Please complete Sections A and B in consultation with your supervisory team,then submit the form to your Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC), Head of School (HoS) and Associate Dean or Director of Research (ADR) to complete Sections C and D. Once completed, return the form to the Graduate Research Office for consideration by the Dean of Graduate Research. Please note that submission of this application does not constitute approval of your request.
This application may take up to 4 weeks to be reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Research. The outcome ofthis request will be sent to your University of Tasmania (UTAS) email account.
For ALL requests:
- This form is only for current University of Tasmania research candidates
- The maximum degree period for a Doctor of Philosophy is 4 years equivalent full-time (EFT)
- Candidates who, at the time of submission of this application, are in excess of 75% of their Masters by Research Candidature (1.5 years EFT),are not eligible to apply for a transfer of candidature to a Doctoral degree
- The Dean of Graduate Research reserves the right to request additional information for this application
For ALL requests, you will need to include:
- A detailed completion plan with appropriate timelines and defined milestones up to the submission of the thesis;
- A written statement from the candidate addressing the reasons for requesting a transfer of candidature;
- A written statement from the supervisory team supporting this application; and,
- Evidence that all transfer criteria (Section B4) have been met
For international candidates
- Approval of this transfer to doctoral candidature will result in a new letter of offer and updated eCoE
- Please be aware that changes to your enrolment may have tuition fee and/or visa implications. You are advised to contact the Department of Immigration and an International Student Advisor for information about your visa
For candidates on living allowance and/or fee scholarship:
- If you are in receipt of a living allowance scholarship, you will need to refer to the conditions of your award for eligibility, noting that the maximum duration of your scholarship is outlined in the conditions of the award and an increase to the duration of your scholarship may not be permissible
- If you are in receipt of an externally funded scholarship,you will need to refer to the conditions of your award for eligibility and obtain written approval from your scholarship provider confirming that your scholarship will be extended to cover the extended tenure of PhD Candidature (minimum 3 years, maximum 4 years). Please note, depending on the scholarship provider an increase to the duration of your scholarship may not be permissible
- You will need to discuss the fee scholarship support available from your Faculty, noting that your current arrangements may not continue
NOTE: To add your electronic signature, copy and paste your signature file (JPG, BMP or PNG formats) into the signature box
UTAS StudentID:
Candidate Name: / Current Course Code:
School/Institute: / Choose an item. / Proposed Course Code:
I am: / ☐A Domestic Candidate / ☐An International Candidate
What is your EFT Years, as listed in your iGRad overview?
Are you in receipt of a living allowance scholarship? / ☐Yes / ☐No
If Yes, what is the name of the scholarship?
- Candidate Declaration
Is this transfer application a result of your Masters by Research Confirmation of Candidature? / ☐Yes / ☐No
I have attached a written statement that addresses the reasons for requesting a transfer to a Doctoral Degree. This statement also provides a summary of my progress to date / ☐Yes / ☐No
I have attached an updated detailed completion plan with appropriate timelines and defined milestones up to submission of the Doctoral Thesis / ☐Yes / ☐No
I have contacted my external scholarship provider and I have attached written evidence of the outcome of my request to extend my scholarship / ☐Yes / ☐NA
NOTE: your application will not be considered if this information has not been included
Name / Signature / Date
Candidate: / / dd/mm/yyyy
- Supervisor Support
We have attached a written statement that addresses the reasonsfor requesting a transfer to a Doctoral Degree. This statement comments on the candidate’s suitability for Doctoral study and provides a summary of the candidate’s progress to date, an updated timeline for completion and the suitability of the project for Doctoral candidature / ☐Yes / ☐No
NOTE: the application will not be considered if this information has not been included
- Transfer Criteria
As per the HDR Candidature Management Policy, Clause 3.5.6., the following criteria have been met:
The candidate has passed Confirmation of Candidature / ☐Yes / ☐No
The candidate has completed no more than 75% of an HDR program in the form of the current Masters by Research Candidature / ☐Yes / ☐No
The candidate since commencing a Masters by Research degree, has produced a substantial piece of work that has been assessed in accordance with disciplinary norms, to be of a Doctoral standard. The basis for this assessment is (tick one option; evidence of this assessment, in writing, must be included with the application):
An independent evaluation of the research completed at the time of this application by a reviewer who is external to the Supervisory team and has no association with the candidate, or the candidate’s project, OR / ☐Yes / ☐No
The presentation (exhibition or performance) or publication (or acceptance for publication) of a piece of peer reviewed research completed during candidature / ☐Yes / ☐No
The Research Topic is suitable for Doctoral study / ☐Yes / ☐No
Appropriate resources are available for doctoral study and the supervisors are eligible to supervise the candidate at the proposed degree level / ☐Yes / ☐No
If No, please complete the Change of Supervisory Teamform and submit with this request
The research plan has been reviewed and updated with appropriate timeframes and defined milestones up to submission of the thesis. / ☐Yes / ☐No
The research project and any remaining coursework can be completed within the remaining maximum degree period for the Doctoral degree. / ☐Yes / ☐No
- Supervisor Endorsements
All Supervisors
We have discussed the transfer from Masters by Research to a Doctoral Degree with the candidate and we are satisfied that the candidate will finish within the timeframes outlined in the Completion Plan and/or Candidature Management Plan / ☐Yes / ☐No
We support the application to transfer to Doctoral candidature / ☐Yes / ☐No
Name / Signature / Date
Primary Supervisor: / / dd/mm/yyyy
Co-Supervisor / / dd/mm/yyyy
Co-Supervisor / / dd/mm/yyyy
Co-Supervisor / / dd/mm/yyyy
- Living Allowance Scholarship Support (complete if the candidate is in receipt of a school/project funded scholarship)
Is the College/Institute/Faculty continuing all current living allowance scholarship arrangements?** / ☐Yes / ☐No
If No, provide details of new living allowance scholarship arrangements here
**If the current living allowance is externally funded, the candidate should contact the payer of allowance and secure approval for changes in writing before completing this form. Please supply a copy of this written approval as supporting documentation when submitting this form.
- Tuition Fee Scholarship Support (complete for International Candidates Only)
Is the College/Institute/Faculty continuing all current tuition fee scholarship arrangements? / ☐Yes / ☐No
If No, provide details of new fee scholarship arrangements here
- Endorsements
Graduate Research Coordinator
I support the changes as proposed and have advised the Head of School of any proposed changes to candidature that may impact on the allocation of supervisory resources / ☐Yes / ☐No
Provide comments here (required)
Name / Signature / Date
GRC: / / dd/mm/yyyy
Head of School
I agree that the candidate, supervisory team and the school have the resources for this candidate to complete their thesis by their Maximum Expiry Date / ☐Yes / ☐No
Provide comments here (required)
Name / Signature / Date
HoS: / / dd/mm/yyyy
Associate Dean or Director of Research
I agree to the living allowance and fee scholarship arrangements proposed. / ☐Yes / ☐No
Provide comments here (required)
Name / Signature / Date
ADR: / / dd/mm/yyyy
- Submission
Please submit your form to the relevant inbox depending on your affiliated school:
(Sciences, IMAS, AMC)
(Arts, Law, Education)
(Health and Menzies)
(Tasmanian School of Business and Economics)
Transfer to Doctoral Candidature (Version: 20171027)1 | Page