Northeastern Presbyterian Church
2112 Varnum Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018
Telephone: (202) 526-1730 Fax: (202) 526-5900
Email: Website:
March 24, 2013
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
The Rev. Nancy E. Thornton, Pastor
The Rev. Dr. Shelton B. Waters, Pastor Emeritus
Holy Week Begins
March 24, 2013
Welcome to Northeastern Presbyterian Church. You are welcome here. Whatever motivation propelled you through our doors this morning . . . you belong here because you are here, and all that you have and all that you are is welcome here. We come together to meet with God, to express our fellowship in the Lord Jesus, and to take our part in the building of Christ’s church. We praise and thank God for goodness towards us, hear from God’s Holy Word, and pray for the world, and for ourselves.
**We stand with our hearts or our postures
۩ Do Not Enter
SOZ refers to the “Songs of Zion” hymnal
We Gather as God’s People in Praise and Prayer
INTROIT "Be Open" – arr. Raymond Reader Celestial Choir
One: Lent began in the wilderness; it concludes in Jerusalem.
All: We now come near to the end of one story. Another will soon begin.
One: We have followed Jesus this far; today we remember how he faced betrayal, falseness, rejection, and torment.
All: And we witness, once more, that He taught and walked in love
through every step of the journey.
**HYMN OF PRAISE #88, Hymnal “All Glory, Laud and Honor”
God of heaven and earth, we give You thanks for sending us Jesus Christ in Your name. Even though we profess to follow Him, we confess that in times of trial we too often deny Him. Forgive us and heal us, we pray. Help us put our faith not in the princes of the world, but only in the Prince of Peace. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Silence is kept.
One: It is the Lord who helps us; who will declare us guilty? Because of the grace
we received in baptism, we have nothing to fear.
Many: Forgiven and freed, let us share the peace of Christ with one another.
**PASSING THE PEACE #231, SOZ “God Is So Good”
One: May the peace of Christ be with you!
Many: And also with you!
We Experience God’s Word
RESPONSE #304 SOZ “Jesus Loves Me!”
Out of Your great love, O God, You have not withheld anything from us. Now, out of our love, we give back some of what You have given. In so doing we give You our whole lives to be used in Your service and to bring You honor and glory. Amen.
OFFERTORY "Let Us Praise Him” Celestial Choir
**DOXOLOGY #592, Hymnal “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Leader A: No matter who we are, no matter what comes our way, we have
something to give, for we carry God in our hearts.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
Leader B: When storms arise, when wars take their toll, we are called to share the
light of hope. Christ is present.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
Leader A:We have been blessed abundantly so that we may share in every good
work, in obedience to the gospel.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
Leader B:When we sow bountifully, the harvest of righteousness feeds all God’s
people; the seeds of transformation blossom and bear fruit.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
Leader A:The blessing of generosity is the capacity to kindle the fires of joy, where
brothers and sisters share an abundance of enough.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
Leader B:When we give with the heart of God, thanksgivings overflow.
People: Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
SPECIAL MUSIC "The Palms” arr. by Wayne Howorth Celestial Choir
Eternal God, quiet within us all mortal voices, that through the story of the passion and by the power of Your Holy Spirit, may we have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, in Whose name we pray. Amen
SCRIPTURE READINGS: ** Mark 15:25-39, Page 829, Pew Bible
One: This is the Word of the Lord.
Many: Thanks be to God!
SERMONIC SELECTION “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Celestial Choir
MESSAGE “Eloi, Eloi, Lema Sabachthani” Rev. Dr. G. Wilson Gunn, Jr.
We Respond to God’s Word
** AFFIRMATION OF FAITH p. 14, Hymnal The Apostles’ Creed
We Go Forth to Love and Serve God and Neighbor
**HYMN OF INVITATION #339, Hymnal “Be Thou My Vision”
Lectionary: Palms: Luke 19:28-40; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Passion: Isaiah 50:4-9; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49
Today’s Worship Leadership
Liturgist: Elder Cynthia Gervais
Greeters: Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Ruby) Webb
One: This is the Word of the Lord.
Many: Thanks be to God!
