May Potrero War

Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

May 25 to 30, 2012

A.S. XLVI (A.D. 2012)

Greetings unto the Merchants of the Known World from Lady Eleanora di Gerardi, Merchant Steward for the May 2012 Potrero War at Potrero County Park. Enclosed is information and reservation forms for vending at this event.


The event officially runs from Noon on Thursday, May 26, 2012 to Noon on Monday, May 30, 2012. Only authorized people will be allowed prior to this time.


The May War will be held at Potrero County Park, 24800 Potrero Park Road, San Diego County, California 91963. The Merchants’ Village will be set up with nearly all the spaces in the shade. We expect approximately 2,500 people to attend.

Booth Fees

Booth space is $45 per 15’ x 15’ including stakes and ropes. This includes the Gate Entry Fee for one person. There is a $5 discount if you send proof of SCA membership. Additional booth spaces are available for $20 per space (no additional entry fee and no membership discount). Checks should be made payable to:

“S.C.A., Inc./ Barony of Calafia”

Gate Entry Fees

You may pay all your fees, including additional Gate Fees, with your reservation form. Gate Entry for one person is included in the fee for your first booth space. Pre-registered merchants arriving Wednesday may check in at Noon in Merchants’ Row. Fighters will still need to check in with the Lists Officer. You must bring a properly completed and notarized waiver form for each child not your own.


You will receive a confirmation/gate admittance card and parking permit in the mail a few weeks before War if your application form is postmarked on or before the April 11, 2012 deadline. You must bring this card with you to the event. It is your proof of payment and reservation. Do not lose as it cannot be replaced. After the deadline, you must see the Merchant Steward at the event to get your space assignment and parking permits.

Reservation Deadlines

To reserve merchant space for the War, and to receive confirmation of that reservation, your completed registration form and signed merchant agreement must be postmarked no later than the April 11, 2012 deadline. You may call to make inquiries and ask directions, but space reservations are not guaranteed until your paperwork and complete payment is received. This event is a very popular one with many merchants applying for a limited number of spaces. Even sending your registration prior to the deadline may not guarantee a space at the event.


Due to limited adjacent merchant parking, spaces will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Merchant R.V.s are permitted in the main R.V. camping, but you must pre-register through both the Merchant and Land Allocation Stewards. There is no additional fee for the R.V. spaces. When you arrive at the site, park your vehicle in either the paved or overflow merchant lots (see the map). Please display your Merchant Parking Permit on the dash of the vehicle address side up!! It MUST be visible!!


Pre-registered merchants may camp starting Wednesday, May 25, 2012, but are limited to one camp space in the merchant area and only for those people with prepaid site fees. You may be required to pay the Park Rangers for the extra night. There will be no reserving of space for others arriving later. There are a number of reservable RV spaces in the Caravan Circle around the Closed Ramada available through Land Allocation.


Pre-registered merchants may begin set-up at Noon on Wednesday, May 25, 2012. Only the Stewards and their official set-up crews will be allowed on the site prior to this time.

When you arrive, please find your booth space. All spaces will be labeled with your business name. If you have trouble locating your space, check the map posted in Merchants’ Village at the Steward’s booth. If you still cannot find your space, ask for the Merchant Steward or the on-site Steward and they will assist you. We will not be available between 10 pm Friday night and 8 am Saturday morning. There will be no booth set-up between 10pm and 8am during the event. You must treat your neighbors with consideration. Hammering stakes at 2 am is not considerate.

Because of Park regulations, no portable generators are allowed. Access to electricity is severely limited and available only to food merchants by prior arrangement.

Also due to Park regulations, there will be no driving off the pavement. You will be permitted to park on the access road briefly to unload your equipment. A constable will be on duty to watch your equipment until you return from parking in a merchant parking lot. You may then move your equipment and merchandise to your space for set-up.

Rules of Operation

ABSOLUTELY no amplified or non-period music that can be heard beyond your booth is permitted during set-up or during the event. This includes the time from Noon on Wednesday, May 25, through Noon on Monday, May 30, 2012.

NO SUBLETTING OF BOOTH SPACE WILL BE ALLOWED. If you reserve space and cannot attend, you may request a full refund by May 1, 2012. You may not send a different business to use your space. If you cannot attend due to extenuating circumstances or emergency, and wish to send an agent or employee to run your booth for you, you must have that individual see the Merchant Steward upon arrival to fill out a new MERCHANT AGREEMENT, since they will be the person responsible for your booth and selling space. No additional fee for this arrangement will be required.

