Knights of Columbus Pope John Paul II Assembly 2937 Meeting Minutes for June 25th, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Faithful Navigator Dave Stauber
Opening prayer –
Roll Call of Officers:
F Friar (Fr Frank Quezada) – excused F Purser (Bernie Kuta) – present
F Navigator (Dave Stauber) - present F Inner Sentinel (Terry Sandrock) – excused
F Admiral (David Barnett) – present F Outer Sentinel (Kurt Bradley) – excused
F Captain (Rich Starr) – present F Trustee 1 Year (David Caton) - present
F Pilot (John Wheeler) – present F Trustee 2 Year (Chet Elder) – present
F Comptroller (Bruce Allen) – present F Trustee 3 Year (Ed Belen) – transferred to CA Assembly
F Scribe (Kurt Haneke) – excused
Minutes of the previous meeting were: (hard copies) were passed out and approved with no corrections
The following Bills & Communications were read: a letter from one of our sponsored seminarians, Brandon Allen, was read, thanking us for our support and continued prayers.
FN Stauber commented that both our checks for support of our two seminarians were cashed and asked us to continue to keep both men in our prayers.
F Comptroller reported: (1.) Four form 4’s have been submitted to Supreme regarding a transfer for one individual, with no response, so Bruce has found that a PDF submission on line will be used to resubmit the request, and for future submissions. (2.) Any check donations to our Faithful Freedom Flags need to be made out to K of C Assembly #2937 with “Faithful Freedom Flags” listed in the memo section of the check.
F Purser reported: Bernie Kuta reported, as of June our Chalice Fund worth $2,910.75; the Assembly General fund: $1,905.75.
The following committees reported:
Color Corps Commander: John Wheeler needs color corps volunteers for Fr. Bierbaum’s installation mass as our new pastor on July 8th, with a 3:15 PM show time.
Membership Committee: (1.) Dave Stauber attended the 4th degree exemplification at St. Frances Cabrini on June 24th along with Mark Smith, who became a new 4th Degree Knight. (2.) FN Stauber asked Chet Elder if he plans to serve on the admissions committee this coming year; Chet will not be continuing on the membership committee because of his upcoming DGK duties. Bernie Kuta stated he will be active on this committee.
Social Committee; no report
Welfare Committee- Chet Elder proposed that we keep the 4th degree assembly as the body which services the needs of both the assembly and council levels. We need to reach out to the church community and we also need to plan exactly how we will reach out to widows and families that have lost members. Chet and Dave Barnett will serve on this committee.
Trustees Report: No report
Trustees, FN and Comptroller - need to get together during July for our annual audit.
Look for e-mail from our FN proposing the date.
Unfinished Business:
(1.) Update on proposed officers for FY 2017 - 2018 Faithful Captain position - Our current recorder, Kurt Haneke, has decided to step down and has declined his nomination for Faithful Captain.
Thus, there is an opening for this position.
FN Dave Stauber opened the floor for nominations, and Sir Knight Bill Mullins was proposed by Bernie Kuta (seconded by John Wheeler). Bill was approved unanimously and gave us a history of his background as a Navy officer and as working for the Navy as a civilian, recently retired after 38 years.
Revised slate of officers was approved via acclamation as follows:
F Friar (Fr Greg Bierbaum) F Purser (Kurt Bradley)
F Navigator (Rich Starr) F Inner Sentinel (Robert Postolski)
F Admiral (Dave Stauber) F Outer Sentinel (Joe Dempsey)
F Captain (Bill Mullins) F Trustee 1 Year (Chet Elder)
F Pilot (John Wheeler) F Trustee 2 Year (Bernie Kuta)
F Comptroller (Bruce Allen) F Trustee 3 Year (Dave Barnett)
F Scribe (David Caton)
(2.) Our new Pastor, Father Bierbaum, as agreed to be our Faithful Friar! Bernie Kuta proposed Fr. Bierbaum as a transferee into our assembly. Jason Thrun seconded the motion and Fr. Bierbaum’s transfer was approved unanimously.
(3.) Installation of Assembly 2937 Officers: FN Stauber proposed July 9th at 3 PM, as the date for installation of assembly officers for the 2017-2018 Fraternal Year. Our CCC will invite District Marshall Mike Kavanagh to install us on that date. Dress should include tuxes or dark suit with social baldric.
