Group 1
- Abhor: hate
- Acrid: sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)
- Acrophobia: fear of heights
- Bigot: narrow-minded, prejudiced person
- Boorish: ill-mannered
- Bourgeois: middle class
- Counterfeit: fake; false
- Cynical: believing that people act only out of selfish motives
- Debility: weakness; incapacity
- Enfranchise: give voting rights
- Epistle: a letter (form of communication)
- Epistolary: concerned with letters; through correspondence
- Hamper: hinder; obstruct
- Heresy: against orthodox opinion
- Hiatus: interruption; pause
- Kindle: to start a fire
- Lance: spear; spike; javelin
- Noxious: harmful; poisonous; lethal
- Obscure: difficult to understand; partially hidden
- Placid: calm; peaceful
- Poignant: deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions
- Remuneration: payment for work done
- Respite: a break; intermission
- Talisman: lucky charm
- Terse: concise; to the point
Group 2
- Abrasive: rough; coarse; harsh
- Acuity: sharpness (mental or visual)
- Bilk: cheat; defraud
- Braggart: someone who boasts
- Covert: hidden; undercover
- Debunking: exposing false claims or myths
- Engender: cause
- Epitomized: typified; characterized; personified
- Hangar: storage area (like garage) for a plane
- Hidebound: rigid in opinions
- Knotty: complex; difficult to solve
- Languid: tired; slow
- Languish: decay; fade away; get weaker
- Nuance: something subtle; a fine shade of meaning
- Obscured: hidden; covered; buried
- Obsequious: servile; submissive
- Plagiarism: taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
- Poised: calm; collected; self-possessed
- Polemical: causing debate or argument
- Renown: fame
- Resplendent: shining; glowing
- Restorative: a tonic
- Tangent: going off the main subject
- Therapeutic: medicinal; curative
- Thwart: prevent; frustrate
Group 3
- Abasement: humiliation; degradation
- Adamant: forceful; inflexible
- Adroit: skilful
- Billowing: swelling; fluttering; waving
- Brawny: muscular
- Brevity: being brief
- Cower: recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
- Decathlon: an athletic competition with ten events
- Decorum: dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]
- Enhance: improve; make better or clearer
- Equivocate: speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
- Err: make a mistake
- Harangue: noisy, attacking speech
- Hieroglyphics: 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic
- Hinder: obstruct
- Labyrinth: a maze
- Larceny: theft; robbery; stealing
- Nullify: to counter; make unimportant
- Obsession: a dominating concern
- Plaintiff: petitioner (in court of law)
- Ponderous: weighty; slow and heavy
- Replete: full
- Retention: preservation; withholding
- Tangible: can be touched
- Timorous: cowardly; fearful
Group 4
- Abrogate: cancel; deny; repeal
- Adulation: strong admiration; worship
- Blasphemy: speech which offends religious sentiments
- Bristle: to show irritation
- Credible: believable
- Decoy: lure; trap; trick
- Enigma: puzzle; mystery
- Erratic: wandering; irregular
- Harbingers: indicators; bringers of warnings
- Histrionic: theatrical; exaggerated
- Labyrinthine: complicated; highly convoluted
- Largess: generosity
- Laud: praise
- Nuzzle: cuddle; snuggle
- Obsolete: no longer valid
- Obstreperous: noisy and boisterous
- Plaudit: statement giving strong praise
- Pontificate: speak pompously or dogmatically
- Portend: foretell
- Reprehensible: shameful; very bad
- Reticent: restrained; holding something back; uncommunicative
- Retraction: withdrawal; cancellation of a statement
- Tardy: slow; late; overdue; delayed
- Tirade: stream of verbal abuse
- Titter: giggle quietly
Group 5
- Absolution: forgiveness; pardon; release
- Adversity: hardship
- Advocate: support
- Blatant: obvious
- Broach: start to discuss; approach
- Brusque: blunt; abrupt
- Creditable: praiseworthy
- Deference: respect
- Defoliate: cause leaves to fall off
- Ensconce: establish firmly in a position
- Esoteric: obscure and difficult to understand
- Espouse: promote; take up; support
- Hasten: hurry; accelerate; rush
- Hoary: old
- Hone: sharpen; increase; whet
- Laceration: a cut
- Lavish: on a grand scale; wasteful
- Obdurate: stubborn
- Obtuse: mentally dull
- Plausible: can be believed; reasonable
- Portent: a warning sign; omen
- Reprieve: a respite; postponement of a sentence
- Revere: worship
- Tawdry: of little value; gaudy
- Tome: large book
Group 6
- Abstain: desist; go without; withdraw
- Aesthetic: concerning art or beauty
- Blighted: damaged; destroyed; ruined
