Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund 2014

Round 2

Cover Letter

Fund: / Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund Round 2
Criteria: / Member of Salford CVS
Whole organisation turnover of less than £100,000 p.a.
Activity must take place in Salford for the benefit of Salford residents
Activity must make a difference to the wider wellbeing of Salford residents (see the definition of wellbeing in the guidance notes)
Application must demonstrate Social Value
Maximum application: / Up to £1,000 per application
Time frame: / Open for applications: 14th November to 18thDecember 2014
Panel: Mid-January
Delivery: February 2015 to January 2016

Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund 2014 - Round 2

Guidance Notes

Have you got an idea to improve the wellbeing of Salford residents? Would you like the opportunity to apply for up to £1,000?

To give your organisation the best chance of success please read the following guidance notes and criteria carefully.

If you have any questions, please contact the CVS Development Team on 0161 787 7795.

Please submit your application electronically in Arial font, size 12.

What is the Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund?

The Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund is a small grants pot of up to £1,000 for third sector ‘small’ organisations in Salford (annual income below £100,000). Groups can apply to deliver activities that help improve the wellbeing of Salford residents.

What are the priorities for the Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund?

  1. Demonstrate Wellbeing benefits - we are using a broad definition of wellbeing that includes physical, social and emotional dimensions:

‘A positive physical, social and mental state; it is not just the absence of pain, discomfort and incapacity. It requires that basic needs are met, that individuals have a sense of purpose, and that they feel able to achieve important personal goals and participate in society. It is enhanced by conditions that include supportive personal relationships, strong and inclusive communities, good health, financial and personal security, rewarding employment, and a healthy and attractive environment. ‘

  1. Demonstrate Social Value (i.e. the social, economic and environmental difference your funded project will maketo Salford residents)

How much and deadline?

Please apply for the amount you actually need for your project and breakthese costs down in your application. Up to £1,000 is available per application.

The deadline for the Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fundround 2 is:

Thursday 18thDecember 2014 at 12 noon.

Please email your completed application form and any supporting documentation to:

N.B. We are unable to give money to the following: Individuals; any activities that promote the advancement of religion or politics; proposals that are in breach of equalities or other relevant legislation; activities or services that are delivered outside of Salford; applications from freelance consultants; improvements to land or buildings that are either privately owned or the responsibility of a statutory authority.

Only one application per organisation can be submitted to this fund.

Eligible organisations must:

  • Be a member of Salford CVS (if you are not a member of Salford CVS please submit your completed membership form with your grant application form – if you do not do this your bid cannot be considered)
  • Be not-for-private-profit and have charitable purposes
  • Have a governing document (e.g. a Constitution)
  • Have a Management Committee
  • Have a Bank Account (with 2 signatories who are not related to each other)

(NB If your group has not got a bank account Salford CVS may be able to help you with a holding account – please contact us for further information)

  • Have a whole organisation turnover of less than £100,000 p.a.
  • Deliver wellbeingservices in Salford for Salford people. Little Pot of Health Wellbeing funded activity must take place solely in Salford
  • Demonstrate Social Value (i.e. the social, economic and environmental difference your funded project will make to Salford residents)

The panel will be scoring your applications based on your answers to the questions below.

Please read the guidance for each of the questions and be clear and concise in your answers.

What does your group do?

Give a brief overview of the type of organisation you are, who are your main beneficiaries and types of activity or work you deliver.

What do you want the money for?

Provide details of what your project will be doing andtell us the story of how the money will be spent.

Who and how many people will benefit from your project?

What difference will this money make to the wellbeing of Salford residents?

Please describe how your work is addressing the Little Pot of Health Wellbeing priorities (see above guidance).

What is the actual difference you are trying to make with the people you are working with; and how will you know if you have been successful? Please tell us how you will measure the success of your idea.

How will you demonstrate social value?

Remember outcomes: the benefits, the changes and the learning that happens as a result of your activity. Ensure these are measurable and tell us what you aim to reduce, improve, increase or even maintain.

We want you to demonstrate the Social Value you have created (i.e. the social, economic, and environmental difference your funded project has made to Salford residents.)

For more information, please contact Salford CVS on 0161 787 7795, or email

Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund 2014 – Round 2

Application form

Please complete the application form below. Typed text must be Arial font 12 and must fit inside the allocated box. Please refer to the guidance notes.

Part 1
/ What does your group do? (300words)
/ What do you want the money for? (300words)
/ What difference will this money make to the wellbeing of Salford residents? (300 words)
/ How will you demonstrate social value? (i.e. the social, economic, and environmental difference your funded project has made to Salford residents.)
(300 words)
Part 2
/ Contact details
Name of organisation
Your name
Your telephone number
Your mobilenumber
Your email address
Address details
Post code
/ What type of organisation are you?(Please tick all that apply)
Constituted Group (Unincorporated Association)
Company Limited by Guarantee Number
Registered Charity Number
Industrial and Provident Society Number
Community Interest Company Number
Other ………………………………………………………………………….
If your bid is successful we will ask you for a copy of your governing document
/ Has your organisation got its own bank account?
Yes / No
/ Which of the following things do you have? (Please tickall that apply)
Health and Safety policy and written risk assessment(s)
Safeguarding Children policy
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy
Equality and Diversity (statement or policy)
Public Liability Insurance
Up-to-date Annual Accounts
(We will ask for copies of these if your bid is successful)
/ Are your staff/volunteers appropriately DBS (CRB) checked?
Yes / No
/ Please state your organisation’s turnover for the last financial year
/ Please indicate how much money you need:
Budget heading / Amount £
Total amount requested from the Little Pot of Health Wellbeing Fund / £
Total cost of project / £
If relevant where is the rest of the money coming from?
Have you got this already?
I confirm that the details on this application form are correct.
I am authorised to apply for this money on behalf of my organisation.
N.B. Two signatures of people who are not related to each other or share the same household and are authorised to sign on behalf of your organisation are required. There must be at least one signatory from the governing body
(e.g. management committee / board of trustees)
Person 1 / Person 2
Name / Name
Role / Role
Signature / Signature
Date / Date
Please return the completed application by Thursday 18thDecember 2014, 12noon to:
Post: Salford CVS, The Old Town Hall, 5 Irwell Place, Eccles, M30 0FN.
You can contact Salford CVS on 0161 787 7795
Details available via our website