(4.) Brother Knight Lou Stovic recently passed away, who was a Knight since 1947 and a retired Sergeant Major. Lou was remembered by Rich Starr as a very active parishioner and founding member of our parish. Lou was not an assembly member, so our council will be asked to submit his name to the Perpetual Memorial Society. He and his wife will also be added to our necrology list for our next memorial or necrology mass for fallen Knights.
(5.) FN Stauber attended the Denver Metro Chapter, hosted by council 539 where he promoted our 4th of July parade as well as our Faithful Freedom Flags Project.
(6.) Upcoming K of C Summer Training Session for councils and assemblies takes place on July 7-9th with the Saturday, July 8th session, from 8am-5 pm, the most important day. The Sunday session is mainly for district deputies from 8:45-1:45 pm.
(7.) Faithful Freedom Flag Committee: Bernie Kuta thanked those present for their support and mentioned that he has even had support from a neighbor. We will need a 5 am “muster” on July 4th to post the flags and an 8 pm retrieval time. Meet at the sheds in the St. Mark parking lot. FN Stauber discussed how we have 3 community groups interested in supporting this project including:
1. Pax Christi -indicates interest with Pax Knight Sean Sweeney possibly being the liaison for that group.
2. Highlands Ranch American Legion Post 1260 showing interest- they have an upcoming meeting on June 25th at the West Ridge Community Center at 6:30 PM. Joe Dempsey, Bill Mullins and Dave Stauber plan to attend that meeting to solicit their help.
3. The J.A.C or Junior American Citizens Group (contact- Page Carr) has indicated an interest in supporting our project. This group of young people ranges in age from 5-18. The group, including parents will meet on August 28th at the Lone Tree Library (at 1:30 PM) and FN Stauber plans to make a presentation there and then. This organization teaches kids a love of country and good citizenship.
(7.) Highlands Ranch Veterans Monument: located at the HR Library- FN Stauber attended the American Legion-hosted service on Memorial Day. We have 4 extra American flags we could possibly post in a circle around the memorial. Dave asked if someone would take on this project and contact the necessary officials. Joe Dempsey volunteered to do this.
(8.) 4th of July Parade- our council and assembly will be sponsoring a float and we are inviting the whole parish to participate. Dave requests color corps volunteers, Knights in either K of C shirts or parish shirts as well as a few “walker” Knights in tuxes to pass out fliers advertising the Faithful Freedom Flags Project. Fr. Bierbaum was invited to be part of our procession, but he will be out of town. Bernie suggested we extend an invitation to Fr. Mohan. Rich Starr volunteered to do so. Dave Stauber also passed around the script for our Knights of Columbus Parade announcement, telling the public that we initiated the Faithful Freedom Flags project and extending the invitation to other community groups to get involved with this new community project. The announcement also gives a history of our fraternal service organization as well as explains about our color corps attire.
New Business:
Our K of C flat-bed trailer will be decorated with posters advertising the Faithful Freedom Flags Project (which Bernie Kuta’s daughter will design) as well as with extra flags and a cross. Bernie requests 4th Degree Knights be present to help in the St. Mark parking lot by 7 AM. Bring staple guns. We may need to get together next Sunday afternoon to get our banners together. Watch for an e-mail from Bernie giving details. Requested attire: St. Mark or K of C shirts; tuxes and social baldrics (4 Sir Knights) to carry the Council Banner and to pass out fliers.
FN Dave Stauber: gave a summary of our assembly’s accomplishments for the year and thanked all present for our support. Chet Elder and David Caton complimented him for his outstanding leadership!
CCC John Wheeler was also thanked for his outstanding leadership and dedication.
For the good of the order: Seminarians Matt Kane and Brandon Allen; the Pedretti family; Kent and Patty Allen; Meg and Jim Bellizio; Fr. Greg, Fr. Mohan; Fr. Bierbaum; Jim Holton; Lyndon Lieb; Fr. Al Kim; Deacon Christnacht and Deacon Ed; parishioners/staff who helped Fr. Quezada move including Cherise Bowers, Fred LeBrun and Mark Murphy; Bill, Kelly and Charlie Prowledge; Desirae Caton and
baby to be; the Damon Franks family; and the unspoken needs of the St. Mark Community.
Respectfully Submitted; David Caton, Jr., Trustee