Call To Order: 19:14

Present: Orest Trzaska, Pamela Kellner, Tammy Farnholz, Andrea Barrett, Joanne Carter, Josh Getzinger, Kevin Breland, Jackie Pearson, Colin Tuckwood, Don Polard, Katrina Dawes, Kim Prokopow, Darren Fedorus

Absent: Troy Patten, Brendin Eshpeter (work), Josh Zanolli, Krista Colford, Bob Koethler, Cory Anne Holmlund

1. Additions/Deletions to Agenda

2. Adopt Minutes:

Monthly Meeting: December 03, 2013:

Colin accepted the minutes, Katrina 2nd, all in favour

3. President: Orest Trzaska

Summary of information already shared with coaches and team managers:

Below are the provincial categories DVMH teams have been placed into this season. Please contact the teams and find out if they wish to continue in the category they have been placed. Teams that wish to withdraw need to do so prior to January 9th to avoid any penalty to the association.

Provincial Playdowns 2014
DRAYTON VALLEY / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1

4. Old Business:

a. Midget Game: January 10, 2014

Success: 13 coaches. Coaches lost 5-4. Thank you to the coaches who participated; Tammy will document team information.

b. Arena Maintenance Concerns: Front Desk Staff cannot locate comment cards; Orest will check

5. New Business:

a. Coach Evaluations: process to get information out to team managers

Change the date to March 01, 2014

b. Thunder/NHL Alumni Game requires two teams to play during intermission./ Jackie will follow up.

c. Digital Score sheet: Novice A will try this pilot program.

d. August 25-29, 2014 Town trying to organize hockey camp (Kerrie Dorn)

e. Seven teams competing in Provincial Play Downs

f. 1660 Winter Zone Meeting topics:

1. Provincials, host sites, play downs

Andrea will email information regarding Provincial placement to Directors who will forward to the managers

2. Organizing Double A system that will be based on draw areas, numbers will not be counted against the association; looking to have Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget

3. Boundary updates

4. Suspension guidelines: HA rules then league rules

6. Executive Member Reports:

a. Vice President: Troy Patten: ABSENT

b. Secretary: Pamela Kellner

i. Set dates to review policy updates: TBA

c. Treasurer: Tammy Farnholz

i. Confirmation of billing dates given by the town:

Sept 11 & 29: Coach interviews and Coach Selection Meetings

Appeal Committee Meeting

October 03 Boxing Room: Pickford Camp

October 07 Lounge: Manager's Meetings organized by Joanne

ii. Two families with outstanding fees

iii. Budget Meeting: TBA

d. Registrar: Andrea Barrett

i. Up to Pee Wee sending out tax receipts

ii. Set date for pre-registration: February 26, 2014 Hockey

Pam will book lobby with Kim at Omniplex

Joanne will put information on the website and in the newspaper for two weeks.

iii. New Atom player just joining minor hockey will have a pro-rated fee.


Pam motioned that family of new player will be responsible for one shift as part of the pro-rated fee.

Andrea accepted the motion, Katrina 2nd, all in favor.

e. Ways & Means: Joanne Carter

i. Minor Hockey coverage with photos in Western Review

ii. Mention the photos in Western Review on the website

f.  Ice Scheduler: Josh Getzinger

Provincials will take precedence over practice.

  1. Concession: Cory Anne Holmlund

i. Added 108 extra shifts to cover all the shifts that need to be accounted for.

ii. New till is on the books but not working as of yet.

  1. Technical & Goalie Development Coordinator: Kevin Breland

i. ATC dates are worked out; three more sessions.

  1. Equipment Manager: Josh Zanolli: ABSENT

Need new jerseys: Pee Wee A, Pee Wee B in shreds

  1. Referee Coordinator: Brendin Eshpeter

Directors, please have managers call to confirm provincial. semi and final dates for games as soon as possible to ensure that refs are assigned effectively.

  1. Tournament Committee Coordinator: Krista Colford: ABSENT

i. Initiation/Mites Tournament: January 11 & 12, 2014

Summary to follow when all bills are paid.

7. Division Directors:

a. Initiation: Jackie Pearson

Tournament went well.

Potential review of format of first, second, third years for next season.

b. Mites: Bob Koethler: ABSENT

c. Novice: Don Polard

i. Bob notified outspoken novice families of the acceptable communication process in Don’s absence.

ii. All players that want to try the goalie position should have the opportunity; coaches are encouraged to rotate through their players.

d. Atom: Colin Tuckwood

Things are going well.

e. Pee Wee: Katrina Dawes

i. Pee Wee Zoning

ii. Provincials for A, B, C respectively

f. Bantam: Kim Prokopow

Bantam AA full team without injuries

Bantam C is making up games due to lack of goalies, schedule changes, ice cancellations

g. Midget: Darren Fedorus

Things are good; players were very happy with the win at the Midget/Coach game.

Future Meetings: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 @ Keyera 7:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 21:03


President: Orest Trzaska Date


Secretary: Pamela Kellner Date