CHATLOG 2006-11-28 Play a NT contract (4)

Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Nov 28 07:50:46 2006

bilmanager (Lobby): => Club: !H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H

Good morning everybody.

xx1943 (al) just opened a teaching table in the BIL.

"How to play a bridge hand"

He prepared 8 nice hands for you to play.


cashbox: hi

janeherehi: Hi Al nice to see you back! hope you are all better

->janeherehi: ty I'm ok in the moment

xx1943: hi all

kino: hi AL

xx1943: here we go

nestler: hi

xx1943: I've prepared 8 hands concerning to win your NT-contract

xx1943: kibs should focus declarer only

xx1943: bidding is ok

noworries: glp:)

kino: typ...plse tell me what to play...:))

xx1943: now kibs please kib only North

xx1943: Ann pls tell us what you are thinking

kino: count the winners

xx1943: how many

kino: 2 in !S

kino: 2!H

kino: 1!C 1!D..these are definite tricks

kino: need 3 more

kino: maybe from !C

kino: or !D

xx1943: if the !C finesse fails, you have only 8 tricks

xx1943: idem in !Ds

kino: idem?

xx1943: first q: hold up or not?

noworries: (the same)

kino: no hold up

xx1943: why not?

xx1943: rule of 7 says to hold up once

xx1943: 7-(3+2)-1 = 1

kino: k

xx1943: What do you know from the 5 of !Ss Ann?

tjilpi: why the -1 with your rule of seven here - is this because you havwe two stoppers??

xx1943: question: why the -1 with your rule of seven here - is this because you havwe two stoppers??

xx1943: yesssssssssss

tjilpi: ty

xx1943: I wrote a little note on rule of 7 for you:


hope->Kibitzers: even if she wants cant hold 2 times :) Ace x

kino: ok ty..will look later

tjilpi: ty note looks good

xx1943: now the !D finesse is safe, because EAST had 5 !S and WEST has nothing more !SS

xx1943: clap clap Ann

kino: ty

kino: ty p

xx1943: 2 things to remember:

xx1943: 1) Hold up once to exhaust WEST from !Ss

xx1943: 2) finesse the !C (EAST posssible entry) FIRST

xx1943: #2

xx1943: we need a North player

noworries->Club: wdp

bearnobags: hi all

magiemae: hello

xx1943: I would suggest to stay for 2 hands

janeherehi: Hi partner

magiemae: hi :)

xx1943->Kibitzers: too strong for 1NT too weak for 2NT

xx1943: bravo correct biddding

manawa: but 2NT describes hand and you dont want to rebid really

xx1943->Kibitzers: 2S+1D+2C she needs 4 tricks from !H

xx1943: why not try the Q

xx1943: Maybe the lead is from the K

janeherehi: true

xx1943: if

xx1943: you have Qxx you may play low

janeherehi: there are 5 higher cards out

xx1943: but with Qx you MUST play the Q

janeherehi: than the 6

cashbox: h9,then hq

->cashbox: bravo

xx1943: hold up twice according to rule of 7

manawa: what is the rule od seven again pls

->manawa: 1) "NT shows 20-22 HCP not 19 2)

manawa: ty

xx1943: clap clap Jane

janeherehi: really?

xx1943: the only rite technique to get 4 !H tricks

Miksa: :)

Miksa: no....

janeherehi: misc

Miksa: vwd

xx1943: ok 9 tricks

xx1943: but to show let us see what happens, if you play the Q instead of the 9 of hearts

xx1943: ok Jane

xx1943: play !S to the A

xx1943: If EAST covers, the show is over

xx1943: and no way back to the table for the 3. finesse

tjilpi: uhoh

noworries: could've played the !h10 instead of the !h4

xx1943: but what if you unblock

xx1943: now the 9

noworries: but then e would cover

xx1943: and EAST MUST cover

xx1943: you see after the Q declarer is in a double bind

magiemae: so what is the advantage of unblocking

xx1943: REMEMBER this typical card combination 7 cards missing the K including AQJT9 and only 1 entry to table

xx1943: no adv from unblocking

xx1943: you must lead the 9 in the first finesse

xx1943: more qs?

xx1943: ok #3

Miksa: no, ty

magiemae: poor jane

xx1943: good bid from NOrth

xx1943: don't fool around, bid what you want to play

janeherehi: typ

magiemae: glp

cashbox: no duck, can ca to dummy, do D suit

->cashbox: rite

xx1943: st||md|1SA92HAJ7DA92CKJ32,SK54HKQT65DK65C76,SJ3H43DQJT43CAQ54,SQT876H982D87CT98|nt||sv|e|mb|-|mb|-|mb|-|nt|Another example on the topic: "Hold up or not hold up that is the question!!"|pg||mb|1N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|mb|-|mb|-|mb|-|pg||pc|HK|pc|H3|pc|H2|pc|HA|pg||

nt|DON'T hold up, because the crucial finesse goes into the WEST-hand and you have a 2. stopper in @h, if he gets the lead.

