Quota_Mgmt / Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Slide 3 - Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12

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Hello, my name is Bhuvaneswari. Welcome to training for Release 12.

In this session we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Sales Cloud for Quota Management.


Slide 4 - Agenda

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For the enhancements covered in this training, I’ll give you an overview, followed by more details to explain how you can use these new quota features, and what business value they bring.

Then I’ll walk you through a demonstration, and finally I’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

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Quota Management has 2 significant enhancements in release 12. The first is a streamlined quota allocation process for customers with straightforward top down quota allocation needs for their sales VPs, managers and salespeople. The second enhancement is the ability to embed custom reports in the quota pages which enables customers to present unique or summary information relevant for the managers and sales administrators over seeing or managing their quota allocation process.


Slide 6 - Streamlined Quota Allocation

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The Quota Management pages have been enhanced to simplify and accelerate the quota planning process. The Manage Sales Quota page now shows both the annual and territory quota information on a single page and enables the sales manager to easily identify variances in the annual and period quota roll-ups for his or her team.

With a single click sales managers can publish the quotas for their sales people and at the same time copy the annual and period territory quotas to the resource.

Sales administrators can relax some of the date related validations that are performed when territory quotas are published. This can be especially useful for implementations that are adding territories or hiring staff during the current fiscal year/quota plan.


Slide 7 - Streamlined Quota Allocation

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The streamlined quota process has simplified the quota planning process for sales managers. It reduces the time and effort involved in allocating quotas and identifying any variances when a quotas has been under or over allocated.

Sales managers and administrators with a single click can not only publish quotas for their direct reports but also copy the annual and period territory quotas to each resource.

While adjusting territory quotas they can easily copy the updated annual or period territory quotas to the resource, either individually for each sales person, or the whole team.


Slide 26 - Custom Reports on Quota Pages

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In addition to the default embedded quota reports, Quota Management now allows you to create custom reports using Answers or Business Intelligence Publisher and add them to quota pages.The reports appear in the Analytics tabs in the Manage Sales Quotas and the Edit Sales Quotas pages.

You can select a custom report from the list of reports on the page. The sequence of the default and custom reports is configurable by the administrator.

These reports can accept sales quota plan, territory and resource parameters so the information shown in the report is in the context of the plan, territory or resource selected in the page.


Slide 27 - Custom Reports on Quota Pages

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The custom reports on quota pages feature offers a flexible approach for displaying complimentary information to the administrators or sales managers during quota planning and allocation.

This allows customers to display their unique business information to in the context of selected quota plan, territories or resources.

The example ‘Salesperson Quota Report’ shows the value of displaying additional rollup quota information per period (with totals) for each sales person. This can be a particularly useful report to embed when quotas are allocated by product for each sales person.


Slide 35 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today:

• The quota allocation process has been simplified in order to accelerate quota planning.

• The territory period quotas tab has been added to the Manage Sales Quotas page

• It is now possible to automatically copy territory quotas to the owner (resource) of the territory when publishing a quota

• Configuration options are available to copy either the annual, or the annual plus period quotas from the territory to the resource via the Publish action, or the Copy Territory Quota or Copy Child Territory Quota actions

• Finally the administrator can turn off the territory start date and resource hire date validations performed when publishing a territory quota.

• Custom Reports on can now be embedded on the quota pages

• This allows custom Answers or Business Intelligence Publisher reports in Manage and Edit Sales Quota pages

• The reports can accept parameters so the data shown in the report is in context of selected quota plan, territory or resource


Slide 36 - Additional Information

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Here are a few important considerations to keep in mind regarding the streamlined quota allocation UI: :

The streamlined quota allocation feature is designed for customers who model their sales organization with one member per territory. To take full advantage of this feature each territory should have only 1 member (the owner).

The feature to copy territory quotas during publish happens only if the related resource quota is zero, whereas the Copy Territory Quota and Copy Child Territory Quota actions will overwrite the resource quotas.


Slide 37 - Implementation Advice

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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 38 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training.

The Streamlined Quota Allocation and Custom Reports on Quota Pages feature are not available automatically and have setup associated with them.

