Chairman ………………………………..
The Horam Centre
3 Bank Buildings
High Street, Horam
TN21 0EH
Tel: 07900 576236
Horam Parish Council Enhancing Horam Committee Minutes from the Meeting
held on Wednesday 30th March at 7.30pm in The Horam Centre
Janet Fairweather
Janet Fairweather - Clerk
In Attendance: Cllr Susan Stedman (Chair), Angela Dean, Cllr Graham Knight, Art & Trish Marsh, Cllr Paul Noakes, John Stanbridge.
Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.
PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. The first ten minutes are available for the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the following agenda. The public are welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.
EH/042/03/16. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Sue Fletcher and accepted by those present.
EH/043/03/16. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN and VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Susan Stedman unanimously elected as Chairman and John Stanbridge as Vice Chairman.
EH/044/03/16. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – John Stanbridge has a distant family connection to the builder who has quoted on the planters (Tree and Shrub project).
EH/045/03/16. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 27th January 2016 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.
EH/047/03/16. REPORT ON SPORTS RELIEF HORAM MILE : over 100 participants at a very successful event. £99.53 raised on the day from donations and late entries. HPC to be advised in the summer of total raised. Thanks recorded to The Clerk for co-ordinating the event, Fish Around Ltd, from Hailsham for sponsoring the loo and all those that helped.
EH/048/03/16. TREE AND SHRUB PROJECT: Update from John Stanbridge:
· The public consultation that ran until the end of February resulted in a couple of complaints from High Street businesses and a request to re-siting one of the proposed planting areas. Several residents expressed their verbal approval to the Clerk.
· Planting near the A267/Horebeech Lane junction is to be deferred until after the Highways works currently being undertaken by Beech Merrydown are completed.
· Following the meeting with ESCC on 8th March, we are now waiting for the appropriate licences to be issued.
· Planters – 4 in the High Street and 2 in front of the Manor Court Flats are likely to be 1 metre square, brick built – double skinned – at a cost of around £490. Bricks to match the shops. All subject to ESCC approval.
· Types of trees – possibly evergreen for the planters, Cherry Trees outside Cherry Tree Court.
· Currently, ESCC will take over responsibility of the trees after 5 years.
· If possible, to involve new owners (when known) of Horam Inn and encourage planting on bank.
EH/049/03/16. MEMORIAL GARDEN PROJECT: Update from Cllr Stedman:
· Have accepted a quote for garden design and survey at a cost of £500.
· Waiting for a quote to relocate the bike stands – have received permission from WDC.
· Waiting for a quote from Toomeys of Polegate regarding the memorial stone. As well as being a local firm can provide plaque and engraving service.
EH/050/03/16. FINANCE UPDATE: Apologies were given by the Clerk for a reporting error in the accounts statement at the last meeting. The payment of £650 from the Solar grant money had inadvertently been entered into the wrong column. The overall bank balance was correct as the EH funds and 2 Solafield grants are kept in the Barclays Community Account (separate to the Precept funds). EH currently have just over £800 in hand.
· East Sussex and The Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons 21st April 2016, agreed funding of £35 for firecrackers. Ist Horam Scouts are organising the event, EH to support where possible.
· Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations – Sunday June 12th 2016 update:
o Clerk to check with Lord Lieutenant’s office re opening, if unavailable ask Rev PJ Guy.
o Gazebo loan required
o Electricity supply confirmed courtesy of nearby resident, HPC has cable protector, extension lead required.
o Tables and chairs – Clerk to ask Scouts
o Hopefully arrange BBQ, participants to be asked to bring own picnic (no free food)
o Licence for bar – May Garland have been asked, if not apply for own Licence.
o Music theme – “Music through the Decades” - advertise/ ask around for singers/musicians.
o Bunting – Art & Trish will organise – agreed purchase some new with red, white blue theme, volunteers will be needed to put up in High Street and on station.
o Wet weather – Clerk to ask if possible to use Chapel.
o Scarecrow competition to run from 1st – 12th June, residents/businesses will be invited to place a “royal” scarecrow in their window, prize winner to be announced at street party, entry forms to be available at Horam Centre, shops and Village Diary.
o 100 Commemorative coins to be purchased to be sold during afternoon.
· Little arts festival on Rushlake Green – summer 2016 – HPC are due to receive an update at the April Full Council meeting
· BHF Cycle Ride – Croydon to Eastbourne – Saturday September 10th 2016: date noted
· Postcards: sales have been steady, have made a small profit with approximately 150 cards in hard. Sue Fletcher to be asked to suggest 4 different pictures for a further print run.
· Horam Fun Day – members were offered a stall at the Fun day, at no cost and agreed to participate.
23rd May 2016 at 7.30pm at The Horam Centre
There being no further business Cllr Stedman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9pm