
Dear Candidate

Thank you for your interest in the post of Sexual Health Outreach Worker (Lesbian and Bisexual women)at Birmingham LGBT.

This is an exciting opportunity to work in a growing organisation and be part of the new sexual health service for LGBT people in Birmingham. The post is based out of the Birmingham LGBT Centre.

You will find enclosed within the application pack the Job Description and Person

Specification for the post, along with an Application Form to complete, a copy of the

Job Advert, our Equal Opportunities Statement and Diversity Monitoring Form, and a background documents to Birmingham LGBT and the Umbrella Sexual Health Service.

The closing date for the position is Friday 18 September 2015 at midday; we will accept applications by email and/or hardcopy by this deadline.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview on Friday 16th October 2015, times to be allocated.

Please email or post to

Steph Keeble
Birmingham LGBT
38/40 Holloway Circus
Birmingham. B1 1EQ

We hope that the application pack contains comprehensive information for you, but if you would like to discuss the position or the application process in any greater

depth please contact Steph Keeble or David Viney at Birmingham LGBT directly on 0121 643 0821.

Thank you once again for your interest, and I wish you good luck.

Best wishes

Steph Keeble
Director Birmingham LGBT