NEW PROCESS to begin Jan. 22, 2017 for newly hired employees!
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published a revised I-9 form, Employment Eligibility Verification.USCIS will expect employers to use the computerized form, with its various features and contextual help information that are designed to make completion easier and reduce errors.When the completed form is printed, a quick response (QR) code is automatically generated which includes the employee and university information along with the completion date. This code will assist the USCIS for auditing purposes.
Beginning January 22, when a contract is ready for signature, an email will be sent notifying the departmental contact person. The contact person should then inform the potential new employee they are eligible to begin work contingent upon all hiring paperwork being finalized. The new employee should be instructed to come to the Office of Human Resources (Burgin Dossett Hall, Room 307) to complete the new electronic I-9 and present their documents of verification no later than the first day of employment. They will also complete the remainder of their hiring paperwork such as the W-4, direct deposit, sign their contract and application, etc. This will lessen the departmental workload and safeguard the employees’ personal information from being sent electronically or through campus mail.The new process will ensure proper documentation of new hires, and enable prompt data entry into the system so that access can be generated for email, D2L, TRS, etc.
Please make sure to start the hiring paperwork in a timely manner to allow the potential employee enough time to visit our office and be processed. As a reminder, potential employees should not be allowed to work without final approval from the Office of Human Resources.Unauthorized employees could result in federal and/or state fines and penalties incurred. These substantial fines will be paid by the departments. Currently the violations range from a minimum of $178 per form up to and including prison. If a department allows an employee to work before finalizing paperwork and being authorized by the Office of Human Resources, the employee will not be paid for that time. In addition, an individual is not allowed to volunteer time if paperwork is in process for them to be paid for that same position.
Once the new hire has completed all requirements in the Office of Human Resources, another email will be sent to the departmental contact informing them the new employee can begin work. There is also a process for remote hires if needed, just let us know.
Student hires who are processed through Financial Aid will follow their hiring process. Additional information will be forthcoming from the Financial Aid office. Medical Residents will go through the GME Office.
Tammy S. Hamm, MBA
Director of Human Resources
Box 70564
Johnson City, TN 37614
Phone: (423) 439-5394
Fax: (423) 439-8354
1276 Gilbreath Drive | Johnson City, TN 37614 |