Ohio State FFA Nature Interpretation Written Test
April 2, 2005
Matching answers can be used once, twice, or not at all.
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Matching – Match the bird to its song.
- Descending whinny; call note is a “pick”
- Nasal trill sounds like the “churrr” of a raccoon
- Loud “keek, keek, keek”
- Raspy ”Q” sound that sounds like “queer”
- Pileated woodpecker
- Red-headed woodpecker
- Common flicker
- Downy woodpecker
- Red-bellied woodpecker
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Matching –Identify the parts of this bird wing.
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- Primary coverts
- Scapulars
- Secondaries
- Primaries
- Alula
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Matching – Match the description of each frog with the correct species.
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- Dark, rectangular markings on back & sides
- Dark spots have a light border around them on a green or brown body
- Noticeable dark facial mask behind and under eye
- X-shaped mark on back of this small frog
- Pickerel frog
- Northern leopard frog
- Eastern wood frog
- Gray tree frog
- Spring peeper
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Matching – The method of movement can be a clue to identifying tracks. Match the animal with its tracking pattern.
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- White-tailed deer
- Squirrel
- Beaver
- Hoppers – placing their back feet ahead of their front as they move
- Waddlers – moving their right side and then their left
- Straight-liners – placing their back feet in the prints of their front feet.
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Matching – Match the snake with its primary diet.
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- Brown snake
- Eastern hognose snake
- Black rat snake
- Blue racer
- Snails
- Toads
- Small mammals
- Other snakes
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- Which of the following birds is likely to be found living in a bluebird house?
- Barn swallow
- European starling
- Chickadee
- Short-eared owl
- American robin
- Which bird call is most often incorrectly used in movies to represent an eagle?
- Broad-winged hawk
- American kestrel
- Long-eared owl
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Red-tailed hawk
- Which extirpated mammal was reintroduced to Ohio in the 1980s in the Grand River, Killbuck Creek, Little Muskingum River and Stillwater Creek?
- Beaver
- River Otter
- Muskrat
- Mink
- Bobcat
- This small accipiter can be found perching near birdfeeders in search of a bird for a meal.
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- American kestrel
- Broad-winged hawk
- Red-shouldered hawk
- Red-tailed hawk
- Place the bird life stages in order from youngest to oldest.
- Fledgling, hatchling, juvenile, adult
- Fledgling, juvenile, hatchling, adult
- Hatchling, fledgling, juvenile, adult
- Hatchling, juvenile, fledgling, adult
- Juvenile, hatchling, adult, fledgling
- When does the Great-horned owl nest?
- February
- April
- June
- August
- Several times each year
- What is the primary diet of Bald eagles?
- Rabbits
- Mice
- Birds
- Deer
- Fish
- Which is the largest rodent?
- Woodchuck
- Beaver
- Eastern chipmunk
- Muskrat
- Eastern cottontail
- The family Mephitidae was recently split from the Mustelidae family putting these twelve North American species in a separate grouping from the Mustelids.
- Rabbit
- Beaver
- Skunk
- Deer
- Vole
- What is Ohio’s state gemstone?
- Gypsum
- Flint
- Amethyst
- Quartz
- Coal
- Which is true of salamanders?
- All have eyelids.
- All breed in the spring.
- Most have five toes on front and back feet.
- None can breed as larvae.
- All have lungs.
- What is the name of the gland on toads that produces a foul-tasting secretion?
- Carotoid
- Salivary
- Parotoid
- Secretin
- Proglastin
- What would you use to determine water clarity in a pond or lake?
- Seine
- Sling psychrometer
- Dissolved oxygen meter
- Bottom-sampling dredge
- Secchi disk
- Which trap would be best for collecting mole salamanders in a vernal pool survey?
- Conibear trap
- Minnow trap
- Plankton net
- Snake hook
- Steel spring tram
- Which would not be used in a weather station?
- Anemometer
- Psychrometer
- Dessicator
- Thermometer
- Hygrometer
- Which plant is used in flavoring for Earl Grey Tea?
- Wild bergamot
- Red clover
- Ground-ivy
- Heal-all
- Yarrow
- This plant’s scientific name, Achillea millefolium, comes from the fact it was supposed to be used to treat the wound of Achilles.
- Prairie-dock
- Yarrow
- Marsh-marigold
- Common ragweed
- Purple coneflower
- Another name for this wildflower is ‘cranesbill’ because the seedpod looks like this large bird’s bill.
- Wild lupine
- Common milkweed
- Wild columbine
- Cardinal-flower
- Wild geranium
- What flower is pollinated by snails and slugs?
- Mayapple
- Ground-ivy
- Wild ginger
- Indian cucumber-root
- Trout-lily
- This plant is also called ‘ale hoof’ as it is underfoot and was used to make ale.
- Common burdock
- Ground ivy
- Wild carrot
- Spring-beauty
- Canadian violet
- This squirrel is at its most eastern range in Ohio, found primarily in prairie states.
- Southern flying squirrel
- Red squirrel
- Eastern fox squirrel
- Thirteen-line ground squirrel
- Gray squirrel
- Which turtle requires a fishing license in order to take from a river or public lake/pond?
- Common snapping turtle
- Eastern box turtle
- Midland painted turtle
- Smooth softshell
- A and D
- Tracks are found in the snow showing four toes on the front feet and five toes on the back. Which animal could it be?
- Fox
- Skunk
- Squirrel
- Raccoon
- Deer
- What is the recommended placement for gray squirrel nest boxes?
- At least 20’ above the ground and facing west.
- No more than 20’ above the ground with the hole facing to the northwest
- In a tree with at least a 24” diameter.
- At least 50’ high in a tree.
- At least 30’ above the ground and facing east or south.
- Which is true in comparing the Eastern woodrat with the Norway rat?
- Eastern woodrats have a gray belly; Norway rats have a white belly.
- Both rats are nuisances that spread disease.
- Eastern woodrats have a hairy tail; Norway rats have a scaly tail.
- Neither species are native to Ohio.
- None of the above
- Which is an adaptation of birds that makes them lighter so that they can more easily fly?
- They have hollow bones
- They lack a urinary bladder
- Air sacs are found in their bodies and attached to their lungs.
- All of the above
- None of the above.
- What makes interpretive signs more effective?
- Avoiding titles or headlines
- Use capital letters throughout the text
- Include simple illustrations
- Use lots of different sizes fonts, bold, italic, underlined, etc.
- C and D
- How long is a surveyor’s chain?
- 50 feet
- 50 meters
- 66 feet
- 100 meters
- 660 feet
- Which bird has a flute-like song commonly found in fields and fencerows?
- Tufted titmouse
- Eastern meadowlark
- Cardinal
- Crested flycatcher
- Red-tailed hawk
- Which animal is an insectivore?
- Meadow vole
- House mouse
- Starnose mole
- Short-tailed shrew
- C and D
- It’s spring. You hear a squeaky sound, similar to a wheelbarrow wheel. What is it?
- Spring peeper
- Black and white warbler
- Gray treefrog
- Hooded warbler
- Cedar waxwing
- How many petals do violets have?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
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