GRC JROTC Marksmanship & Rifle Team SOP
George Rogers Clark High School
Junior ROTC
& Rifle Team
School Year (SY) 2017-2018
(LAST REVISED 20 Sep 2017)
A. Mandatory Instruction (pre-qualification) 3
B. Qualification 4
A. Marksmanship Team Ribbon (N-3-7) & Criteria
B. Rifle Team Arc Tab (Medal) & Criteria
C. Marksmanship Qualification Badge & Criteria
VI WEAPONS & SECURITY (Arms Room) 9-10
SY 2013-2014 1
GRC JROTC Marksmanship & Rifle Team SOP
A. AUTHORITY: The GRC JROTC Marksmanship and Rifle Team program operates under the guidelines of Army Regulation (AR) 145-2 and Cadet Command Regulation 145-2. While this SOP will highlight the majority of the rules and regulations of a marksmanship program, however, the entire guidelines are contained in CCR 145-2, Appendices N and O. This SOP will be using excerpts from that regulation.
B. The CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP and SAFETY PROGRAM: The Civilian Marksmanship (CMP) is a national organization dedicated to training and educating U.S. citizens in the responsible uses of firearms and air guns through gun safety training, marksmanship training, and competitions. It places its highest priority on serving youth through gun safety and marksmanship activities that encourage personal growth and building life skills. It supports the following objectives:
1. To instruct citizens of the United States in marksmanship.
2. To promote practice and safety in the use of firearms.
3. To strengthen confidence and competence in the use of firearms through participation in competitions and the award of trophies, prizes, badges, and other insignia to competitors.
C. The only authorized marksmanship training in JROTC is with the use of air rifles and under the supervision of the JROTC instructors (SAI/AI).
D. The requirements to establish a JROTC Cadet Safety and Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) are divided into four (4) requirement categories; unit, Instructor, Cadet, and range requirements. As a minimum, each unit with a program will follow guidance listed in CCR 145-2, paragraph 9-3. Also see Section V (Cadet Conduct & Safety) of this SOP.
A. MANDATORY INSTRUCTION: Rifle marksmanship is an integral part of the JROTC Curriculum and is taught in Unit 7 (Cadet Safety and Civilian Marksmanship Program). Cadets in the GRC JROTC program traditionally receive this block of instruction during the Fall Semester of their LET-2 year. Cadets must receive this marksmanship instruction before they do any qualification firing. They must also have a signed JROTC Cadet Individual Safety Pledge and successfully score 100% on a 25-question JROTC Air Rifle Marksmanship Cadet Safety Exam before firing. There are ten (10) lessons taught in Unit 7:
1. History of Marksmanship (Lesson 1).
2. Firearm Safety and Safe Range Operations (Lesson 2).
3. Target Shooting Equipment and its Operation (Lesson 3).
4. The First Target Position – Standing (Lesson 4).
5. Aiming and Firing (Lesson 5).
6. Sight Adjustment and Scoring (Lesson 6).
7. The Prone Position (Lesson 7). * Qualification (standing & prone ONLY) is authorized after completion of this lesson and 100% on Safety Exam. To qualify for the Marksman and Sharpshooter badges, qualification firing must be done in those two (2) positions, Standing and Prone.
8. The Kneeling Position (Lesson 8). * Qualification (standing, prone & kneeling) is authorized after completion of this lesson and 100% on Safety Exam. To qualify for the Expert badge, qualification firing must be done in all three positions, prone, standing and kneeling.
9. Practice and Skill Development (Lesson 9).
10. Competition Opportunities (Lesson 10).
NOTE: LET-1 Cadets (or any others who have not taken this block of instruction) who want to compete to be selected on a Rifle Marksmanship Team still MUST complete the required training as noted above, to include scoring 100% on the Safety Exam prior to firing any air rifle. See Rifle Team for additional details.
B. QUALIFICATION: GRC JROTC Air Rifle Marksmanship qualification is conducted in the following manner:
1. Prior to any qualification firing, all Cadets must go through training on Unit 7, Cadet Safety and Civilian Marksmanship Program. Once the Cadet completes the training, has a signed JROTC Cadet Individual Safety Pledge and successfully score 100% on a 25-question JROTC Air Rifle Marksmanship Cadet Safety Exam, they will be given the opportunity to attempt to qualify. NOTE: This includes any Cadet who wants to try-out for a Marksmanship/Rifle Team (compete).
