EMI Design Assistance Application

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,

Thank you for your interest in Engineering Ministries International (EMI) and the design services we donate to Christian ministries in developing countries. We know that you probably have specific questions, but we ask that you review this application first since most of your questions will be answered in the following pages.

EMI is a non-profit organization that provides design services for evangelical Christian ministries in developing countries that are helping the poor and advancing the Gospel of Christ. EMI is a network of engineers, architects, surveyors and construction managers who donate their design services to overseas ministries. Since 1982, we have served in over 80 different countries designing over 1000 development projects that bring the gospel of hope to those in need.

While EMI provides more than $80,000 worth of donated design services on each project, it only costs us about $8,000 to mobilize these services. A multiplication of 10 times our investment goes directly to ministries like yours!

We require that you, the host ministry, provide the in-country expenses of our design team (usually 8-12 people) as they visit your site for 1-2 weeks: basic meals, simple lodging, local transportation, and security (if necessary). In addition, we ask your ministry to make a donation to EMI equal to the cost of one staff member’s round-trip economy airfare from one of our sending offices in the US, UK, or Canada, OR two staff members’ round-trip economy airfares from our regional office in Kampala, Uganda.

We also invite you to partner with EMI through our project sponsorship program by underwriting all or a portion of this project’s $8,000 cost, but only if you have the means to do so. If you are unable to commit to such an amount at this time, we certainly understand, but we ask you to consider giving a portion of your construction fundraising back to EMI after we provide you with a full design package.

EMIprovides professional design services for projects that are typically the largest capital investment that a ministry ever makes. We want to help you be successful stewards of this important investment. We pray that the questions that follow in this application will help you navigate this complex process.Please take time to prayerfully answer all questions that apply.EMI will review your project needs, creating opportunities for each of us to ask and develop answers to questions that arise. This is the first step in seeing your God-given vision become a reality.

We mobilize short-term teams during specific periods of time beginning February 1st, June 1st, and September 1st. Please send us your completed application in a timely manner, as we typically require 6 months to approve the project and recruit the design team. After the team visits your ministry on-site, it typically takes 4 to 6 months to complete the design. This schedule can be accelerated in some cases.

Period of time you would like an EMI team to visit: / Feb 1st / June 1st / Sept 1st
…then your application should be submitted by: / *Aug 1st
(of previous year) / *Dec 1st
(of previous year) / *Mar 1st

*The actual waiting period may be longer than what is shown. Contact us for current scheduling information.

Please let me know if you have any questions. You may communicate with me by email at or mail at PO Box 3251, Kampala, Uganda. I look forward to the possibility of serving the Lord with you!

John SauderP.S. If you are looking for help with Construction

Director, EMI East Africamanagement, please contact us for a CM application.

About EMI

Our Mission and Vision…

  • EMI serves to mobilize Christian volunteer design professionals, such as Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Construction Managers. EMIserves Christian ministries that are helping the poor and advancing the Gospel of Christ.We implement planning and designs for schools, hospitals, orphanages, water supply systems, and training centers throughout the world. Applying practical design and cultural experiences, eMi staff members coordinate project work to develop a culturally sensitive design that helps fulfill the ministry’s vision.
  • EMIis a faith based organization relying on the gifts of engineers and lay persons for support; staff members are supported by individuals and churches who desire to benefit the work of ministries around the world. We are pleased to provide design services free of charge, but we do not fund the cost of construction, nor do we fund ministries.
  • EMI can provide a combination of architectural drawings, engineering reports or cost estimates. The design package may include a Feasibility Study, Fundraising Brochure, Conceptual Design or Construction Design. Please take time to visit our web site at Look up “Project Portfolio” for samples of projects for which eMi has provided professional design services.

Our Goal… is to meet your specific project design needs bydesigning facilities appropriate to the needs of the local people you are reaching.We strive to use local building materials and methods where possible. We provide assistance for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • The project ministers to the needs of the poor.
  • There is an ongoing proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • The property on which the project is to be built is owned by the ministry.
  • There is a planned method of funding project construction and operation.

We Believe…

  • In the verbal inspiration of the Bible.
  • In one God manifested in three persons.
  • Man is created in the image of God, fallen through Adam’s sin, redeemed only through the saving work of Jesus Christ.
  • In the pre-existence of Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious death on the cross, His resurrection and His second coming.
  • In the person of the Holy Spirit, His convicting, regenerating, baptizing, sealing, indwelling, teaching and filling ministries.

