Rev. Date 5-00
1 of 1
Under this item the Contractor shall remove, temporarily store as required, and reinstall an existing concrete handhole to the location shown on the plans. The installation shall consist of relocating a concrete handhole to the location indicated, and returning any areas disturbed by the excavation to final grade as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to all equipment and materials incurred during removal and hauling to specified areas. All repairs or replacements due to damage or loss by the Contractor shall be made at the Contractor’s expense.
Construction Methods:
The Contractor shall remove concrete handholes and relocate them to areas as indicated on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. Where necessary, conduits shall be extended. Areas disturbed by the excavation for the handholes shall be neatly graded to conform to the adjacent contours. Where topsoil has been removed, it shall be fertilized, seeded and mulched.
Method of Measurement:
This work will be measured for payment by the number of concrete handholes removed and relocated complete and accepted.
Basis of Payment:
This work will be paid for at the contract unit price each for "Remove and Relocate Concrete Handhole", as specified, which price shall include removal, storage, relocating, trenching, installation, grading and placing of topsoil, seeding, fertilizing, mulching and all equipment, tools, labor and work incidental thereto. Additional conduit required shall be paid for at the contract unit price.
s:\traffic\1406\signal specs\specs\1010901A-REMOVE AND RELOCATE CONCRETE HANDHOLE.doc
ITEM #1010901A