Northern Catskills Chapter
January 5th, 2017
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Northern Catskill Chapter of the New York State School Facilities Association invites you to our 25th Annual Custodial/Maintenance Workshop. This workshop is for the professional growth of our Operations and Maintenance staff and an opportunity for vendors to display their products and offer instructions on the proper use. This year’s workshop will be at,Laurens Central School DistrictonTuesday, June 27th, 2017. This will be an all day event with lunch available. The cost will be $200 per company on or before May 1stand $225 after. The fee is for your annual membership and a booth at the workshop. There will be a directory presented to you at the workshop. It is important to note;in order to be included in the directory, your application, complete with a business card to be placed as your ½ page ad, payment in full or purchase order, must be received by Friday May 26th, 2017.
If you would like to conduct training session please indicate on the registration form. Training spots will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Please indicate on the registration form:
- The number of meals
- If your display requires electricity.
The luncheon will be a chicken barbecue as in the past.
Please note:
- Register by May 1stto be eligible for the $25.00 discount!
- Deadline for workshop and directory is Friday, May 26th,2017.
- To be a member of the Chapter you must be a member of New York State School Facilities Association - 119 Washington Ave., Suite 100, Albany, NY12210.
- Please bring a door prize to be raffled off at the end of the day
Send attached registration along with check payable to “Northern Catskills Chapter”to: Steven West DOF III
Laurens Central School District
55 Main St.
Laurens, NY 13796
Steven West
Chapter President
Northern Catskills Chapter Workshop
Registration Form
Do you need a table? Yes / No
Do you need electricity at your booth? Yes / No
The cost is $200 for chapter membership and a booth before May 1st& $225 after. You will get a ½ page ad in our directory if you make the Friday, May 26th, 2017deadline.
Would you like to conduct a workshop? ______If so please list the title______and contact Bill toschedule your workshop.
Lunch is $25 per person (includes 1 teeshirt):
- Number of meals @ $25.00 ______$______
Number of tee shirts (1 per meal): _____
Tee shirt size(s):______
- Workshop$200.00 or $225.00$______
Send check made out to “Northern Catskills Chapter” and registration form to:
Steven West DOF III
Laurens Central School District
55 Main St.
Laurens, NY 13796
- Checks payable to “Northern Catskills Chapter”
- Please register “ALL” who will participate at your booth in order to get an accurate meal count.
Monthly Chapter Meeting Information:
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Active and affiliate members only meet from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Associate members join us for lunch at 12:00 PM.