2. Marksmanship Qualification Awards. JROTC Cadets who participate in rifle marksmanship instruction are eligible to earn qualification badges. There are three (3) designed qualification-levels and associated badges:
a. Marksman.
b. Sharpshooter.
c. Expert.
The Expert badge is the highest ranking and most difficult to earn. The badges signify that the Cadets who earn them have demonstrated the knowledge and skill to handle rifles safety and have mastered basic rifle marksmanship skills to achieve required scores in qualification firing tests. JROTC Cadets are authorized to wear marksmanship qualification badges on their class A or class B uniforms. Cadets may earn more than one badge, but may only wear the highest-ranking badge earned.
3. Qualification Course Standards. The following standards apply to the conduct of unit qualification firing:
a. Rifles. Air rifle qualification firing must be done with sporter-class air rifles such as the Daisy 853, 887, or Crossman Challenger series rifles that were issued through the military supply system.
b. Targets. Air rifle qualification firing may be done on either the BMC (basic marksmanship course) or AR-1 competition targets.
c. Clothing and Equipment. During qualification firing, a sling may be used in the prone and kneeling positions, a glove may be worn on the support hand in any position and a kneeling roll may be used in the kneeling position. Shooting jackets cannot be worn when qualifying with the air rifle.
4. Qualification Scores. To receive a qualification badge, Cadets must attain the following scores in qualification firing that is supervised by a unit instructor.
Qualification Badge / Firing Positions / Air Rifle AR-1 Target / Air Rifle BMC TargetMarksman / 10 shots standing, 10 shots prone / 110-129 / 175-187
Sharpshooter / 10 shots standing, 10 shots prone / 130-200 / 188-230
Expert / 10 shots prone / 230-300 / 290-300
10 shots standing
10 shots kneeling
5. Qualification Firing Procedures. The unit instructor will designate the times when Cadets may do qualification firing. Cadets may be given multiple opportunities to fire qualifying scores.
a. To earn the Marksman and/or Sharpshooter badge, a Cadet will be credited with the total of the best 10-shot standing and the best 10-shot prone position scores fired during qualification firing periods designated by the instructor.
b. To earn the Expert badge, a Cadet must fire a 30-shot three-position score (10-shots prone, 10-shots standing and 10-shots kneeling, all fired at the same time) with the following sequence and time limits:
STAGE / TIME LIMITPreparation Period / 10 minutes
Prone position / 15 minutes
Changeover to standing / 5 minutes
Standing position / 20 minutes
Changeover to kneeling / 5 minutes
Kneeling position / 15 minutes
Practice or sighting shots may be fired in each position before record shots are fired, but any sighting shots and the 10 record shots must be fired within the time limit for that position.
6. Any Cadet that makes the Rifle Team (regardless of LET level) can use their scores from a sanctioned Air Rifle Competition for the Marksmanship Qualification Badge. The scoring standards will be the same that are outlined in this SOP.
7. A previously qualified Cadet that is on the Rifle Team can use their scores from a sanctioned Air Rifle Competition to “upgrade” their Marksmanship Qualification Badge.
A. GRC JROTC RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP TEAM: The GRC JROTC Rifle Team will be determined in the following manner:
1. All Cadets desiring to try out for the Rifle Marksmanship Team must be approved by the Instructor. A lack of maturity or any safety concerns can be reasons for the instructor denying the Cadet an opportunity to try out for the team.
2. Tryouts will be conducted late in the fall semester. There will be 20 slots for the Rifle Marksmanship Team, and once the team has been announced, the 20 Cadets will be on the team for the entire school year. The “season” will typically run from late fall until early spring.
B. RIFLE TEAM CAPTAIN: Authority to exercise command and control at each unit level is vested in the cadet officers and NCO’s who are solely responsible for establishing and upholding the standards of performance in their respective units.
1. Rifle Team Captain:
a. The Rifle Team Coach (MSG Lee) will select a Team Captain at the same time that the team is announced.
b. The Team Captain will be responsible for ensuring all training and competitions are conducted in a safe and disciplined manner.
c. He/she will be responsible for ensuring that the range is prepared to standard, and notify the Rifle Team Coach, so that he can inspect the range before any firing commences.