Our Thoughts & Prayers are with Northeastern Members
Rev. Nancy Thornton – Suburban Hospital – Room 3208 – 301-896-7008
Mrs. Mary Hinton – Heartland Rehabilitation Center – 6500 Riggs Road, NE – (202) 559-0300
Mr. Henry Mikell – Holy Cross Hospital – Rm. 6128, Bed 1, (301) 754-8037
Rev. Dr. Shelton B. Waters – Rydal Park Medical Center – 1515 Fairway – Rydal, PA 19046
Mr. Edmund Annor - 4029 – 22nd Street, NE, - Washington, DC 20018 - (202) 832-5049
Ms. Arline Chisholm – 1313 Queen Street, NE, – Washington, DC 20002 – (202) 398-5362
Ms. Sheila Dixon – 305 Galloway Street, NE, Unit 106, - Washington, DC 20018 –(201) 269-3731
Rev. Henry C. Eiland - 11400 Lovejoy Street, Silver Spring, MD 20902 – (301) 681-8699
Mrs. Ethel Farrior – The Specialty Hospital of Washington – 700 Constitution Ave., NE, DC 20002
Mr. Charles Foster – 4500 19th Place, NE, Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 269-0561
Jacqueline Hamlin – 1709 Otis Place, NE, – Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 526-1612
Mrs. Beatrice Hyatt – 6100 Sargent Road, #112 – Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 559-8831
Elder Judine Johnson - 205 Rittenhouse St., NE, - Washington, DC 20011 - (202) 726-3219
Mrs. Doris Keating – Fox Chase Rehab Ctr – 2015 East West Hghy – Silver Spring, MD, 20910 – (301) 585-1373
Mrs. Mary Lockard – 1432 Trinidad Avenue,, NE, - Washington, DC 20002 – (202) 397-1837
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (Mertina) Monk – 2100 Gatewood Place – Silver Spring, MD 20903 – (301) 439-8889
Mrs. Beatrice O’Bryant – 5339 42nd Street, NW - Washington, DC 20015 – (202) 966-2212
Mr. James Page, Jr. – 6639 – 24th Place, Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 853-3229
Mrs. Helen Price – 6532 Parkway Court – Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 559-0723
Mrs. Iris Rogers – 776 Oglethorpe St., NE – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 635-2047
Mrs. Ida Robinson 325 Anacostia Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20019 – (202) 399-0093
Mrs. Myrtle Simpson – 811 Kennedy Street, NE, – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 526-2407
Mrs. Isabelle Sims – 1422 Trinidad Avenue, NE, - Washington, DC 20002 – (202) 397-2464
Mrs. Verelle Webster – 5000 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE - #531 – Washington, DC
20019 – (202) 399-7504
Mr. Micajah Walker –Villa Rosa Nursing Home - 38 Lottsford Vista Road, Mitchellville, MD, Rm. 120
Mrs. Minnie White – 4251 Colorado Avenue, NW – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 829-8523
Mrs. Ethelyne Wilkes – 1217 Tuckerman Street, NW – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 726-6119
Mrs. Eleanor Woods -1712 Buchanan Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017 – (202) 529-7515
Mrs. Mary Woolfolk – 2201 Colston Drive – Rm. 304 – Silver Spring, MD 20910 – (301) 585-3805
Ms. Helen Brown – 4025 19th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 248-7027 (Sister of Rose Wheeler)
Mr. John H. Darden – 4207 Eastern Ave., #A1, Mt Rainier, MD 20712 (Husband of Mrs. Barbara J. Ross-Darden)
Mrs. Maggie E. Dodson – 5858 Eastern Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 526-8144
(Mother of Shirley Dodson and Doretha Elmore)
Mr. Tecumseh Harris – 5432 Shirley Jean Court, Winston Salem, NC 27105 (Nephew of Charlotte Smoot)
Makai Dingle - (Grandson of Angela Hemphill)
Mr. Wilbert Samuel – Winston Salem, NC (Brother of Hasker Samuel)
Mrs. Dorothy Samuel Smith – Tabaccoville, NC (Sister of Hasker Samuel)
Mrs. Marjorie Stephens – Chicago, Illinois (relative of Margie Wilson)
Church Officers
Church Music Staff
Director, Chancel Choir/Interim Organist - Dr. Laddie Bell
Assistant Organist - Ms. Lillian Berry
Director/Pianist, Celestial Choir - Rev. Rosemarie Jones
Director, Youth/Cherub Choir - Mrs. Michelle Williams
Pianist, Youth/Cherub Choir - Ms. Jennifer Allen
Pastor’s Information
Cell Phone: 845-518-1683
Home Phone: 202-832-1467
Address: 3617 28th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018
Office Phone: 202-526-1814
Northeastern Presbyterian Church
March 24 Palm Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.
