AY 2011-2012
Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:The Office of Academic Affairs has overall responsibility for coordinating outcomes assessment efforts across all elements of the University, including academic as well as administrative components. The GEC includes a knowledge skills core (KSC) and a general education core (GEC). While mostly taught by the School of Arts and Sciences faculty, it is treated as a program of the Office of Academic Affairs because it is common to all undergraduate degree programs. A significant part of TU’s institutional philosophy is that the liberal education of the student is really what it means to have a college education, regardless of the major. As stated in the TU Academic Bulletin 2008-2009:
The GEC program spans the entire-college experiences from the freshman year on, in the classroom an out, building a sense of the social and ethical dimensions of all human knowledge and activity. The GEC program at TiffinUniversity provides the competencies and knowledge considered essential for all graduates of the University.
The GEC is designed to provide each student with the experience of how a variety of academic disciplines approach learning and the development of knowledge. Courses are offered in three broad areas: Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Although the core is rich in diversity, it is welded together by the fundamental skills of language and thought, out shared heritage, and the common themes of human life and values. (pg. 36)
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Students will write with clarity and precision. - All Writing Intensive Courses as designated in the Academic Bulletin
Students will speak with clarity and precision. - COM 130
Student will be able to work with numbers and understand problem solving methods. - MAT174/181/281
Students will acquire skills in modern information technologies and the ability to think logically about and critically analyze information. - CIT105/111
Students will apply the scientific method to a general natural science domain. - All NAT designated classes.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, reading, writing and mathematics in the context of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. - All General Arts Core classes.
Students will gain information literacy and research skills and be able to distinguish credible sources. - Freshman English Courses
Students will understand their civic responsibilities as well as current ethical concerns within our world. - Social Science Courses as listed as part of the General Education Core.
Students will be exposed to and understand professional practices related to their major field of study. - Major field classes.
Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.
Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcome 1:Students will write with clarity and precision. Classes involved: WIC as listed in the current academic bulletin.
Assessment Criteria:All Writing Across the Curriculum faculty will institute at least one writing assignment and use the approved grading rubric to assess the students writing abilities. A mean score of 3.5 is expected.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 2: Students will speak with clarity and precision. Class involved COM: 130
Assessment Criteria:Students will show improvement in their oral skills between the first and second speech as measured quantitatively by the communications speech presentation rubric.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 3: Student will be able to work with numbers and understand problem solving methods. Classes involved: MAT 174, 181, 281.
Assessment Criteria:Students will have of mean score of 70% or better on a case study using an appropriate rubric.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 4: Students will acquire skills in modern information technologies and the ability to think logicallyabout and critically analyze information. Classes involved: CIT 105, 111.
Assessment Criteria:Eighty percent of the students in CIT 111 will score at least a 70% on a test(s)/project(s)covering Work, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access skills.
Section One - Activity Statement:
All sections of the CIT111 course used an online Training and Assessment software beginning in Fall of 2011. The training and assessment materials are coordinated with the required course text. In general it was found that student’s had to learn to be more attentive to detail when submitting exercises but overall exam scores improved. After two semesters, the faculty have determined that the text is an unnecessary expense and the course will be taught with the online training and exercises replacing the text. Lectures will be modified to ensure coverage of any material that may be treated in less detail.
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
90.6% of students earned a 70% or better on a comprehensive exam using MCAS learning objectives.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
The 75% at 70% performance threshold was used in order to parallel the MCAS certification requirements. For AY 2012-2013 the threshold will be raised to 80% will earn a 70% or better.
Intended Outcome 5: Students will apply the scientific method to a general natural science domain. Classes involved include all NAT designated classes.
Assessment Criteria:Students in all NAT classes will complete a common assignment or common essay question on the final examination. Eighty percent of sample projects or exam questions reviewed by the department panel will earn at least a “B” better using a common rubric.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 6: Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, reading, writing and mathematics in the context of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Classes involved are those in the general education core as described in the current academic bulletin.
Assessment Criteria:Students will compare favorably to other students taking the Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress (MAPP) exam provided by ETS by scoring in the 50th percentile or better.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 7: Students will gain information literacy and research skills and be able to distinguish credible sources.
Assessment Criteria:Ninety percent of the participants involved in the Pfeifer Library Workshop on Information Literacy and Research Skills will receive a satisfactory or better rating on the workshop assignment dealing with distinguishing credible sources. Classes involved: ENG 141, 142.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 8: Students will understand their civic responsibilities as well as current ethical concerns in our world.
Assessment Criteria:Eighty percent of students will score at least 80% on the civic responsibilities and ethical concerns quiz. Classes involved are those used for the Social Science section of the general education core.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 9: Students will be exposed to and understand professional practices related to their major field of study.
Assessment Criteria:All students will successfully pass a professional practices assignment as deemed appropriate by their major field of study program faculty. Classes involved are at the discretion of the major field of study faculty.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: