These examples give an idea of the post-processing phase, that is the way results are managed within CSE. Some images give an idea of the model, others of the fem models created by CSE after renode analysis. Net cross-sections results, bearing surface bolt layouts results, colour maps with exploitation factors, displaced, information about the forces exchanged by each component with the others in a given load combination. Finally some views of the main dialogues used in CSE.
Program interface is in Italian in these screen shots, however English version of the program is available.
Drawing of a complex renode, a connection between nine members
More of the same
More of the same
More of the same
Envelope exploitation colour map of the previous renode
Enlarged view of a detail with colour mapped by the component kind. Note, on the left, the alphanumeric view with all components in the scene.
Multiple, sincronized views. On the left a specific member. On the right the detail of the forces exchanged, in a given load combination, and in a given renode instance, by that member with the bolt layout which joins it (note the two connection extremes).
Displaced view. The selected member (blue) is pulled. The effects that this pull causes on the renode are shown (500x enlargement).
Now a connection plate of irregular shape is selected
This is the Von Mises stress display in Sargon, after the FEM analysis of the component. The Sargon FEM model has been automatically created by CSE, for all combinations check of the RENODE. The set of the elementary forces due to single welds and bolts applied to the FEM model is self-balanced.
X translation
Forces exchanged by several bolt layouts with a member.
Net cross-section check.
Strange base plate with a bolt layout using a bearing surface (the concrete plynth modelled by the constraint block).
Normal stresses of the bearing surface after non linear computation (bearing with no tension parabola-rectangle constitutive law). Note the bolts in compression which do not react (by user's choice) and those pulled, instead, reacting.
Finite element model of the base plate in Sargon. This model has been created automatically by CSE. You can see the forces modeling the bearing-surface reaction (the forces vectors are not scaled in size depending on module: actually the modules increase with the distance from neutral axis, as is clear in the previous figure). The model keeps into account the welds, the pulled bolts, and the bearing surface, and is self-balanced.
Bolt layout definition dialogue.
Weld layout definition dialogue.
Checks settings (version 3.0, may 2009)
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