- Bulwark: fortification; barricade; wall
- Credulous: gullible; ready to believe anything
- Defunct: no longer in existence
- Enshroud: cover
- Etymology: the study of word origins
- Haughtiness: arrogance; pride
- Hyperbole: grossly exaggerated speech
- Lachrymose: tearful; sad
- Lax careless; not strict
- Legend: 1. key to map; 2. myth or story
- Obfuscate: deliberately make something difficult to understand
- Obviate: avoid; make unnecessary
- Odious: hateful
- Plethora: an excess
- Poseur: someone who puts on an act
- Posterity: future generations
- Repudiate: shun; eschew
- Riddled: full of (usually full of holes)
- Rife: common
- Tedium: boredom
- Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant
- Torpor: dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
Group 7
- Abstemious: self denying; refraining from indulging
- Affable: friendly; social; easygoing
- Alacrity: eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
- Blithe: free-spirited; carefree
- Bureaucracy: officialdom
- Burgeon: grow; flourish; put forth new shoots
- Crepuscular: active at dawn and dusk
- Degradation: deprivation; poverty; debasement
- Deleterious: harmful
- Enunciation: clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
- Eulogy: praise
- Euphemism: a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
- Headstrong: stubborn; willful
- Hypochondriac: a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
- Hypocritical: insincere
- Lackluster: dull; monotonous; bland
- Legion: in large numbers
- Objective: unbiased; not subjective
- Officious: domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
- Pliable: flexible; not stubborn
- Posthumous: after death
- Rescind: retract; repeal
- Rigor: thoroughness
- Temper: to moderate; soften
- Totter: walk unsteadily
Group 8
- Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure
- Alchemy: medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold
- Blunderbuss: 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person
- Burnish: polish
- Cringe: recoil; flinch; shy away
- Deliberate: to think over deeply
- Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling
- Euphony: pleasant sounds
- Hedonism: self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
- Iconoclast: person who opposes orthodoxy
- Laconic: using few words; brief; to the point
- Lethargic: tired; without energy
- Levity: flippancy; joking about serious matters
- Oblique: indirect; slanting
- Ogle: stare at; observe in an obvious manner
- Olfactory: concerned with the sense of smell
- Plumage: feathers of a bird
- Postulate: hypothesize; propose
- Potable: suitable for drinking
- Resignation: acceptance of fate
- Robust: strong; healthy; tough
- Rotund: round
- Tenacious: stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
- Tractable: obedient; dutiful; polite
- Tranquil: peaceful
Group 9
- Accolade: tribute; honor; praise
- Alibi: an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
- Antiquated: outdated; old fashioned
- Bolster: support; prop up
- Buttress: strengthen; support
- Choleric: easily angered
- Cryptic: puzzling; enigmatic
- Delineation: demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
- Diorama: model of a scene
- Ephemeral: short-lived
- Evacuate: vacate; empty; abandon
- Fecund: fertile
- Hedonist: a pleasure seeker
- Idiosyncrasy: a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
- Inebriation: drunkenness; intoxication
- Lamentation: expression of regret or sorrow
- Libertarian: someone who opposes tyranny
- Obliterate: destroy; demolish; eradicate
- Ominous: threatening
- Plummet: fall suddenly and steeply
- Potent: powerful; compelling; strong
- Resolution: determination
- Ruminate: think over something; ponder
- Tentative: not certain
- Transcribe: copy
Group 10
- Acquiesce: to agree to; give in to
- Allay: to lessen
- Alleviate: make less severe
- Bombast: arrogant, pompous language
- Byline: the line that tells you who wrote an article
- Cacophony: discordant loud noises
- Curtail: cut short
- Demur: hesitate; refuse
- Denounce: condemn; speak out against
- Epicure: someone who appreciates good food and drink
- Exacerbate: make worse
- Exasperated: frustrated; annoyed
- Heed: listen to
- Ignominious: shameful
- Ignominy: shame [ignominious (a) = shameful]
- Lampoon: ridicule; spoof
- Liniment: soothing lotion
- Oblivious: totally unaware
- Omnipotent: all-powerful
- Podium: raised platform
- Pragmatic: practical
- Resonant: echoing
- Ruse: trick; stratagem
- Tenuous: flimsy; not solid
- Transgress: go astray; disobey; commit a sin
Group 11