NEPC School presents “Jesus Christ; Reunion in Upper Room,” Auditorium, 11:30 a.m.
Trustee Meeting, following worship service
March 26 Tuesday Morning Bible Study: 11:00 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Session Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Jamison Lounge
March 27 Lenten Study: Discussion on “Antwone Fisher”
March 28 Maundy Thursday Worship, 7:00 p.m.
March 29 Good Friday Service, 7:00 p.m.
Pastor Nancy went through a triple bypass and a valve replacement Friday, March 22, 2013, at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, MD. Her prognosis is good. She is recuperating in ICU- 3109. There is no visitation at this time.
BLACK AND WHITE BALL: Tickets are on sale now! Please plan to attend an event worthwhile. Invite your family and friends. This is a fundraiser for the purchasing of a new organ. (See flyer.)
CHURCH SCHOOL is in need of donations for this year's Easter egg hunt! Please bring donations (ie. candy, plastic eggs, and baskets) to the auditorium by Saturday, March 23, 2013. Thank you very much for your support!
EASTER LILIES ON SALE! TODAY is the last day to order your Easter Lilies. The cost is $11.00 for 5-7 blooms. Meet Angela Hemphill in the Security office to place your order.
FOOD AND FRIENDS SATURDAY will be the 5th Saturday, March 30th. instead of 4th Saturday. If you are able to participate, please let me Jennifer Allen know no later than Wed. March 27th.
LITERARY CLUB: Please join us for a spirited discussion of Gwendolyn Parker's novel about a "good man's struggle to keep the faith in the face" of personal tragedy These Same Long Bones on Sunday, May 5th in the library right after morning worship service.
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING: Today, Northeastern we will be participating in the church’s One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Funds donated to this program are used for disaster relief around the world as well as domestic. We encouraged you to be generous, showing love and support for those who have suffered losses.
THE NORTHEASTERN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL EASTER PRESENTATION: The 2013 Easter play will take place on Palm Sunday March 24, 2013, approximately 20 minutes after the conclusion of the morning church service. Please be advised that refreshments will be served before the performance.
THE NORTHEASTERN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) TEAM is on a mission to update the church’s website. We are seeking information to highlight each of the church’s organizations. Please designate a person as the point of contact for your organization. That person will be responsible for working with the IT Team in providing content for your
organization in an effort to update the website. Kindly submit the information to Katrin Jones, at or contact Katrin at 202-494-7648. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact her.
THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN will study Lesson 6 of the Horizons Bible Study, "The Elders," on Saturday, March 16, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. in the Presbyterian Women Room on the 3rd floor of the Education Building. The Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team will meet following Bible study. The lesson will be taught by Rita Newton.
TO THE CONGREGATION, FROM THE HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION: The Commission thanks you, individuals and organizations, for your past contributions to our Scholarship Fund. We ask you to please continue to include donations in your budget to the Fund. You make it possible for the Higher Education Commission to continue their mission to assist graduating senior high and undergraduate students, in their education pursuits . . . . Anyone who wishes to become a member of the Higher Education Commission should contact Myrtle Simpson (202) 526-2407 or Wilhelmenia Davis (202) 529-5558.
Presbyterians believe God’s Word comes to us through the sacraments and the preaching of Holy Scripture. Honoring God’s Word, not to mention getting something out of church, includes diligent listening to the sermon active mental participation.
1. Review active listening skills.
While the listener in this case does not get to speak, the sermon is still a conversation. Make mental notes as you listen. Taken notice of where and why you react and which emotions you experience.
2. Take notes.
Note-taking promotes active listening and provides a good basis for later reflection. It also allows you to return to confusing or complicated parts at your own leisure.
3. Maintain good posture. Avoid slouching.
Sit upright with your feet planted firmly on the ground and your palms on your thighs. Beware of the impulse to slouch, cross your arms, or lean against your neighbor, as these can encourage drowsiness.
4. Listen for the law.
You may feel an emotional pinch if Pastor Nancy names the sinner in you. Pay attention to your reaction, and try to focus on waiting for the gospel rather than becoming defensive.