Sanger Unified School District
Central Valley Math Project
6th Grade Lesson Study Group
Winter 2009
Lesson Study Group Members: Stacey Tiger (John Wash), Kim Labosky and Chris Gulbronsen (Quail Lake), Matt Canaday (Centerville), Bobby Mullins (Sanger Academy)
Facilitator: Stacey Tiger
Outside Observer: Dr. Agnes Tuska
Lesson Study Goal: We will enable all students to become critical thinkers while collaborating in cooperative groups to successfully complete a given task.
Chapter Goal: Chapter 6 - Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Glencoe
Lesson Goal: Students will apply math concepts to solve real world math problems.
_6th_Grade California Mathematics Standards: NS 1.3 AF 2.1 AF 3.1
Manipulatives, materials required:
rulers, overhead, timer, clear ruler, charts, markers, handouts (results sheet, floor plan, and instruction sheet
Rationale for lesson: (What is it that you want students to learn that they didn’t know before the lesson? Why?)
Students will use real world applications of skills that have been previously taught.
Time / Steps, Learning Activities, Teacher’s questions / Expected Student Responses / Points of Evaluation15 mins / Goal: Today we will be working with mathematical concepts in a real world situation. You will use area, perimeter, scale, and unit conversion.
Background Knowledge:
Review formulas for area and perimeter
I do:
Use overhead to show a rectangle and I will find the area and the perimeter. Show the one by one squares for the area.
You do:
Using your whiteboard show me the perimeter and the area of this rectangle. / Forget to put square units
Multiply for perimeter / Monitor responses
35 mins / Tell the students that they will be working in pairs to determine how much flooring and baseboards would be needed for rooms in an apartment.
The bedrooms and living room will be carpeted and the bathroom and kitchen will be tiled. The hallway will be wood flooring. The closets will be linoleum.
You will have 15 minutes to calculate to the amount of flooring needed for each room.
I do:
For example: If you have room that looks like this (show an example on the overhead) one inch represents 3 yards,
then 2 inches would represent 6 yards.
How many square yards of carpet are needed?
Baseboards will be put in each room.
Remember baseboards aren’t needed in doorways.
Show classroom baseboards or a picture.
Pair/share expectations and share out.
Student one will calculate how much carpet and baseboards are needed for the bedrooms and living room.
Student two will calculate the amount of tile and baseboards needed for the kitchen and bathroom.
Student three will calculate the amount of linoleum and baseboards needed for the closets.
Student four will calculate the amount of wood flooring and baseboards needed for the hallway.
If your groups finishes early raise your hand and you will be able to calculate the price of the flooring in each room.
Hand out floor plans and instructions.
Every student will show their work.
Spend 5 minutes to plan with your group and 10 minutes for the calculations and possible pricing.
Students will write down their answers on the results sheet. / Installing baseboards in doorways.
Using area to calculate baseboards.
Measurement errors / Monitor responses
Monitor groups
15 mins / Ones will meet together for 5 minutes to discuss successes and difficulties. Twos, threes, and fours will do the same.
Groups will share out or reflect on successes and difficulties.
Closure: Discuss real world applications and practical uses for these skills. / Monitor conversations
Teacher will guide presentations and aid with vocabulary