- Aloof: distant; detached; cold
- Altruism: putting others first; being self-sacrificing
- Cajole: coax
- Caldron: huge cooking pot
- Deplete: use up; lessen
- Deplore: regret
- Exceptionable: very bad (something which we should object to)
- Exculpate: free someone from blame; pardon; acquit
- Illuminate: to light up or make clear
- Illusory: deceptive; false; misleading
- Livid: very angry
- Lobbyist: person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
- Omniscient: all-knowing
- Onerous: burdensome; hard to undertake
- Onus: burden
- Pragmatist: practical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
- Preamble: introductory material
- Precarious: unstable; risky
- Saccharin: falsely sweet
- Sacrosanct: very holy; inviolable
- Sagacious: wise
- Transient: short-lived; ephemeral
- Traverse: to move across
- Trepidation: fear
Group 12
- Amass: accumulate
- Ambiguity: uncertainty; vagueness
- Ambiguous: unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways
- Callow: immature
- Candid: frank; honest
- Candor: frankness; openness
- Depravity: moral corruption
- Deprecate: criticize; denounce
- Deride: ridicule; make fun of; mock
- Execrable: very, very bad
- Exegesis: scholarly explanation or interpretation
- Exemplary: outstandingly good; setting a fine example
- Immoderate: excessive; extreme
- Immutable: unchanging; permanent
- Impartial: unbiased; neutral
- Lofty: snooty; arrogant; haughty
- Longevity: long life
- Opaque: does not let light through
- Opulent: wealthy; rich; magnificent
- Precedent: a previous occurrence used as a guide
- Precept: guiding principle
- Sage: a wise person
- Salacious: lecherous; erotic
- Trinket: something of little value; knick-knack
- Trite: unoriginal; dull
Group 13
- Ambivalence: lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided
- Ambulatory: able to walk around (used of hospital patients)
- Cantankerous: bad-tempered; quarrelsome
- Capacious: spacious
- Derogatory: uncomplimentary
- Desecrate: to damage or pollute a holy place
- Exemplify: to serve as a good example
- Exhaustive: complete and thorough
- Impecunious: having no money
- Impious: wicked; profane
- Loquacious: talkative
- Lucid: clear
- Ludicrous: ridiculous; silly
- Ordain: 1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest
- Ornate: highly decorated
- Orthodox: conventional
- Precinct: district of a city
- Precipice: steep slope
- Precipitous: done in a hurry
- Sallow: yellowish
- Salubrious: health-giving
- Salutary: something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial
- Trivial: unimportant
- Truant: shirker; someone absent without permission
- Truncate: cut short
Group 14
- Ameliorate: make better
- Amelioration: improvement
- Amiable: surrender; give in to
- Carping: constant criticism
- Cartographer: person who makes maps
- Desecration: spoiling something holy
- Desist: stop; discontinue; cease
- Despondent: having no hope; miserable
- Exonerates: acquits; absolves; removes blame
- Exorcism: getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)
- Expatriate: refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country
- Impoverished: destitute; poor
- Impromptu: unrehearsed; spontaneous
- Inadvertent: not intentional
- Lukewarm: 1. unenthusiastic; 2. neither hot nor cold
- Lummox: clumsy person
- Ossify: 1. turn to bone; 2. become fixed and rigid
- Ostentatious: showy
- Preclude: prevent or make impossible
- Precocious: developing early
- Sanctimonious: hypocritically holy
- Sanction: give approval to
- Tumult: uproar; noise
- Turpitude: depravity
Group 15
- Amity: friendship
- Amorphous: lacking in shape
- Castigate: scold strongly
- Catharsis: purging of pent-up emotions
- Destitution: hardship; poverty; misery
- Deter: put off; prevent
- Expedient: convenient; practical
- Expedite: make faster
- Incantation: chant; invocation; prayer
- Incarceration: putting in prison
- Luscious: juicy; moist; succulent
- Lynch: assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
- Machinations: plots and plans
- Oust: push out of a position
- Overt: obvious; not hidden
- Overwrought: worked up; in an emotional state
- Predecessor: one who came before
- Predicament: dilemma; difficult situation
- Preeminent: famous; outstanding
- Sanguinary: bloodthirsty; bloody
- Sanguine: optimistic; cheerful
- Sardonic: mocking
- Tyro: novice; beginner
- Ubiquitous: found everywhere; omnipresent
- Unalloyed: undiluted; total
Group 16
- Analgesic: medicine to combat pain
- Analogous: comparable
- Anarchy: chaos; lack of government
- Caucus: type of private political meeting