2. Rifle Team Co-Captain: The Rifle Team Co-Captain has the same responsibilities as the Captain, and will act as the Rifle Team Captain in their absence.
C. RIFLE TEAM MEMBERS: All Rifle Team members will act in a safe manner, and are expected to adhere to the highest level of discipline and always obey range operation procedures.
NOTE: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, will any firing be conducted without the Rifle Team Coach present, and directly supervising the cadets on the range.
A. GENERAL: Cadet ribbons, tabs, and badges are presented to cadets in recognition of outstanding performance and/or achievement. Some of these are awarded as soon as practical after earning the award/ribbon and some are only awarded at the Annual Awards Ceremony (typically held in May).
B. TYPES OF AWARDS: The following are the various types of awards and ribbons that Cadets may earn while conducting Marksmanship activities:
N-3-7 / Marksmanship Team Ribbon/ Awarded to cadets who participate in a competitive air-rifle marksmanship competition or postal match (1x per year). See also Rifle Team Arc Tab & Marksmanship Qualification Badge.
2. MEDAL ARC TABS: The following ARC TAB may be earned by cadets as described below.
Rifle Team Arc Tab (Arc Medal)/ Any Cadet / Cadets who earn the N-3-7 (Marksmanship Team Ribbon) twice (2x) earn this Arc Tab.
3. MARKSMANSHIP QUALIFICATION BADGE: The following Marksmanship Qualification Badge may be earned by cadets as described below (See also, Section I, paragraph G of the Regimental SOP).
Marksmanship Qualifications (Badge)/ Cadets who achieve the marksmanship standards as prescribed in
CCR 145-2. / Successfully completing prescribed course of fire (based on firing the AR-1 (10 Bull)) target with minimum established score.
The scores for the different badges are:
230-300 is Expert
130-200 is Sharp Shooter
110-129 is Marksman
SY 2017-2018
GRC JROTC Marksmanship & Rifle Team SOP
1. Cadets will conduct themselves at all times in a manner to reflect credit upon themselves, the school, the Regiment, the U.S. Army, and the community. Safety is the number one priority while conducting all marksmanship training.
2. Horseplay and acts of irresponsibility will not be tolerated. At no time will public displays of affection be tolerated when in uniform or during field trips.
3. Punctuality is mandatory for all formations.
4. Serious infractions of safety, discipline and/or cadet regulations will be referred to the SAI/AI. Actions will be referred to the appropriate school officials when necessary.
5. Cadets involving themselves in improper actions such as fighting, disrespect to staff or faculty, etc. while in or out of uniform are subject to demotion, demerits, and potential dismissal from the program.
B. RANGE SAFETY: The following safety rules will be in effect:
1. All Junior ROTC Instructors/Coaches will comply with the regulatory guidelines outlined in CCR 145-2 (Appendix N & O) with respect to marksmanship training.
2. Air rifle marksmanship will only be conducted by certified JROTC instructors or coaches approved through 7th Brigade, USACC.
3. Instructors will not conduct JROTC air rifle marksmanship training with students other than JROTC cadets. Cadets must have completed LET Unit 7, Lesson 2, and successfully passed the test, as well as understand the Cadet Safety Pledge.
4. The rifle range will be supervised at all times by a JROTC Instructor that is certified to conduct air rifle marksmanship safety, range management, and training in accordance with applicable JROTC regulations.
5. Access Control – the JROTC Department will ensure that access is controlled at all times.
6. Maintenance of the range is the sole responsibility of the JROTC Department.
7. Caliber of ammunition: .177 pellet .
8. Types of rifles to be used: Daisy Model 853, 887, or Crossman Challengers.
SY 2017-2018
GRC JROTC Marksmanship & Rifle Team SOP
NOTE: This Section is only an extract taken from the GRC JROTC Supply SOP that includes all standard operating procedures and regulatory guidance regarding weapons and security.
A. PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to highlight for Cadets the applicable established policies and procedures for securing weapons (Drill & Air Rifles), ammunition, and other sensitive (pilferable) items.
1. Arms Room (weapon) security is the responsibility of the SAI/AI or MPS/MPC, designated cadet supply and security personnel (Regimental S-4 or S-2 Staff or Company-level Supply Sergeants), and all cadets in the possession of Government property. All will ensure that all sensitive containers in the Arms Room and doors permitting access into the Arms Room are secured daily prior to close of business.