling Fundraising Collection will take place on this coming Saturday, 17th May.
In the meantime people are asked to bring any unwanted clothes, books (not school books), shoes, old mobile phones or toys to the Clubhouse in Cuigilla or else they can give them to any Committee member, preferably in black refuse sacks or boxes.
Also, please note that our Sports & Culture week has been arranged for 14th to 18th July, 2014 from 2 – 5 pm. More details later.
Castleiney Drama Group: Meeting on this Monday 12th at 9.00pm.
Lord, make me a better person, more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful to you. Make me generous enough to want to do your will, whatever it may be. Help me find my true vocation in life and grant that through it, I may find happiness myself and bring happiness to others. We pray through Christ our Lord, AMEN
Family Vocation Prayer
Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who is always mindful of your Church. Watch over those who are baptised in your name, and grant peace and harmony to all families. Bless all parents, and help them to find peace and happiness through their vocation. We ask you to help all young people to discover the vocation that will enable them to live life to the full as they become their best selves in the service of God’s Kingdom; We make this prayer in your name, Amen.