Lesson Plan and Activity: Fractions/Decimals Matching Game

Standard 5. Middle Level Instruction and Assessment

Middle level teacher candidates understand and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to effective instruction and assessment, and they employ a variety of strategies for a developmentally appropriate climate to meet the varying abilities and learning styles of all young adolescents.


This artifact is a lesson and activity on converting fractions to decimals taught to my 6th grade math class during the fall semester of 2011 at Burke County Middle School during my student teaching internship. This lesson was part of a 12-lesson number operations unit, primarily about calculating with fractions. The lesson had plenty of description and examples of converting fractions to decimals. The students had a guided notes packet I created, which made it easy for my students to follow along during the actual lesson. As practice for this lesson my students completed a matching game. For the game each student was given a half-sheet with 5 fractions that needed to be converted to decimals. There were 2 different forms of the half-sheet. When a student finished their 5 practice problems they made “matching” note cards by cutting 5 note cards in half and putting the fraction on one half of the note card and equivalent decimal on the other. Once their matching cards were created they were to pair up with someone who had the other form with 5 different fractions on it. The students combined their matching cards, turned them facedown and played the classic memory/matching game.

This artifact demonstrates my proficiency in middle level instruction and assessment. The lesson proves my ability to plan engaging lessons independently and that I use a variety of teaching and learning strategies that motivate young adolescents to learn. This also displays my knowledge of teaching strategies that are effective and creative for the hands-on and kinesthetic learners in my classroom.


The content and implementation of the lesson itself was very effective for the math concepts taught on this day of class. However, the lesson was entirely too long and my students did not have enough time to complete the matching activity. This resulted in my students doing the half-sheet for homework and using the matching game as an activator the following class day. The students enjoyed the activity, but it would have helped to solidify the concepts right after the completion of the lesson. My students were still able to effectively convert from fractions to decimals so the lesson itself was still a success.

Future Impact:

Teaching this lesson taught me the importance of planning shorter, yet still effective lessons. I definitely could have done fewer examples during direct instruction, which would have provided more time for my students to complete the fun matching activity. It also taught me to pay more attention to my pacing while facilitating the lesson. Taking too long on doing examples repeatedly takes up too much valuable class time. I definitely want to use this lesson and activity in the future! I am going to remove some of the examples and require my students to take fewer notes in order to shorten the lesson. I also plan to keep this matching activity in mind while planning other math lessons because it can be applied to many other concepts. My students loved the activity and have asked if they can play the “fractions game” again.


Please see the lesson plan and activity sheet on the attached pages below.

Instructional Framework

Lesson Planning Template

Subject: MathGrade Level: 6th

Unit: Ratios, Fractions and Decimals

Lesson Topic: Converting Fractions to Decimals

Approximate Time Needed: 1 day

Bell Ringer:
(5 min max) / Hot Seat-Teacher will randomly place sticky notes under students’ desk for them to convert decimals to fractions in front of class.
1. 0.37 = 37/100
2. 1.8 = 1 8/10 = 1 4/5
3. 0.4 = 4/10 = 2/5
*Teacher will use the bellringer as a review of previously learned concepts.
Standard: / M6N1. Students will understand the meaning of the four arithmetic operations as related to positive rational numbers and will use these concepts to solve problems.
Element(s): / f. Use fractions, decimals, and percents interchangeably.
Thinking: / Understand and solve problems using the four arithmetic operations as related to positive rational numbers
Concept: / Learn how to convert fractions into decimals
LOTS: / Decimals, fractions. Mixed Number, Repeating Decimal, Terminating Decimal
Unit Essential Question: / How are fractions, decimals and measurement important to understanding numbers as a universal language?
Lesson Essential Question: / How can I convert a fraction to a decimal?
Instructional Objectives: /
  1. Using their notes organizer, SWBAT distinguish amongst terminology for converting fractions to decimals.
  2. Using their notes organizer, SWBAT correlate fractions with division.
  3. Using vocabulary notes, SWBAT categorize types of decimals.
  4. During a memory activity, SWBAT convert fractions to decimals.
  5. During a memory activity, SWBAT connect the correct fraction to its proper decimal.
  6. On activity practice problems, SWBAT calculate fractionsequivalent decimals.

Assessment strategies: / 1. TTW evaluate the notes organizer for comprehension of converting fractions to decimals to monitor students’ progress, for a class work grade. Objectives 1-3
2. TTW monitor students during the memory game activity and check for participation and correct conversion pairs for a group work grade. Objectives 4-5
3. TTW check the activity practice problemsfor completion, accuracy and application of conversion steps for a class work grade. Objective 6
Opening: (5 minutes)
Activator: / Students will watch a BrainPOP video on converting fractions to decimals. (Time: Approximately 3:25)

The video uses pizza slices to show fractions, and then converts the fraction to a decimal by using division. It uses multiple examples and relates to the students by using the pizza for each example. It also goes step-by-step showing the process of using division to convert fractions to decimals.
Mini-Lesson: (15-20 minutes)
Instruction / Modeling/
Instructional Activity: / The teacher will utilize the PowerPoint presentation and student notes packets to guide instruction.
/ The teacher will have the students write down the meanings of the vocabulary terms on their guided notes sheet.
The table is provided for the students on their guided notes sheet.
The teacher will use the table to point out examples of terminating and repeating decimals.
/ The teacher will demonstrate to students how the numerator is divided by the denominator in a fraction.
/ The teacher will use the example to demonstrate the steps to converting a fraction to a terminating decimal.
/ The teacher will use the example to demonstrate the steps to converting a mixed number to a repeating decimal.
/ On their guided notes sheet, the students will try the example on their own.
The teacher will monitor the students and assist with questions.
**If time permits, ask a student to work the problem on the board.
/ On their guided notes sheet, the students will try the example on their own.
The teacher will monitor the students and assist with questions.
**If time permits, ask a student to work the problem on the board.

Work Session: (25-30 minutes)

Student Work Session:
Performance Task/ Lab/Activities
/ Memory Game:
Students will be given a half sheet with 5 practice problems.
There are two versions of the half sheet, Form A and Form B, 5 practice problems on each.
Students will be given 5 notecards to cut in half and write the fraction on one half and the equivalent decimal on the other, one card for each question.
Once a student with Form A is finished they will pair up with a person who has completed Form B and the appropriate notecards and play “memory” by turning the cards facedown.

Closing: (5 minutes)

Student Sharing/Feedback/Relate to Standard
/ Summarizing Strategy: (Individual Students)
On a TTL students will list the necessary steps to converting a decimal to a fraction or a fraction to a decimal. Student choice of which steps to write.


Daily Agenda on Board: / Opening1. Bellringer: Decimals to Fractions
2. Activator: BrainPOP video
3. Mini-Lesson: Fractions to Decimals
Work Session 4. Practice: Memory Game
Closing 5. Ticket to Leave: Recall Steps


  • Promethean board and pen
  • Guided notes packet
  • Pencils
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Notebook paper for bellringer
  • 3 Sticky notes for “Hot Seat” bellringer
  • 5 notecards per student – approximately 4 – 100 notecard packs
  • Scissors – Class set
  • Markers
  • Memory Game practice sheets (Form A and B) – 40 of each form