A Manual for AMC Space Available
Jorge Cervantes and Carlos Lawrence
9 February 2017
CAUTION: This instruction manual is based on our experience using Space-A from Travis AFB to Hickham AFB. Any one of these steps may vary – call the passenger terminal at your departure/arrival base prior to making any plans to confirm details!
You MUST have a CAC to use Space-A. Similarly, you can use the service as a military dependent if you have a dependent ID card.
1. Start by printing and filling out Part A of Form 1853. Your “Pay Grade” is “Cadet.”
2. AMC Passenger Terminals operate on public Facebook pages. Find your desired passenger terminal’s page and follow them to see daily updates on flights and the contact information for the terminal. Flights are typically posted 72 hours in advance, though any flight can be added or cancelled without notice. Each person travelling needs to scan and e-mail their form to the passenger terminal at all basesfrom which you will be departing – don’t forget it’s a round-trip!
When you initially contact the passenger terminal you are placed on a travel list for 60 days, during which you are eligible to fly. The earlier you get on this list the higher priority you have within your category to get on the aircraft.Give yourself a few days of leeway in case you don’t get on a flight the first time. If you ever re-send the e-mail with your form, the 60 days starts over and your priority moves accordingly.
3. You are required to check in NLT 30 minutes prior to the posted roll call time, arriving an hour beforehand is plenty of time. You’ll need your CAC and a copy of your Form 1853. Checking in marks you present for flights and will last for 24 hours. Checking in early will not change your priority within your category.
4. At this point you are placed on a smaller travel list for that specific flight, grouped by Category. As ROTC cadets we are classified as Category 6. Find a full list of category descriptions here:
The aircraft is loaded by priority, starting with emergency leave and Category 1, and ending at Category 6. Half an hour before the flight they will publish a list of all passengers sorted by priority and will begin calling names down the list. If you’re lucky, you’ll get on the aircraft. Otherwise, try the next flight.
5. If you manage to get on: Congratulations! You will be directed to where to check up to two bags per passenger at no cost (for MOST flights, call the terminal beforehand to check). Some flights offer in-flight meals which are usually cheap and have a lot of food! You will be screened through security and be on your way.
6. TIPS: Bring food, a comfortable pillow, and a blanket. Don’t forget earplugs or nose canceling headphones, the passenger compartment is usually very loud and dark.