Seller’s Permits

All merchandise sellers must have valid Seller’s Permits issued by the California Board of Equalization. THIS IS REQUIRED BY LAW, no exceptions, even for out-of-state merchants. This means you must collect sales tax on all transactions and file all the appropriate returns. If you provide a service and do not sell any merchandise, you will not need a permit. You must be prepared to show the Merchant Steward your permit when you check in. If you have a temporary permit, write “pending” in the space marked for the permit number on the registration form, but be sure you report this information to the Merchant Steward before you set up at the event. Contact your local California Board of Equalization office on how to obtain a permit. See the following website for details:

If you do not provide a valid California Seller’s Permit upon arrival, you will NOT be allowed to set up.

Food Vendor Requirements

Food merchants must be familiar with all rules and regulations concerning the sale of food at the event. It will be your sole responsibility to ensure all requirements are met; however, we are also answerable to the County Board of Health to ensure you adhere to their rules. Please make things easy on everyone and comply fully with all applicable state and local laws and regulations. The Board of Health now routinely inspects at our event, so be sure you are in full compliance with the regulations. Please note: no grey water or cooking oil may be discarded ANYWHERE in Merchants’ Row!!


Perimeter booths may have additional space behind them for camping. If you wish to camp in your booth or space, you will be asked to camouflage your modern gear during the day.

There is drinkable running water available throughout the Park, however you may wish to bring your own as access to faucets is somewhat limited. There are hot showers in the privy building in “Sleepy Hollow.”

There are electrical outlets at the “Court Yard” Ramada, but they are extremely limited and available by prior arrangement only. You must provide your own electrical cords. R.V. hook-ups are available only in “Sleepy Hollow” and the “Caravan Circle.”

No ground fires are allowed in this Park. Use the steel fire rings provided or bring a safe fire pit (with at least a 12 inch clearance from the ground), and obey all fire laws and regulations that may be in effect at the time, whether or not they are mentioned here. If in doubt, please check the bulletin board at the Ranger Station for any fire warnings when you arrive at the site.

Fire extinguishers are



While you are ultimately responsible for your own booth, the Constabulary will make their usual rounds during the event. Volunteers to assist with these watches are also appreciated. Please contact the Volunteer Autocrat when you arrive at the site if you would like to help out.

How to Reserve Your Merchant Space

1.Read the entire Merchant’s Packet.

2.Read and sign the Merchant’s Agreement and all appropriate waivers.

3.Review the enclosed map and choose one preferred area and two alternates. Write them respectively as “1st”, 2nd”, and “3rd” on the Reservation Form. In the event that none of your preferences are available, the Merchant Steward will assign you a location. Please keep the Merchants’ Village Map for your reference.

4.Mail the following items:

• A completed Reservation Form.

•A copy of your California Seller’s Permit.

•Proof of SCA membership if claiming the membership discounts - photocopies of membership cards (front and back), Kingdom Newsletter labels, or canceled SCA membership payment checks are acceptable.

• A signed Merchant’s Agreement.

•A list of all additional persons attending with you.

• A check for all applicable merchant/gate entry fees. (No partial payments will be accepted.)

Make checks payable to:

“S.C.A., Inc./ Barony of Calafia”

(NOT to the Autocrat!)

Send all forms and payments to:

May 2012 Potrero War Merchant Steward

Lady Eleanora di Gerardi

c/o Kimberly Jones

9182 Westvale Road

San Diego, CA 92129

619-300-3232 (before 9 pm, please)

For information via email, contact Lady Eleanora at:


Postmarked by April 11, 2012

Use Black or Blue Ink Merchant Reservation Form No Pencil Please

May Potrero War, 2012

Operator’s Name: Driver’s Lic.# (Required)

State License #

Business Name:

California Seller’s Permit # (Required):

(Permit must be current and registered to the person listed as “Operator”). The Board of Equalization will be verifying all permit numbers. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VALID PERMIT TO DISPLAY IN YOUR BOOTH, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SET UP.

Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Phone Numbers: (Day) (Evening) (Email)

What do you sell?

Space Number(s) in Order of Preference:1st 2nd 3rd

Vehicle License Plate(s) Numbers: # 1 # 2 # 3

Will you be bringing an RV? Yes  No You MUST reserve an RV space through Land Allocation.