A. Contact Information

Organization Name:

Organization Website:

Project Name:

Project Location (Nearest City or Town):

Your Name and Title:

Name of other partnering organizations for your project (if any):

Please identify the key personnel who will be involved in this project. It is very important to identify the local contact who will work directly with the EMI team.

  1. International Office Contact (Home Office)



Office Phone:

Mobile Phone:



  1. Local Office Contact (field contact at project site during EMI team visit)



Office Phone:

Mobile Phone:


Please note that we may ask for references when following up this application.

B. Ministry Background

Feel free to provide direct links to your ministry’s web pages if they already explain numbers 1-4.

  1. What is the purpose of your Ministry?
  1. Does your Ministry serve a specific community or people group?
  1. What is the history of your Ministry?
  1. What is your Ministry’s Statement of Belief?
  1. Required.Attach a letter from your Board of Directors, or other governing group, which confirms the following:
  2. Board approval of the proposed project,
  3. Ownership of land,
  4. Project scope,
  5. Designates the person to make decisions about the project.

C. Project General Information

  1. Location of project site (in Latitude and Longitude, i.e. Google Earth coordinates):
  1. Please provide a brief description of your proposed project:
  1. What specific help are you seeking from EMI?
  1. Why is your project necessary?
  1. What is your experience in ministry that relates to this project?
  1. Are you getting help from any local or regional design professionals? Explain.
  1. Why would EMI be a better design resource for your project than local designers?
  1. How will your project be sustained after it is built?
  1. How will the project minister to the needs of the poor?
  1. How will the project empower your ministry to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
  1. Is the local community involved in the project? How?

D. Project Details

Understanding your project is critical for EMI to assemble the appropriate team to assess and design your project. Please tell us everything that you can about your project.

  1. What do you want EMI to design?
  1. Building/Facility Details:
  1. List the types of new buildings needed and the number of people using each building.
  1. Include here a list of any existing buildings and how they are being used. Attach photos of these buildings.
  1. If something other than buildings are needed (for example: a water system for a village), explain what type of facilities are needed and the number of people expected to use them:
  1. Are there national or local building codes which affect your project?

(If yes, then a copy of the codewill need to be supplied to EMI before any agreed team visit.)

  1. Phasing:

Projects often must be constructed one phase at a time. This allows the ministry to raise funds in reasonable amounts and gain operational experience with each phase. Also, the EMI team can typically only design one or two buildings per site visit.

  1. What is the first and most important building or facility to be constructed?
  1. When do you hope to begin building the first building or facility?
  1. Land:

Describe here and then attach all info you have that describes your land including:

  • Size of the property (in acres, hectares, or other unit of measurement):
  • Describe the terrain (steep, marshy, rocky, etc.)
  • What was the land used for until now?
  • Describe the type of vegetation
  • Describe the type of soil (for example, sandy or clay or rocky)
  • Are there any existing buildings on the property?
  • Describe the existing utilities on the property (power, water and sewer):
  • Attach photos of the land
  • Attach plot map

  1. Construction Materials:

What building materials do you believe will be used for your project? (For example: a concrete frame building with clay brick walls and a steel truss roof.)

  1. Design Work Needed:

What design services do you believe this project requires? (Click on box to check)

Site surveyingWater supply and/or distribution

Master PlanningWastewater disposal / Sanitation

Building ArchitecturalStorm water runoff / Drainage

Building Structural designElectrical supply, generation, or distribution

Agricultural/farming developmentBridge or Other Water Crossing

Mechanical systems: building plumbing, air conditioning or heating

Access Road(s) Other

E. Project Ownership

1. Who owns the land where the project will be built?

Required. Attach copies of legal documentation showing proof of land ownership or long-term lease

3. Who will run the institution or facilities after they are constructed?

F. Project Funding

EMI always strives to provide financially appropriate project solutions for the ministries we serve. To do this we need to know your financial resources and funding strategy.

