Taylor Road Elementary PTO

Executive Board Duties

Executive Board shall:

Pass all documentation to the successors by June 30.

The President shall:

Preside at all meetings of the organization

Perform such duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the


Coordinate the work of the officers in order that the objectives may be promoted

Enforce the Return Check Policy for the organization

Attend District meetings representing TRE PTO

Create Agenda for all meetings

File Board members list with Permanent Files

Will have voting privileges during all meetings

The vice president shall:

Act as aids(s) to the president

Will perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer

to serve.

Coordinate the work of the committees in order that the objectives may be


Will be back up PTO Manager Software Coordinator

File Committee Chair list with Permanent Files

Will have voting privileges during all meetings

The second vice president :

Is the Principal of Taylor Road Elementary.

Will act as the liaison between the Taylor Road PTO and the Reynoldsburg

Board of Education.

Will be administrator for the TRE PTO Scholarship

Will be the tie vote if a tie has occurred in voting process

The recording secretary shall:

Record the minutes of all meeting of the organization; and provide a copy to the

executive board 2 weeks after the meeting

Have a current copy of the bylaws

Maintain a membership list by being PTO Manager Software Coordinator and

create Volunteer/Member Form to collect information

File By-Laws, Member List, Volunteer Form and all Meeting Minutes in

Permanent Files

Will have voting privileges during all meetings

Perform other delegated duties as assigned by the executive board

The corresponding secretary shall:

Write or send correspondence;

Serve in the absence of the recording secretary;

Maintain the organization’s web pages on school district’s web site

Contact board members by telephone and/or email regarding meetings.

Send monthly reminder to all members of organization

Give updates to the person(s) on proposals submitted to executive board for approval.

File all Agendas in Permanent Files

Will have voting privileges during meetings

Staff Liaison

Is Staff member of TRE

Handle the benevolent fund

Will act as the liaison between the executive board and the Taylor Road Staff


The treasurer shall:

Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures.

Make disbursements as authorized by the president, executive board, or

organization in accordance with the budget adopted by the organization.

Present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other

times when requested by the executive board.

Present the year's proposed budget at the September meeting of the organization

File copy of budget, transaction reports, and bank statements in Permanent files

Will have voting privileges during all meetings

The assistant treasurer shall:

Reconcile the books on a monthly basis.

May not assume the treasurer’s duties unless position is open and member

chooses to do so.

File tax form 990EZ or 990 with a Schedule A to the IRS. Our federal filing must

be completed by November 1.

Make copy of Tax forms for school principal.

File Taxes in permanent files along with all receipts.

Will have voting privileges during all meetings.

These Duties were defined on 02/08/2010.