/ Senior School Parents' Weekly Notice / 09 June 2017

/ News
1.Executive Principal's Message
2.Head of KGV's Message
3.Head of Senior School's Message
4.Myths and Realities of Teenage Sexuality in the Digital Era
5.1010 X ESF Visual Art Exhibition
6.Message from PTSA Shop / 7.CWBS 25th Anniversary
8.Coffee Morning
9.Lion Yearbook 2017
10.Careers and Guidance Update
11.Canteen Update

Dear parents,
Some things seem to be coming to an end and I attended my last ever KGV School Council meeting this week. As ever, it was an interesting and thought provoking meeting. I was particularly impressed by Tim Carrell’s report on Pillar 4 ‘everyone a learner’ which exemplified how much has been achieved this year, and Sean Tsung’s student report which demonstrates how student voice is now fundamental to the life of the school.
Other things are just starting and I have loved working with two Y9 Experience groups as they change the world. This is such an exciting initiative and it will be fascinating to see what our students will be able to achieve by the end of the month. My thanks to Mark Poulsum for his extraordinary leadership of this learning opportunity.
Enjoy your extended weekend,

Dr Ed Wickins
Executive Principal of the ESF Kowloon Learning Campus
(King George V School, Kowloon Junior School, Jockey Club Sarah Roe School)

Dear Parents
The school has been buzzing this week with Year 9 students collaborating on their various projects. It’s been a pleasure to talk to students and see how they are overcoming the challenges they are facing and taking initiative to move the projects forward to make a change. I look forward to seeing what develops over the next three weeks.
Preparations have been made for the first Coaching in Education Conference in Asia at KGV School and I am excited to learn from the many guests we have joining us so we can continue to embed KGV Strategic Pillar ‘Everyone a coach and coachee’. If you can’t make it, you can still access the resources that will be made available on the website
Enjoy the long weekend,

Judy Cooper
Head of KGV

Dear Parents,
Some great work first of all from our BTEC students. Year 12 have recently been working on a lens-based media project for the Canadian pop star Shawn Mendes. They developed a series of posters and animations and this week presented their ideas to Universal Music. The creative team at Universal loved what they saw and would like to use some of the students’ work for their marketing campaign. This is what the applied pathway is all about; real life experiences that makes the BTEC course such a success. Shawn Mendes is coming to Hong Kong and will look at the work of all of our BTEC Art students. Let’s hope we can get him to pop into KGV. I will keep you updated on this. Whilst on the topic of BTEC, I would like to day congratulations to three of our year 13 students. Natalie Organ, Georgia Barrell and Sohan Sujanani recently received ‘Outstanding Student’ awards from Pearson for their work on the BTEC programme: Natalie and Georgia for BTEC Art and Design and Sohan for Business.
The deadline for students to complete their Extended Essay is 9pm this Sunday and hopefully with the CPD day today it will have provided a great opportunity to put the finishing touches to this Core element of the IB Diploma. Next Tuesday is an opportunity for parents to meet with year 12 subject teachers to discuss progress made so far and discuss targets for students to be working on over the summer vacation. This summer for year 12 students will probably be focused on university research and personal statement writing. I look forward to meeting many of you then so please say hello if you see me. With regards to Lionel and the university predicted grades, we have still been experiencing some issues with the system this week. Hopefully this is now fixed.
Another opportunity to meet will be next Friday during the coffee morning. The focus of this is ‘transition’. Year 10 parents should also be receiving my weekly message today and it will be nice to meet you during this time. Similarly, this would also be a great opportunity for year 11 parents to attend as part of the transition to IB or BTEC.
I am about to email details of the IB examination results release to year 13 parents. This information will contain details of steps that will need to be taken if students intend to have exams re-marked or if they wish to re-take any exams so please do look out for this.
We are obviously now well into extreme weather season. A reminder HERE about procedures.
Please click HERE for the June assessment calendar.
Please click HERE for the iGCSE examination schedule.
Year 11
  • Parent coffee morning June 16th at 8:30am
  • IGCSE results available to candidates August 24th via Tutors
Year 12
  • Extended Essay deadline 9pm June 11th
  • Subject-based parent evening June 13th
  • Parent coffee morning June 16th at 8:30am
  • ToK Oral Presentations June 23rd
Year 13
  • IBO results available to candidates July 6th
  • IBO component score available July 7th
  • BTEC results released early August
Have a restful weekend

Chris Wightman
Head of Senior School

/ Myths and Realities of Teenage Sexuality in the Digital Era
Myths and Realities of Teenage Sexuality in the Digital Era
Wednesday 14 June 2017
Clinical Psychologist Dr Mark Gandolfi shall present this Presentation on this important topic of teenage sexuality which is being covered in the LPS lessons for students.
The talk would include:
a) Teenage sexuality trends
b) Digital world influence on dating and socializing
c) Sexting and online pornography
d) Elements of sexuality we would be teaching
(parental responsibility and home values)
e) Sexual confusion and sexual identity
f) Consent and its implication
We shall have a question and answer session at the end.
For registration contact Rishika 2760 6660,
Click here for flyer.
/ 1010 X ESF Visual Art Exhibition
There will be the 1O1O x ESF 50th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition, organized by the Secondary Schools Team and ESF Centre, starting from 16 June 2017 (Friday) to 14 July 2017 (Friday) at 1O1O Tsim Sha Tsui Centre. In addition, will be 3 education talks held by Dr. Ed Wickins (KGV), Ms. Jacqueline GG (KS) and a ESF parent from RCHK, sharing their views on arts on 16th, 27th and 29th June respectively.
Registration link for the talk:

Alex NG
Officer - Community Development
/ Message from PTSA Shop
1) Some watches were sent to the PTSA Shop by the PE teachers from their valuable boxes, please come to the shop and check if you lost one.
2) Please find the details of the “Exchange Policy” at the PTSA Shop and KGV PTSA website.
3) Students please come to the PTSA Shop and pick up your lost items once you received our email.
4) All the lost & found items (with/ without name) will be cleared after the end of the school year, i.e. 30 Jun 2017 due to the limited space and hygienic reasons.
/ CWBS 25th Anniversary
Please find here message from CWBS regarding their open day and 25th Anniversary celebration.
/ Coffee Morning
Friday 16 June 2017
Leo’s café, KGV School
Join us for a coffee morning at KGV to talk about transition from Y10 to Y11.
Members of Senior school and Middle school will be available to chat with you on questions you may have.
Registration with Rishika,
/ Lion Yearbook 2017
2017 Lion Yearbook Delivery
For all students and parents who have ordered and received payment receipt of the 2017 Lion Yearbook, we anticipate a delivery by Thursday June 15th.
There will be separate collection arrangements for Y11 and Y13 students (who are no longer on timetable), and the remainder of the school. Please consult student bulletin announcements for more information closer to the date.
A number of people who missed the online orders have emailed to request the purchase of any surplus copies. They have been added to a waiting list (in order of email communication with me). There is the chance of a few additional copies which I can also allocate once the delivery has been made and numbers of surplus finally confirmed. Anyone who missed the 6-week ordering window can email me directly to be placed on a waiting list. If there are surplus copies enough to reach your place on the waiting list, I will do my best to contact you as soon as possible after delivery.
Literacy/Oracy in English (TLR 3)
/ Careers and Guidance Update
Careers Office has our own web page where all H.E.-related info is updated:
Careers & Guidance Department
/ Canteen Update
Please find next week's menu here.
King George V School, 2 Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2711 3029 Fax:(852) 2760 7116
Copyright © King George V School. All rights reserved.