Year 5 Long Term Plan 2017/2018

Half Term 1 / Half Term 2 / Half Term 3 / Half Term 4 / Half Term 5 / Half Term 6
Topics / History
The Struggle / History
The Struggle / History
Mayans / Geography
North America / Geography
North America / Geography
North America
English / Beowulf / Beowulf
Writing – letters, advertisement, speech, campaign
Grammar – Imperative and modal verbs, adverbials, short sentences
Punctuation – Colons, semi colons (list features, repetition) brackets, dashes (parenthesis)
Spelling – Prefixes and suffixes, silent letters, homophones, statutory word list.
Handwriting / The Chocolate Tree
Writing – Reports, recount, biography
Grammar – Subordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrases, relative clause, passive voice.
Punctuation – colons, semi colons (complex lists, clauses), brackets, dashes (technical vocab, relative clause
Spelling – Technical language, silent letters, homophones, statutory word list.
Handwriting / Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Newspaper article, essay, description, poetry.
Grammar – subordinate clause, relative clause
Punctuation – colon and semi colon (further detail, join related clauses), brackets and dashes (for incidentals and additional information.
Spelling – prefixes and suffixes, homophones, other words often confused, silent letters, statutory word list.
Handwriting / Queen of the Falls
Essay, character settings, narrative
Grammar -Subordinate clause, relative clause.
Punctuation – Bracket and dashes (incidentals), semi colons and colons (further detail, clauses)
Spelling – ARE for all three areas of spelling, statutory word list..
Handwriting. / Boy in the Tower
Balanced Argument, news article, review, letter
Grammar – adverbials, modals, relative clauses, passive voice, expanded noun phrases.
Punctuation – for emphasis, parenthesis, related clauses, relative clauses, complex lists.
Handwriting – legible and joined with increased speed.
Spelling – statutory word list.
Maths / Place Value
Number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) / Roman Numerals
Fractions / Fractions
Percentages / Geometry
Position and movement / Measurements
Area and Perimeter / Volume
Gap coverage in preparation for Year 6.
Science / Living things and their habitats
(life cycles) / Properties and changes in materials / Earth and Space / Living things and their habitats
(asexual and sexual reproduction) / Forces / Living things and their habitats
(humans to old age)
Computing / Design, write and debug programs t smaller parts / Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs / Work with variables and various forms of input and output / Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work / Understand computer networks including the internet / Appreciate how results are selected and ranked
History / Anglo-Saxons and Scots / Vikings and Anglo-Saxons / Mayan Civilisation
c.AD 900 / Local History / North American History / North American History
Geography / Geography of United Kingdom. / Geography of United Kingdom. / Central American geography / North American environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and cities. / Niagara
Similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography / North American settlements/
land use, economic activity, trade links, distribution.
Art / Sketching
Papier-Mache planets/buggies / Sewing
Tapestry / Art from other cultures / Architecture
Music / Gospel Singing / Gospel Singing / Gospel Singing / Gospel Singing / Gospel Singing / Gospel Singing
DT / Shields / Viking ships / Architecture
PE / Swimming
Dance / Swimming
Football / Rugby
Gymnastics / Hockey
Gymnastics / Athletics
Fitness / Athletics
RE / Judaism
“How do Jewish people find guidance for forgiveness?” / Hinduism “What guidance do Hindu stories give?” / Christianity
“What can we learn from the old testament?”
Bible Explorer / Buddhism
“Why are festivals important to Buddists?” / Islam
“What guidance did
Muhammad give to
Muslims?” / Islam
“What is the Qur’an and why is it important to
PSHE / New beginnings
Child protection & keeping safe. / Getting on and falling out.
Anti- bullying / Going for goals
Money matters.
Healthy lifestyles: drugs,
Alcohol and smoking.
The skin. / Good to be me
Healthy lifestyles.
Body changes and growth. / Relationships
Relationships and their difficulty.
Multicultural difference tolerances. / Changes
Spanish / My School/ your school.
Grand Day Out. / City nouns.
Shopping dialogue / Buying fruit and vegetables.
Simple instructions / Description of clothes.
Use the verb ‘to wear’. / Person information
Grammar / Beach Bag items
Summer activities
Activity verbs.
Special Events / Weaver Hall and Work House?
Kingswood Residential / Christmas Productions / Art Week? / Gospel Choir Performance in Liverpool.