- Caustic: burning
- Cavalcade: procession of vehicles
- Deteriorate: worsen; decline
- Detrimental: harmful
- Devoured: greedily eaten/consumed
- Exposition: clear explanation
- Extol: praise
- Extradite: deport from one country back to the home country
- Incessant: without stopping
- Incipient: just beginning
- Inclination: tendency; a leaning toward
- Maelstrom: whirlpool; storm in the ocean
- Magnanimous: generous; big-hearted
- Palatable: good to eat; agreeable
- Palisade: fence made of posts
- Prerogative: right or privilege
- Prescient: having fore-knowledge
- Savant: person with knowledge
- Scale: to climb
- Unctuous: oily; using excessive flattery
- Undermined: damaged; attacked
Group 17
- Anecdote: a brief amusing story
- Animosity: hatred; antagonism
- Celerity: speed
- Censorious: disapproving; critical
- Dexterous: skilful with hands
- Dichotomy: a division into two parts
- Extraneous: irrelevant
- Extrapolate: extend; predict on the basis of known data
- Incoherent: not clear
- Incongruous: not fitting in; out of place
- Magnate: powerful businessman
- Maladroit: clumsy; unskillful
- Malady: illness
- Palliative: a remedy that improves but doesn't cure
- Pallid: pale
- Palpable: easily felt; easily perceived
- Presentiment: a feeling that something might happen
- Presumptuous: assuming too much; arrogant
- Pretentious: pompous; self-important
- Scapegoat: person on whom blame is placed for faults of others
- Scrupulous: careful; diligent; painstaking
- Scrutinize: examine carefully
- Underscore: emphasize
- Unequivocal: clear; obvious
- Unfetter: set free
Group 18
- Annex: (n) a building which is an addition to an existing building
- Annex: (v) take possession of; seize; capture
- Anomaly: something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity
- Censure: blame
- Cerebral: intellectual
- Certitude: certainty
- Didactic: intended to teach; instructive
- Diffident: lacking confidence
- Digress: wander off the subject
- Extrinsic: irrelevant; on the outside
- Fallacious: false
- Falter: hesitate; waver
- Inconsequential: unimportant; insignificant; negligible
- Inconspicuous: not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable
- Indelible: cannot be wiped out
- Malediction: a curse
- Malefactor: a wrong-doer
- Panacea: remedy for all ills
- Paradigm: 1. example; 2. model; 3. way of looking at things
- Prevaricate: speak misleadingly and evasively
- Pristine: unspoiled
- Scuttle: sink
- Seminary: an institution in which priests are trained
- Unfrock: to remove a priest from his position
- Unprecedented: never having happened before
Group 19
- Antagonism: hostility; strong opposition
- Antagonistic: opposed; hostile; aggressive
- Charlatan: trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have
- Chary: wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give
- Dike :dam; embankment
- Dilatory: slow; falling behind with one's work
- Fanatical: obsessive; fixated
- Fanaticism: passion; excessive devotion
- Indifferent: 1. neutral; 2. not outstanding
- Indigenous: native to a particular area
- Malinger: deliberately avoid work; shirk
- Malingerer: person who deliberately tries to avoid work
- Malleable: flexible; can be shaped
- Paradox: apparently contradictory statement
- Paragon: a perfect example
- Paramount: of supreme importance
- Proclivity: tendency towards
- Procrastinate :delay; put off
- Prodigal: wasteful; extravagant
- Sensuous: appealing to the senses
- Sentinel: guard; sentry
- Sequester: isolate
- Unscathed: unharmed; intact; without a scratch
- Unwitting: not deliberate; unconscious
- Upbraid: scold; tell off; reprimand
Group 20
- Antediluvian: outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned
- Anthology: a book which is a collection of poems or stories
- Chastises: punishes
- Chicanery: trickery
- Dilemma: puzzling situation
- Dilettante: person who dabbles in a subject without serious study
- Diligent: hard-working
- Fastidious: overly particular; finicky
- Fatuous: silly; foolish
- Feasible: possible and practicable
- Indolence: laziness
- Inductee: novice; beginner
- Indulgent: pampering; satisfying desires
- Manipulatable:influencable; controllable
- Marred: damaged; spoiled
- Parasite: 1. scrounger; 2. animal which takes digested food from another
- Parched: dried up
- Pariah: an outcast from society
- Prodigious: very large
- Profane: unholy
- Profanity: swearing; cursing
- Serendipity: fortunate coincidence; unsought discovery
- Serene: calm; peaceful
- Serrated: jagged; saw-like
- Urbane: sophisticated; suave