But you are afraid of a @s-switch, which is possible after East played the @h 2.|pg||pc|C2|pc|C6|pc|CA|pc|C8|pg||













Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Nov 28 08:30:17 2006

xx1943->Club: rehi

xx1943: server doesn't like me today

hope: :)

Miksa: Me neither

janeherehi: what happened

cashbox: ..

mausie: we were all kicked out I think

Miksa: right

hope: last version:)

cashbox: lol

janeherehi: thought I was expelled for bad play

hope: a free trip into cyberspace:)

Miksa: :))

ellen22: lol

magiemae: me too.. hehe

cashbox: lol

xx1943: note the 2 from EAST

xx1943: West knows you've got AJ and pare applying the Bath-Coup, if you hold up

xx1943: you must be afraid for a !S-switch

xx1943: and taking the A is sure, because the !D-finesse goes to WEST

xx1943: and WEST can do you no harm

ntbidder: why didn't West lead 4th from Best ?

xx1943: must take the A. !H return would be dangerous

xx1943: and now we have 6 more tricks in the minors

xx1943: 2 more volunteers for #4

janeherehi: thats really deep Al

xx1943: hi Nada and Mihailo

janeherehi: but very good lesson

Miksa: Hello everyone

hope: hello Al and Mihajlo

hope: I might disappear big storm here

xx1943: 2!C is NMF or CBS I hope

hope: Unassuming Cue bid

ellen22: CBS?

xx1943: 3!C is ok

Miksa: ok, ty

tjilpi: nmf or cbs?

->ellen22: CBS = Check-Back-Stayman

ellen22: hmm

Miksa: I tought 2NT is better

xx1943: bid 3NT you know, he has noe 3 !ss and he has !H stop

Miksa: tyP

Miksa: ok: 1 in S, 2 in H, 1 in C

hope: I can not I can tell him I have 5 !S and he can bit what he wants :)

tjilpi: what is NMF / CBS?

hope: bid

Miksa: minors are the source of tricks

Miksa: West's overcall is the hint

Miksa: East, sorry

xx1943: correct

xx1943: the lead too

Miksa: right, East has J and T


hope: Al should have J and T

xx1943: I you need any explanation try BridgeGuys first


hope: :) bunch of homos:)

ellen22: danke!! ;-))

tjilpi: ty

->hope: tz tz tz tz

Miksa: I am afraid of !s switch, so I'll cover it.

xx1943: rule of 7 says: hold up once. You can do it now or later

Miksa: right

Miksa: now the only hope is for West to has A!d

Miksa: oh :(

xx1943: and -1

Miksa: sp

hope: GT M

Miksa: so... holdup?

xx1943: which of the minors you must establish first? and why?

tjilpi: need to lead the diamond before taking second heart

Miksa: !d, as !c is safe after !h are gone

xx1943: sure

xx1943: you got it Mihailo

Miksa: too late :)

xx1943: that is why I showed you this hand

xx1943: you wasted a trick in !DS by playing the 10 instead of a small one

Miksa: y, I see now

Miksa: sorry all

xx1943: now 1S+2H+3D+3C

xx1943: and the !C finesse is safe

xx1943: sry

Miksa: would you like to play the hand, Nada?

Miksa: and get some practice?

hope: no thank you

xx1943: you are rite the hand is better played from the South hand Mihailo lol

hope: NT is my "favorite"game:(

Miksa: 1 in !s, 1 in !h, 2 in !c and 2 in !d makes 6

Miksa: :)

xx1943: correct you need 3 more

Miksa: 2 more from !h

xx1943: sure you try the !S finesse

hope: !D

hope: if y nice 3 3:)

Miksa: and !s finesse

xx1943: !D are 2 more tricks at most

xx1943: not enough

Miksa: should play fo 4 tricks in !h

hope: 3!H

xx1943: and the !Ds are blocked

xx1943: rite you need 3 tricks from !H

xx1943: the K MUST be onside

xx1943: and no problem if then !Hs are 33

xx1943: ok

Miksa: right, if K is at East, no hope

xx1943: correct

Miksa: right. so carefil with small cards :)

hope: what do y mean NO hope - I am HERE:)

xx1943: lol

cashbox: lol

xx1943: Nada that is why I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hope: !H:)!H:)!H:)

hope: now go to hand and play small !H

xx1943: rite handle the !Hs is the problem in this hand

hope: to ten

->hope: then you'll never get 4 tricks in !H

Miksa: If I play J and East covers, I'll have small 2 in hand

xx1943: correct

hope: play J!H

->hope: nope, loses if WEST has Kx

xx1943: clap clap Mihailo

xx1943: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Miksa: :))

KeldKn: undo

hope: I though I play??

Miksa: I was typing "and then I have to repeat that as K can cover again..."

Miksa: sorry, I am not good in loud thinking

xx1943: ok ty Maihailo

cashbox: i play HKX doubleton inside.and keep CK for DQJ doubleton may get a overtrick.

