Minutes, Dyke Road Drive Residents Association Meeting
7 Oct 2015
1/. Minutes of last meeting: William didn’t bring them, but they’re available on website
2/. Traffic survey.Members expressed concern about the two recent accidents in DRD. Suggestion that we keep records of our own; David said he would be happy to do that.
Suggestion that we contact police.
Now that Martin Heath has left the council, Jane is contacting other officers to ask them to take up the process of traffic calming. Initial reaction has been positive, but we’re awaiting further contact.
•Contact local councillors to ensure they are aware of our concerns and our plans with the council. William
•Call Mishon Mackay to inform them of resident’s concerns over their vehicles. William
•Contact Police Local Action Team. William
•Arrange to have 20mph signs and signs by children to attach to trees and wheelie bins. ALL
•Contact Traffic Management again to chase. Jane
3/. Anston House
Some frustration that First Base’s communication with us seemed erratic. Not everyone had had notice about the second meeting at Jury’s Inn.All felt we would need to wait until we knew what was happening before we could decide on any actions.
4/. Tree dressing
Decided to do tree dressing again on the morning of Sunday 29th November. Allan suggested trying to get photo into Argus in advance of tree dressing. Also suggest contacting Brighton & Hove Independent and Latest TV.
Decision that we should do the 20mph signs that day too.
Also that we should repeat the signs on trees.
Leafleting. Jane to organise fliers letting people know about the event and asking children to produce A4 artwork
Laminating 20mph signs.Sam & Lucy
Any other business
Sam raised the issue of the deteriorating state of the bridge. Jane said she’d contact network rail.
Guy discussed Lovers Walk litter and broken glass issues. Council point of contact for this is 01273 292929
Glöggand Mince Pies
All DRD RA Members are invited for Glöggand Mince Pies on Friday 18th December from 6.00pm at 35, Dyke Road Drive (William & Jane’s house)
Date of next meeting
This will be decided when anticipated plans are announced for Anston House