Master Teacher Training

1-14 May, 2016

Application Form

Program Description
The U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Sections (PAS) in Kabul supports robust English teaching programs that offer professional development opportunities for English language teaching professionals in Afghanistan. Because of the need for professional and trained English teachers in Afghanistan, our next professional development opportunity will focus on trainingMasterEnglish teachersto serve as mentors and guides to junior teachers in Afghanistan.
PAS Kabul aims to enhance the skills of a group of 6-10 educators through atwoweek Master Teacher Training Programwhich will take place in New Delhi, Indiafrom 1 Maythrough14 May 2016. During this training, the selected candidates will develop skills to better train and mentor English teachers.They will learn contemporary American English teaching methodologies, best practices and strategies to serve as teacher trainers in Afghanistan, and some new activities to help teachers develop their skills. Upon their return to Afghanistan, the participants will have the opportunity to spread their knowledge to other Afghan English teachers. Two U.S. State Department English Language Specialists will lead thetraining.
Requirements: In order to participate, Afghan teachers must be currently engaged in teaching English or supporting English teachers. Teachers with extensive English teaching experience will be more qualified for this program. Applicants are expected to have an MA Degree or similar level of qualification.
Application deadline / Saturday, 27 February 2016
Costs / Training instruction, travel, accommodations, and meals are sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Sections in Kabul. Participants must have a valid Afghan passport. Participants are not paid by the U.S. government for participating in this training.
Beginning date of program / 1 May 2016
Ending date of program / 14 May 2016
Number of Afghan participants / 6-10qualified English language educators;
Participants cannot invite spouses or Maharam.
Other Requirements /
  • A background in English teaching
  • Masters degree, preferably in education or TESOL
  • Ability to travel to India

Applicant’s Information
Provide name as it appears on your valid passport or official documents.
1. First name
2. Middle name
3. Last/family/surname
4. Number of your valid Passport (Please send a scan copy of your passport with this application.)
4. Gender / ___Male ____Female
5. Email
6. Cell phone number
7. Computer skills / ___Basic __Good ___Excellent
Family Emergency Contact
1. Name
2. Relationship to you
3. Email
4. Cell phone

Name of institution where you teach:

Faculty or Department where you teach:

Your degrees: (e.g. Master, PhD):

Your major field of study:

Teaching experiences:

Names of courses you teach in the English Department (please list all):

Please answer the following questions in 500 words. Responses longer than 500 words will not be read. Please write your own ideas in your own words. Please do not take ideas or language from another source and include them here.
  1. How do youtrain your students to become better English learners?
  2. What do you hope to gain from a training to serve as a mentor to English teachers?
  3. How have you served to mentor to novice teachers?

Please list any trainings or workshops you have conducted or organized:

Title of Training / Organization / Duration of Training / Targeted beneficiaries / Number of trainees / Remarks

Please send your application