Miksa: ty

hope->Club: finesse the lowest honor ten

xx1943: this is the typical move holding 7 cards missing K98765

kyno40: Hi Al

xx1943: compare with #2 where you got the 9 and things were very different

->kyno40: hi Klaus

xx1943: I need a N player too

hope: Thankl you Al thank you Mihajlo

xx1943: come on

Miksa: ty Nada, there is a Hope for me, I am sure :)

cherrie: hello

manawa: hi

xx1943: hello John and Private

cherrie: ty

xx1943->Kibitzers: I saw partners low !D and knew he has 3, so I can take the 2.

bwd1: trick 1 must take A?

xx1943: and 2 more tricks to EAST

->bwd1: sure

cherrie: i did not think here

xx1943: the mistake ocuured as so often in the 1. trick

xx1943: count:

xx1943: 1S+2H+4D(if you have an entry) and 2C=9

xx1943: if opps hold up the !Ds, you need urgently an entry to table

xx1943: but how to find without stealing

xx1943: sure

xx1943: now you can go to table with !H

cashbox: SQ

xx1943: bad luck the !S spots were against you and WEst defended very well

xx1943: !SQ had not helped I guess

xx1943: here you went down, but did your best

xx1943: #7

KeldKn: hold up the ace of !S twice

xx1943: rite

xx1943: you can hold up !S twice and lose 2S 1H and 1D

xx1943: sry I was unconcentrated

xx1943: ty Keld

cherrie: do you wish me to go to 3nt, i would generally pass here

xx1943: AKQxx is 3NT opposite 1NT

hope: !H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:) muss davon laufeb DANKE !H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)

xx1943: 3NT, what else?

->hope: bye

xx1943: lowest from touching cards lol

manawa: makes 2NT....i believe 2NT best

->manawa: makes always 3

xx1943: lazyness to play the 3

xx1943: sry

xx1943: this hand is my mistake

xx1943: forget it

xx1943: somewaht got wrong

xx1943: should be an example of unblocking a suit

xx1943: I got it wrong

KeldKn: take 3 !S and fineese in !H

manawa: too balanced and honours offside

xx1943: last one

xx1943: #7 I have to correct

Miksa: np, we can download the hand later from your website

xx1943->Kibitzers: 2!C is NOT NMF

xx1943: 2!C is NOT NMF in this situation

xx1943: NMF is only from responder after openers 1NT or 2NT rebid

xx1943: but you should open 2NT with 22 HCP

cherrie: typ

manawa: didnt like lack of honours in spades

manawa: could see myself being a dogs breakfast

xx1943: 20-22 HCP 4333 4432 or 5332 ALWAYS opens 2NT

mausie: how about 2!C open with 22+ and rebid 2NT... many play 2NT open as 20-22

mausie: sorry 2NT 20-21

xx1943: no 20-22

xx1943: 23+ is 2!C

xx1943: 2S+3H+2D+1C=8

xx1943: you need 1 more trick

manawa->Kibitzers: 2!s+31H+2!D+1!C

xx1943: rite

xx1943: sources are !Ss if 33

xx1943: !Ds if 33

xx1943: or !C

manawa->Kibitzers: hope for 3-3 spades

xx1943->Kibitzers: partner leads the Q from QJ9, so I throw my 10

manawa->Kibitzers: unlikely !D's as lead

xx1943->Kibitzers: Now he has another chance: ENDPLAY EAST

Miksa->Kibitzers: yes!

Miksa->Kibitzers: :( missed

xx1943: and -1

manawa->Kibitzers: saddly

kino: ty Al..must go..dinner time

xx1943: in this situation you know: EAST has the last !D and WEST has the last !S

nzakosek: the s list

xx1943: if you play 3 rounds of !Hs, you can endplay EAST in !DS

manawa->Kibitzers: ok yes very good

xx1943: but you missed earlier

xx1943: you can establish a !C trick for sure

xx1943: take and play !C A and Q

xx1943: no you must take it

xx1943: else they can attack your entries to table

xx1943: now you have 2 entries to tabel to establish and win another !C-trick

xx1943: and you have 9 tricks

manawa->Kibitzers: yes well done...i missed that

xx1943: I corrected #7

xx1943: qs to #8?

Miksa: no, ty

manawa: ty

xx1943: play the lowest from original 4

cashbox: blocked

->cashbox: lol

bwd1->Kibitzers: too late

cashbox: lol

->cashbox: you know very much of this game, would like to play with you some time

cashbox: thank you so much

xx1943: and now the !DS are blocked

cashbox: i am so happy to hear

cherrie: i thought you meant play the lowest of mine

xx1943: this was the mistake

xx1943: your 3 is soooooooooooooooo precious just in case !Ds are 3/1

xx1943: you have no chance against 4/0

cherrie: ah

xx1943: unblock the 9

xx1943: or the 6

xx1943: clap clap you got it

cherrie: lol

xx1943: ok

cherrie: tyvm

xx1943: that was our todays session

Miksa: ty Al, another great lesson

xx1943: you'll find the hands soon at my site

mcpomlady: tks AL

bwd1: Thank you Al :))

ellen22: thankyou, Al!!H

cashbox: thanks

cherrie: good night and thanks

manawa: ty

ntbidder: thanks


janeherehi: very good as usual

kyno40: ty Al always interesting great lesson

Miksa: can you just claim the last one?

xx1943: if you like to my weekly newsletter write a MAIL to

xx1943: bye all