1 First Booth Space$55 ($40 with proof of SCA membership. Copies of both $

(Includes 1 Gate Entry) sides of a membership card, Kingdom Newsletter label

or canceled check must be included for each discount)

Additional Booth Spaces$30 each (no SCA discount)$

Additional Gate Entries$35 each ($20 with proof of SCA membership, see above)$

Children’s Gate Entries$20 each (Children 5 and under are free)$

(Ages 6 - 12)

Vehicle Fees$1 each Vehicle$

TOTAL FEES (MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO “SCA Inc. / Barony of Calafia”)$

Pre-Registration Deadline:

April 11, 2012

Mail all Forms and Payments to:

May 2012 Potrero War Merchant Steward

Lady Eleanora di Gerardi

c/o Kimberly Jones

9182 Westvale Road

San Diego, CA 92129

Autocrat Use: Space # Rec’d Cash/Check $ Check # Permit #

Merchant’s Agreement

May Potrero War 2012

The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., Barony of Calafia, hereafter referred to as the S.C.A., Inc., will hold an event known as the May Potrero War 2012 hereafter referred to as the Event, from May 25 through 30, 2012, at Potrero County Park, in Potrero, California. The Event Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee, gives the undersigned individual, hereafter referred to as the Merchant, the privilege, as an independent operator (not as an employee or representative of the S.C.A., Inc., the Committee, or Potrero County Park), to operate a sales booth at the Event, during the above dates, in an area designated by the Committee.

The Merchant, in signing, agrees to abide by the conditions set forth in this document, and by all directives of the Committee, and their agents. The signing Merchant MUST be in attendance and tending his/her booth throughout the Event, or the selling space will be forfeit. No subletting of selling space is allowed. No Exceptions.

The Committee and their agents will monitor all rules during the Event, notifying the Merchant of any infractions, and asking that violations be corrected.

I.The Merchant acknowledges being an independent operator, and that neither he/she, nor his/her agents or employees, shall have any authority to contract for or incur any liability or obligation on behalf of the S.C.A., Inc., the Committee, or Potrero County Park, or any of their agents, and will indemnify the above entities against any and all claims that may be made against them due to the activities of the Merchant. The Merchant shall be responsible for any costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, or judgments incurred by the entities mentioned above in this paragraph due to the Merchant’s activities.

II.The Merchant agrees to comply with all civil, county, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations concerning their activities and/or sales at the Event. If the Merchant fails to comply with said rules, or with any portion of this agreement, the Committee may, upon notification, take immediate action which in their sole judgment may be necessary to protect the Committee, the S.C.A., Inc., and the Event’s interests, including but not limited to, the closing of said Merchant’s booth, removal of the Merchant’s merchandise, removal of person(s) and halting the Merchant’s activities on the Potrero County Park premises, without refund of any fees or any other considerations to the Merchant.

III.The pre-registered Merchants’ set-up will begin no earlier than 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, May 25, 2012. The Merchant will, at the termination of the Event at 12:00 Noon on Monday, May 30, 2012, remove all equipment, sales items, supplies, packing materials, and trash from their booth and premises, and leave it in a clean and orderly condition.

IV.The Merchant assumes full responsibility for the maintenance of their booth area and the area around it, keeping it clean and supplying all necessary materials for operation.

V.The Merchant’s theme of decor, sales items, booth, and dress, and the dress of their assistants and other persons associated with their booth, must be consistent with the acceptable historical time period of the S.C.A., Inc. (roughly pre-1650 A.D.). The Merchant must add to “ environment which evokes the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.” Violations of, or exceptions to, these requirements shall be determined at the discretion of the Committee or its agents.

VI.The Committee or its agents may inspect sales booths at any time. The Committee reserves the right to demand removal of any sales items deemed unsuitable, in their opinion, for sale at the Event. Use of, sale of, or display of any illegal materials of any kind will result in the immediate cancellation of this agreement, closure of the sales booth, and forfeiture of all fees paid for the Event. Furthermore, the above-mentioned violations may result in the removal of the sales items and/or person(s) involved by the proper authorities.

VII.Everyone connected with the Merchant’s booth are considered to be a party to this agreement and must abide by the Merchant’s Agreement and the Rules and Regulations of the S.C.A., Inc. (as set forth in Corpora and the Laws of the Kingdom of Caid), the Rules and Regulations of the County of San Diego, and all state and federal laws. This includes all employees, helpers, assistants, family, and minors in the company of the undersigned Merchant.

VIII.By signing this form, the Merchant agrees the officers and staff of the S.C.A., Inc., the Committee, the County of San Diego, and the State of California, and their agents are not responsible for injuries, loss or damage to persons or property, and the Merchant agrees to abide by all decisions, rules, and directives of the Committee in regard to personal display and conduct at the Event.

I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that all parties connected with my Merchant Booth have carefully read and completely understand this Merchant’s Agreement for the May Potrero War 2012 and agree to abide by all the rules described here-in.

Your Legal Name (Please Print)


Your S.C.A. Name (Please Print)

Business Name (Please Print)

Seneschal, Barony of Calafia

Seneschal’s SignatureDate

Modified 5-15-10