Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans
KSHC Board of Directors
July22, 2015 1:00-3:00
Ashbury House
153 S. 8th street
Salina, KS 67401
Attendees – In Person: Cheryl Patrick, Tyler Rasmussen, Joyce Stockham, Jay Preston, Beth Waddle and Elizabeth Hawn Phone Conference: Eric Martin, Natasha Derakhshanian, Christy McMurphy, Brian McCormick, Jill Wheeler Absent Jessica Nasternak and Becky Gray
- Call to Order & Welcome – Meeting called to order at 1:05pm by Tyler Rasmussen
- Presentation of JuneMinutes – (Jill Wheeler) June Minutes approved M/S/C
- Nomination of Board Officers – (Cheryl Patrick) In-person ballots collected, 2 e-mail ballots received.
Results – Chair: Joyce Stockham, Vice Chair: Jill Wheeler and Secretary: Beth Waddle
- Treasurer / Financial Report–(Tyler Rasmussen) Amendment requested from KDADS to allow for 100% draw of grant funds. JP moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, BW seconded, M/S/C
- Summit Update – (Christy McMurphy) Cheryl has re-invoiced the outstanding Summit participants and received one payment. Still outstanding are Ashby House and New Beginnings. Jay Preston also requested to be invoiced for his registration and stay.
Discussion regarding next year’s Summit – Currently awaiting approval for KDADs grant, pros/cons of Fall versus Spring Summit (Christy reports that Doug w/ KDADS is okay with moving the summit, just asks for a written explanation). JP moved that we plan for a Spring 2016 Summit, TR seconded, M/S/C
Elizabeth will Chair a committee to explore Manhattan as a possible site for the Summit.
- By-Law amendments proposed amendments
- Voting by email – (Jay Preston) Jay reports that the amendment is not yet ready for presentation and plans to present it at the next meeting.
- 1/3 of Board Membership – (Cheryl Patrick/Beth Waddle) Cheryl will e-mail out. Grantees will make up no more than 1/2 and no less than 1/3 of the Board Membership. Cheryl will e-mail this out no less than 7 days before the next meeting to be voted on at the August meeting.
- KSHC Executive Director Update – (Cheryl Patrick) Joyce proposed that the Executive Committee meet with Cheryl to discuss the Strategic Plan and pursuit of additional funding.
- New Board Members Note books/Orientation– There will be a 2-hour Orientation for new Board Members or veteran Members desiring a refresher, to be held in Topeka from 10am-12am on August 19th, prior to the Board Meeting.
- HMIS Committee
- Part-Time BoS CoC Coordinator Interviews- Tyler and Cheryl will research the planning grant and it’s allowable uses and will meet with applicant for the BOS COC Coordinator Position to discuss an offer. Plan B is to consider contracting portions of the part-time position.
- Regional Coordinators
- Standards for KS CoC BoS Rapid Re-Housing – The COC Committee requested a few revisions of the document.
JP moved to approve the Director’s Report, EM seconded, M/S/C
- Other
Tyler reports that a year ago an outside agency performed a review of the KSHC finances and he would like to request some 3rd party oversight annually. He will bring a proposal to the next meeting. Several members recommended considering Quickbooks for financial tracking.
Christy requested that we consider a revision to the website to move away from the blog-style format.
- Adjourn – BW moved to adjourn, JP seconded, M/S/C
Minutes respectfully submitted by Beth Waddle.
2001 Haskell Ave, Lawrence, KS 660465 785.856-4960(phone)