  1. Project Cost

How much funding do you have now to build this project? US $

How much do you ultimately expect to spend on building this project? US $

  1. Construction Funding

Explain your comprehensive strategy for raising adequate funds to build this project:

  1. Operation/Maintenance Funding

What do you think this project will cost to operate annually? US $

Briefly explain your strategy for financially sustaining the long-term operation of the proposed facilities:

G. EMI Partnership Logistics

EMI is able to work with you through the several phases of your project. However, we don’t typically provide the entire design needs of a project with one design team visit. It is a process that usually grows into several years of partnership.

  1. Scope of Services

What planning and design services do you need from EMI right now?

In future years, what planning and design services do you think will be needed?

Who will do the construction work for this project?

Will you have a need for EMI Construction Management (CM) services?

If so, what type of CM assistance will your project require?(Check all boxes that apply)

(Note: A separate construction management application process is required at the completion of design services. However, understanding your potential need for CM services will help us to make more informed project design decisions)

Project Designer – EMI design team member to answer questions and refine the design as-needed during the construction process. This role could include occasional site visits, but is typically completed through remote correspondence with the owner or on-site manager.

Pre-Construction Surveying – EMI professional to set benchmarks, building corners, and proposed road elevations prior to the beginning of a construction phase.

Observations/Inspections – EMI professional to periodically observe the construction on-site, refine the design as needed and provide the owner with reports of the visits (including progress issues and problems).

Construction Procurement - eMi estimator to perform construction procurement services, which may include: prequalification of Contractors; preparation of bid/tender documents (i.e. bid forms, material quantities, and workmanship specifications); evaluation of contractor bids; and preparation or review of contracts for construction.

Owner’s Representative (Clerk of Works) – EMI professional to be on-site daily or as needed to monitor and control the quality, budget, and schedule. Works alongside the ministry and has authority over the labor superintendent or general contractor and purchaser on behalf of the owner. Reviews contractor’s requests for payment before funds are released by the owner.

Construction Manager – EMI professional to be on-site daily to directly supervise the on-site construction, including any workers hired by the ministry or outside contractorsand oversees all aspects of project construction, including project purchasing and accounting. Works to enforce the level of quality and schedule while maintaining a safe work site. Provides training and discipleship opportunities for local workers and tradesmen.

Other – Please explain in detail

  1. Timing of project:

Please review the cover letter of this application for the EMI travel schedule.

Based on the travel schedule when would you like an EMI design team to visit?

Note:Although an application may be submitted by one of the scheduled deadlines listed in the cover letter, there is no guarantee that EMI will be able to schedule the project within the stated time frame. Also, projects submitted after the deadline may still be considered.

  1. Team Hosting:

A typical EMI team consists of 6 to 10 people, but can also be larger. Note: If you are not able to accommodate a team of this size, it might be difficult for EMI to serve you effectively or even serve you at all. Are you able to host a typical team? If not, what size are you able to host?

Signatures of Agreement (required)

By signing below, I agree to the following:

  • I have read and understand the positions, policies, and requests of EMI as set forth in this application.
  • Our ministry will provide for all on-site expenses(transportation in-country, food, basic lodging, and security if necessary) for a potential design team as described in this application.
  • Our ministry will provide a donation equal to the cost of one staff member’s round-trip economy airfare from one of EMI’s sending offices in the US, UK, or Canada, OR two staff members’ round-trip economy airfares from the EMI-EA regional office in Kampala, Uganda to the nearest feasible airport to our project site as described in the cover letter of this application. If not possible, we ask you to provide written justification for why.
  • All statements are true to the best of my knowledge.
  • In addition to providing on-site expenses for a team and one round-trip airfare, is your ministry able to underwrite all or a portion of the $8,000 operational cost for EMI to design this project?Note: this is requested but not required. Please see the cover letter. (Click on box to check)

Yes, we have the means and can underwrite the full amount of $8,000

We can underwrite this portion: $

We cannot right now, but we are willing to consider giving a portion of our construction

fundraising back to EMI in the future.

Ministry Director’s Name(please print)Board Representative’s Name(or equal; please print)

Signature / DateSignature / Date

(Signatures signify to EMI the unity of the Ministry Director and Board of Directors or overseeing body in regard to the proposed project, its purpose, operation, and need for EMI involvement)

If your organization has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with EMI, please indicate so here with a check mark, and attach the MOU to the application:

Yes, attached No MOU exists.(Click on box to check)

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