Arlington Lodge No. 58
Scholarship Application
Return completed application to:
Arlington Lodge No. 58
Attn: Scholarship Committee
2222 South Shirlington Road
Arlington Virginia, 22206
To provide assistance to qualified students by providing financial aid towards post high school education. High school students are encouraged to submit their applications to Arlington Lodge No. 58 prior to the deadline listed in this document.
In cooperation with the Bee Hive Club, public and private donations, Arlington Lodge No. 58 will provide scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to each student chosen to receive its scholarship.
The scholarship amount is valid for a period of one year.
The amount of the scholarship is subject to the availability of funds and may change without notice.
All scholarship awards will be payable to the institution of higher learning on behalf of the recipient.
The applicant must be a graduating high school senior for the academic year 2014-2015.
The student must have at a minimum a verifiable grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher. A GPA higher than 2.5 does not necessarily mean that the applicant will be more competitive for the scholarship.
The student must provide a letter of acceptance from an accredited two or four year institution of higher learning.
Student must submit a resume of his/her high school accomplishments not exceed one and half page. See attached sample resume
The student must be in pursuit of an associates, bachelors or equivalent degree.
The student must also show leadership potential and demonstrate a dedication to community service.
Recipient or a family member must be present at Arlington No. 58 Annual Scholarship Program to accept the scholarship.
Each applicant must adhere to the below requirements:
1. Submit a completed application to Arlington Lodge No. 58 Scholarship Committee no later than March 15, 2015.
2. Submit a written essay with the application. Guidelines for the essay are as follow:
A. Typed, using 12 pt fonts Times New Roman or Courier New, double spacedand include
not less than 500 words and no more than 750 words.
B. Discuss your career goals and how this scholarship will help you reach thosegoals.
C. Students should include in the essay their planned degree program and the impact that
obtaining this degree would have within the community.
D. Describe any involvement in the community or other volunteer service
E. Express how receiving this scholarship will enhance your financial ability toafford post high
school education such as lack of other scholarships or limitedfinancial resources.
3. Provide a current copy of transcripts with application.
4. Submit a high school resume. (see sample resume attached)
5. You must submit at least two letters of recommendation from two people other than your immediate
family members. One letter of recommendation must come from yourguidance counselor or teacher.
Last Name:First Name:MI:
Gender: Male_____ Female_____ Ethnicity: ______
Date of Birth:______
US Citizen: Yes_____ No______
Phone Number: ______
Email: ______
Name and address of high school:
Graduation date:______
Will anyone else in your household be starting or attending college/university during the same time as you? Yes_____ No______
Student must obtain all signatures prior to submitting application.
Parent or Guardian:Date:
Guidance Counselor:Date:
Verifying Applicant’s GPA:Date:
Application Deadline is March 15, 2015