The setup specifies are covered later in this section.

All features can be accessed through existing shipped job roles.


Slide 39 - Setup Summary

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The setup for these 2 features is achieved via the Functional Setup Manager Sales offering.

To setup the streamlined quota allocation feature the sales administrator uses the Manage Administrator Profile Values setup task to enable the automatic territory quota copying during quota publishing, and enable the feature to also copy the territory period quotas. At the same time the sales administrator can turn off the date validation checks that are performed during publish.

After creating the Answers or Business Intelligence Publisher report(s) for quotas, the sales administrator uses the Manage Standard Lookups setup task to configure the custom report name and display sequence in each quota page.


Slide 40 - Streamlined Quota Allocation Setup Detail

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To streamline the quota allocation process, you need to enable the automatic copying of the territory annual quota to the resource annual quota of the owner of the territory (also known as the owner quota) when the quota is published.

To setup this feature, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values setup task. After searching for the Quota Management profile options, the value for the “Enable Automatic Quota Copy to Owner Quota on Publish” profile option should be set to Yes (by default this is No).


Slide 41 - Streamlined Quota Allocation Setup Detail

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To further streamline the quota allocation process, you need to enable the copying of the territory period quotas to the resource period quotas for the owner of the territory. This will copy the period quotas when the quota is published or the action to copy the territory or child territory quota is selected.

To setup this feature, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Mange Administrator Profile Values setup task. After searching for the Quota Management profile options, the value for the “Enable Territory Quota Period Copy” profile option should be set to Yes (by default this is No).


Slide 42 - Streamlined Quota Allocation Setup Detail

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By default the start date of the territory and hire date of the resource are checked when publishing quotas. This can be problematic if a customer creates territories or resources today but wishes to allocate quotas for periods prior to today.

To relax these date validations and prevent them from being performed when a quota is published, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Mange Administrator Profile Values setup task. After searching for the Quota Management profile options, the value for the “Allow quota start date validation during publish” profile option should be set to No (by default this is Yes).


Slide 57 - Custom Reports on Quota Pages Setup Detail

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After creating the custom Answers or Business Intelligence Publisher report(s) for quotas, the sales administrator uses the Manage Standard Lookups setup task to configure the custom reports shown in each of the quota pages. The Manage Sales Quota page has one default report, and the Edit Sales Quota pages has 2 default reports.

To add a custom report, the sales administrator needs to:

• Select the lookup type for the appropriate quota page, either the Manage Sales Quotas page (the first page that opens when the Quota application is selected), or the Edit Sales Quotas page which is accessed for a specific territory via the Details icon.

• Add a new lookup code for each new report to be added on the page. For example, to add a 2nd report to the Manage Sales Quota page, the lookup code would be MOT_QM_MSQ_REPORT2. To add a custom report to the Edit Sales Quota page the lookup code would be MOT_QM_ESQ_REPORT3. For each additional custom report to embedd in the page, increment the number used in the lookup code.

• In the Meaning field, enter the report name, for example Quotas by Sales Person Report. NOTE: The name does not need to match with the report name in the BI catalog.

• For the description enter the report absolute path, for example /shared/Sales/Analytic Library/Embedded Content/Sales Quota Management/MyCustomBIPReport.xdo

• For Answers reports, you can get the absolute path in the “Properties” of the report

• For BI Publisher reports, click on the “Copy Resource” button to find the absolute path to the report

• Set the display sequence. This determines the order of the reports shown in the Analytics tab. The report/lookup code with the lowest display sequence number determines the default report that is displayed by default. NOTE: The report name is displayed, but the report itself is not displayed until the user clicks on the Go button.


Slide 81 - Job Roles

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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training…..

Users with the job roles Sales Administrator, Sales VP and Sales Manager will be able to access the streamlined quota allocation and custom reports embedded in the quota pages features.

Users with the Sales Administrator job role will be able to perform the setup steps for these features.


Slide 82 - Business Process Information

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The business processes associated with the new streamlined quota allocation and embedded custom report capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.

The high level business process is Sales with the activity Manage Sales Quotas.

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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