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20th Session

Item 3: Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Discrimination against Women

Statement of the Delegation of the Republic of Moldova

Delivered by H.E. Ambassador,Permanent Representative Victor Moraru

(Geneva, 21 June 2012)

Madame President,

Allow us to thank the Working Group on Discrimination against Women for its comprehensive first report on the issue of discrimination of women in law and in practice, as well as for the innovative findings pursuant to its recently established mandate.

We appreciate the scope of activities undertaken since its inception and the ambitious future plans and thematic priorities envisaged so far. Our delegation welcomes the adoption of the thematic areas for the biennium 2012-2013: discrimination in political and public life, with a focus on political transition, and economic and social life, with the accent on economic crisis. These themes need to be addressed in a targeted manner and are of utmost importance for ensuring that the rights of all women are respected and equal opportunities and treatment is guaranteed.

We firmly believe that only an inclusive approach with the consultation of all relevant stakeholders and mainstreaming of the findings on this subject can bring positive results. In this regard, wesupport the envisaged constructive partnerships with international mechanisms, including relevant United Nations entities, in particularthe United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other treaty bodies, the Universal Periodic Reviewwith a view to avoiding unnecessary duplication. At the same time it is rather important to apply the streamlining of international provisions with regionalrealities and contexts that women face, including those discussed and monitored at the level of the intergovernmental regional organizations.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the experts for conducting a recent fact-finding mission to the Republic of Moldova as well as for the input and recommendations offered for further consideration. The Republic of Moldova has made significant progress on the legal and institutional framework for equality between men and women and is continuing to undertake important steps for ensuring overall coherence of the legal framework in the field, as well as strengthening of the institutional mechanisms for its implementation.

The process of harmonization of the national legislation to the legal provisions of the Law no. 5-XVI of 9 February 2006 on ensuring equal opportunities between men and women is currently under way. A group of national experts have already issued the Report of compatibility of the Moldovan legislation to the provisions of the above-mentioned law and have prepared draft amendments to a series of laws, which are currently being consulted with relevant national authorities. At the same time, gender policies are integrated in all other strategic documents, like the Governmennt Programme for 2011-2014, National Programme for ensuring gender equality for 2010-2015, the National Human Rights Action Plan for the period 2011-2014 etc.

With regard to the implementation and enforcement mechanisms it should be noted that currently isfunctioning in Moldovaa Governmental Committee for equality between women and men. Also,gender focal points operate in all national institutions and local public authorities.

Now, Mme Chairwomen of the Working Group, let us come back to the priorities of your mandate for the next couple years. Could you share with us, please, your position on good practices and promising experience for empowering women’s role in the political life at decision-making levels? Is the quota system encouraging positive results in this sense?

Again, the introduction of affirmative measures is a subject under review in the Republic of Moldova, for ensuring an active participation of women in decision making process and a just representation in public structures.

Another aspect of women participation in public life which we believe should be stronger focused upon within your mandate is the role of women in peace and security. This aspect often goes overlooked, just like the fact that women are not just victims, they are agents of change. Women are sources of great courage, talent and energy. They are ready to work for peace, to lead civil society, serve in the military, enter politics and use their full potential. The public needs to hear more about women leaders, role models and women who have launched and embarked on important initiatives. It is necessary to focus on the positive image of women in society, for reinforcing their role and equal contribution to freedom, democracy and prosperity.

In conclusion, we reiterate our support for the role of your mandate and look forward to the release of the Report on the Republic of Moldova. My country is open to continuing its dialogue and engagement with the Working Group.

Thank you.