/ UK Power Networks / DSR 01 021

UK Power Networks Services LV Permit to Work

Name / Peter Vujanic
Title / Head of Health, Safety and Environment
Date / 01 May 2016
Name / Dudley Sparks
Title / Operational Safety Manager
Date / 01 May 2016

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 3.0 / What has changed?
No changes to the document just a full review and transferred to the New Template
Why has it changed?
Full review for new 2016 DSRs in line with the new Model DSR 2015/2016 review
Date published / 01/5/2016
Next review date / 01/5/2019
Prepared by / Dave Daintree
Version number / 2.0 / What has changed?
Updates to procedure to reflect UKPN Services working practices, alignment with current DSR processes, update to procedure owner and authoriser and updates to LV permit to work (DSR 01 021a)
Why has it changed?
Date published / 03/09/2014
Next review date / 03/09/2017
Prepared by / Brian Cross
Version number / 1.0 / What has changed?
Procedure to replace section 3.1 of Appendix L in DSRs
Why has it changed?
Date published / 29/03/2011
Next review date / 29/03/2014
Prepared by / Brian Gaffney
Who needs to know?
☐All UK Power Networks Staff
☐Asset Management
☐Capital Programme
☐Customer Services
☐G81 External website
☐HR & Communications
☐In Business HSS
☐Safety Reps
☐ICP’s (Independent Connection Providers)
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Network Operators)
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☐Commercial Services
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☐Transport Services
☐Strategy and Regulation
☒UK Power Networks Services
☐HS1,DLRCommercial buildings
☐MUJV / Allenby
☐Projects & Business Development
☐Others (specify)


1.0Introduction and Purpose







8.0Process Detail

1.0Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of the Low Voltage (LV) Permit to Work procedure is to provide a safe working process for work undertaken on an LV system, using non live working techniques only, on equipment that is isolated from all sources of supply and proved dead at the point of work.

The design of LV equipment varies considerably across the Private Networks business areas within UK Power Networks Services (UKPN Services) and this procedure sets out the processes to be used by employees, contractors and sub-contractors on all clients’ private networks (where a contract exists for UKPN Services to operate and maintain the HV network on the client’s behalf).


This procedure applies to UKPN Services business areas only, for the issue, clearance and cancellation of an LV Permit-to-work.


The objective of the procedure is to set out for employees, contractors and sub-contractors working for UKPN Services a safe, practicable and clear method for the issue, clearance and cancellation of the LV Permit-to-Work on the LV Systems within UKPN Services.


UKPN DSRs / Sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3
DSR 01 013 / Safety Documents
DSR 01 021a / UKPN Services LV Permit-To-Work
HSS 01 062 / Undertaking On-Site (Point of Work) Assessment


LV Permit-to-Work / For the purposes of this procedure the LV Permit-to-Work shall be considered a safety document to be used in addition to the documents identified in definition D25 of the DSRs
DSRs / UKPN Distribution Safety Rules
LV / Low Voltage (as per definition D30)
UKPN / UK Power Networks
UKPN Services / UK Power Networks Services


It is the responsibility of the Manager on behalf of UK Power Networks Services to ensure that all Senior Authorised Persons who issue LV Permits-to-Work on private networks are fully trained in the procedure for the issue, clearance and cancellation of permits to work and are regularly audited to ensure compliance.

It is the responsibility of the Senior Authorised Person to ensure:

  • An on-site (point of work) assessment is completed prior to the issue of the
    LV Permit-To-Work and is available
  • The person receiving the safety document is competent to undertake the work and understands the nature and extent of the work to be done.

The competent person (in charge of the work) shall:

  • Ensure that the on-site (point of work) assessment is completed (see HSS 01 062)
  • Ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with all relevant procedures.


All on site (point of work) assessments shall be kept in accordance with existing procedures.

One copy of the LV Permit-to-Work will be kept on file for a minimum period of a year and be available for scrutiny.

All training and assessments shall be recorded in the company training, assessment and competence management database.

8.0Process Detail


The LV Permit-to-Work (DSR 01 021a) shall be used in accordance with DSR 8.1.5 where work is to be carried out on Dead Apparatus or Conductors using non-live working techniques once rule 8.2.6 has been satisfied for proving a point of work Dead.


A LV Permit-to-Work shall not be issued where work is covered under the terms of a Permit-to Work or Sanction-for-Test or where points of Isolation cannot be controlled.

8.1The LV Permit-to-Work may be issued by a Senior Authorised Person to themselves with the authority of the Control Engineer, after the Control Engineer has been satisfied that the equipment is reported to be in the state described in Distribution Safety Rule 8.2.1.

8.2The LV Permit-to-Work shall only be issued (to themselves where applicable) if the Senior Authorised Person is:

  • In direct charge of the work;
  • Aware of their responsibility and understands the full nature and extent of the work to be done, and the precautions to be taken to avoid Danger;
  • Has signed for receipt of the original document, and its duplicate.

8.3If the LV Permit-to-Work is to be issued to another Person, then the issuer shall ensure that the recipient understands the full nature and extent of work to be done, in addition to being aware of any safety precautions which have been taken to avoid Danger, prior to signing the receipt of the original document, and its duplicate.

8.4The LV Permit-to-Work shall be issued at the point of use by the Senior Authorised Person who initiated the work. It must be issued before undertaking any non-live working techniques for work or testing on any Apparatus that has been connected to, and remains part of, a Low Voltage System.

8.5The LV Permit-to-Work must be received, by the competent person (in charge of work).

8.6On the Low Voltage System where the LV Permit-to-Work will be issued and cancelled as part of a planned sequence these operations will be entered on an Operations Schedule.

8.7The Apparatus Isolated for work under the terms of a LV Permit-to-Work shall remain so until the LV Permit-to-Work has been cleared and cancelled.

8.8On clearance of the LV Permit-to-Work, both the recipient and the issuing Senior Authorised Person shall sign the original and it’s duplicate. The Senior Authorised Person must retain custody of both pending cancellation.

8.9Where the LV Permit-to-Work that has been issued by a Senior Authorised Person to himself is to be cleared the Control Engineer shall obtain confirmation that all work is complete and equipment and tools have been removed.

8.10Where more than one LV Permit-to-Work is to be issued for work on Low Voltage Apparatus associated with the same points of isolation:

  • Only one Senior Authorised Person Shall issue multiple LV Permits-to-Work on a particular section of Isolated Low Voltage System at any one time having regard for the nature of work or testing being carried out under each LV Permit-to-Work
  • The Control Engineer Shall ensure that all such LV Permits-to-Work are crossed referenced, and that they have all been cancelled before the points of isolation are removed.

This printed document is valid at 31/12/18 check after this date for validity.
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