Agenda for City Council Meeting of

February 22, 2016

7:00 P.M.

1)Pledge of Allegiance.

2)Calling the roll of members.

3)Memoriums and celebratory resolutions.

a) Resolution introduced by Councilor Robinson recognizing February as Black

History Month and wishing to thank the Lewis H. Latimer Society and “Chelsea’s Black Community One Strong Voice,” “The Chelsea Trailblazers” Ronald Robinson, Mrs. Shirley Thompson, Mr. Duke Bradley, Chief Brian Kyes, Rico Tyre, Mr. Richard Katz, Ms. Annie Jones, Ms. Maureen Lee.

b) Resolution introduced by Councilor Tejada and Councilor Lopez honoring

Francisco Caro’s retirement.

4)Public Speaking

5) Approval of minutes of January 25, 2016.

6)Communications from City Manager.

a) Communication received by City Manager Ambrosino regarding the increase

to the Residential Exemption.

b) Communication received by City Manager Ambrosino regarding the

Community Events Calendar on the City of Chelsea website

c) Communication received by City Manager Ambrosino regarding additional

appointments to Boards and Commissions.

d) Communication received by City Manager Ambrosino regarding the Capital

Improvement Plan FY17-FY21.

e) Communication received by City Manager Ambrosino regarding requests for

funding from Free Cash.

7)Communications and petitions to the Council.

a) Communication received by Deborah Clayman, City Clerk, regarding the

Presidential Primary to be held on Tuesday, the first day of March, 2016.

8)Committee Reports.

9)Unfinished Business.

10)Second Readings.

a) Appointments to Boards and Commissions

b) Order introduced by Councilor Cortell and Councilor Robinson with regards

toendorsing the project for the PARC funds prepared by the Department of

Planning and Development.

11)New Business:

a) Order introduced by Councilor Cortell with regards to approving the request

of City Manager Thomas G. Ambrosino to waive the residency requirement

for Dr. Rao so that he may serve on the Chelsea Planning Board.

b) Order introduced by Councilor Tejada with regards to the City Manager

contacting the Manager of the I.M.C Post Office in Chelsea and asking them

to remove the graffiti from the mail boxes.

c) Order introduced by Councilor Avellaneda and Councilor Frank with regards

to the City Manager investigating and reporting back to the Council of the

impact of Chelsea voters passing a ballot referendum to adopt the CPA in the

November 2016 General Elections.

d) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to accepting the warrant

for the Presidential Primary on Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

e) Order introduced by Councilor Tejada and Councilor Garcia with regards to

the City Manager inquiringabout putting signs stating that drivers need to give

way to pedestrians on thecrosswalks in the Square, both by McDonalds and

TD Bank, as well as at the 3-way intersection of Washington Ave., Cary Ave.,

andForsythe St., and on the intersection of Washington Ave. and Carter St.

f) Order introduced by Councilor Tejada with regards to the City Manager

looking into putting a mirror on the light post on the corner of Summit and

Warren Ave. facing Lafayette St. along with a flashing border on the stop

sign on Lafayette St.

g) Order introduced by Councilor Tejada with regards to the City Manager

looking into putting cameras and a motion detector light on the city steps between Washington Ave. and Franklin Ave. and between Franklin Ave. and Lafayette St.

h) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing the

appropriation of $11,000.00 from Free Cash to supplement the Fiscal Year

2016 Fire Department – Capital – Vehicles Account 0122058-584000 series.

i) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing an

increase to Fiscal Year 2016 Regional School Account #0130156-566200

from $850,876.00 to $852,176.00 for a net increase appropriation of

$1,300.00 from Free Cash.

j) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing the

appropriation of $70,000.00 from Free Cash to supplement the Fiscal Year

2016 School Department – MCB Summer Contract Services – Account


k) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing the

expenditure of $1,827.43 from the Procurement Department expenditure line.

l) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing the

expenditure of $224.85 from the Fire Department expenditure line.

m) Order introduced by Councilor Robinson with regards to authorizing the

appropriation of $30,000.00 from Free Cash to supplement the Fiscal Year

2016 Department of Inspectional Services – Building/Emergency/Demolition/

Boarding Account 0124052-538000 series.

n) Request introduced by Councilor Recupero and Councilor Garcia with

regards to the Traffic and Parking Commission extending the Restrictive

Residential Parking Permit to residents of Congress Avenue, from Park St. to

Broadway, as well as Third St.

o) Order introduced by Councilor Avellaneda, Councilor Recupero, Councilor

Tejada and Councilor Lopez with regards to the City Manager presenting to

the Chelsea City Council the home rule petition for the acceptance of

increasing the residential tax exemption for owner occupants from 20% to

35% in the City of Chelsea.

12)Public Announcements.