Office of Graduate Studies Scholarships and Stipends
Winter 2017
Graduate Excellence Entrance Scholarships(GEES)
The Graduate Excellence Entrance Scholarships (GEES) were created to assist University of Guelph’s colleges in attracting the highest quality students to their graduate programs.
Number of awards available to OVC:
Value & Duration:
Master’s – $15,000 – 3 equal payments over 3 semesters
Doctoral – $30,000 – 3 equal payments over 3 semesters
Canadian or permanent residents entering Masters or Doctoral studies in the upcoming May, September, or January semesters with a minimum 85% admission average. Students transferring from one graduate program to another are not eligible.
Other Conditions:
Students must remain registered full-time and maintain satisfactory progress for the duration of the scholarship in order to maintain funding.
Students may hold a Tri-Council or Ontario Graduate Scholarship. A GEES is not tenable with Tri-Council Top-up.
Administration of funds
Dean’s Council recently supported a proposal that these funds be administered to the top applicants for the W17 OVC Scholarship competition who meet the eligibility criteria. Announcements will be made in conjunction with the awarding of the OVC Scholarships.
InternationalGraduateTuition Scholarship (IGTS):
These scholarships were created to encourage recruitment of international graduate students. At $15,000 per year they essentially cover the difference between international & domestic tuition.
Number of awards available to OVC:
Value and Duration
Doctoral - $15,000 per year for 4 years
Eligibility to be nominated
A minimum 80%/A- or equivalent admission average is required.
Eligibility to hold the scholarship
- Not tenable with the China Scholarship Council Scholarship, the Ontario Trillium Scholarship or the CONACyT Scholarship.
- Students must maintain full-time registration and satisfactory progress in their program.
- Students who transfer from the Master’s to the PhD program are eligible to hold the award for a maximum of 4 years in total.
Administration of the Award
Departments will forward nominations to the College Associate Dean Research (ADR)’s office for endorsement by the Research Advisory Committee. The nomination form is available on the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies – Faculty & Staff – Scholarships and Awards Administrative Guidelines - website.
Applications Friday, February 10, 2017
Competitive MatchingFund
TheCompetitiveMatching Funds(CMF)isavailabletoallCollegestofinancially assistprogramsin therecruitmentofoutstanding graduate students.Thesefundsareavailableto Collegestoprovideacompetitivefunding packagetomatchthatfromanotherUniversity.
Value: Variousamounts
Available: University-wide for upcoming summer, fall, or winter offers of admission
Eligibility: Nomineemust bea domesticstudentwho isBIU-eligibleand hasreceived anofficialofferofadmission toa graduateprogram attheUniversity ofGuelph
- DepartmentGraduate Program CoordinatorswillnominatepotentialcandidatestotheADR oftheirCollegeand willincludedocumentationconfirming theamountofthefunding being offeredbythecompeting university along withtheCMFnomination form which canbefound onourwebsiteat: administrative-guidelines
- ADR’sareresponsibleforsetting any internaldeadlines,approving and distributing fundingamountswhichshould match butnotexceed thefunding offeredbythecompeting university
- OncetheCMF areapproved bytheCollegethedepartmentwillcompletetheCompetitiveMatching Fund lettertemplatewhich isavailableasasecuredocumentontheOGPS website atthesamelinkwhich isfound inthefirstbulletpoint ofthisdocument
- Thedepartmentwillforward thecompletedCompetitiveMatching Fund lettertemplatealongwith a signed nomination form and thecompeting funding offertotheir OGPS Admission Specialist.
- TheOGPS Admission Specialist willpreparethefinalCompetitiveMatching Fund letterand emailitto theapplicant
- TheOGPS Admission Specialistwillscan theletterand attached documentsand linkthemtotheapplicantfilein ImageNow
- A newdocumenttypecalled CompetitiveMatching Fund willbecreatedforeaseof filtering andtracking
- Each Collegeisresponsiblefor submittingan annualreportto OGPS Graduate Awards OfficersbyJanuary 30th ofthecurrentfiscalyearconfirming thestudentnames,ID#’sand $amountsspent.Areportingtemplateisavailableasa securedocumentontheOGPS websiteatthesamelinkwhichisfoundin thefirstbulletpoint of thisdocument
- Upon reviewand approvalof theannualreportbyOGPS Graduate Awards Officerstheamountof fundsexpended forthecurrentfiscalyearwillbetransferred viajournalentryby OGPS
Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)
Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS) The Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS) program is a provincially-funded initiative to attract the best qualified international students to Ontario for doctoral studies. Four OTS are awarded annually at the University of Guelph.
Value and Duration
$40,000 a year up to a total of four years provided the recipient maintains good academic standing and continues to meet recipient eligibility requirements.
Nominees must:
- Be an international student
- Be intending to pursue a full-time PhD program at the University of Guelph in the upcoming summer, fall or winter semester
- Have achieved an A- average in each of the last two years of full-time study
- Not currently be studying at an Ontario institution
- Not concurrently hold a scholarship offered by any of the following agencies: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST).
Nomination Package
- The Ontario Trillium Nomination Form completed and signed by the Graduate Program Coordinator. The nomination form is available on the Faculty & Staff section of the website – Scholarship Resources – Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS) Program.
- A detailed letter of support from the Graduate Program Coordinator which highlights the outstanding attributes of the nominee (i.e. academic achievement, research potential).
- The nominee must have applied for admission to the proposed graduate degree program at time of nomination. The application for admission and supporting documents can be accessed in WebNow, so departments need not forward the admission application with the nomination package.
Please note that each department may submit up to 3 nomination packages to the College Dean’s Office for further consideration.
Prior to February 15, 2017 - Departments compile list of all eligible international applicants who are applying for admission Summer 2017, Fall 2017 and Winter 2018.
February 15, 2017 - Complete nomination package is due from the department to the Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies (ADR) in the College Dean’s Office.