VIVA Cataloging Committee


Meeting held at University of Richmond

Present- Joyce Ogburn, ODU (Chair); Berna Heyman, W&M; Jean Lenville, UR; Jackie Shieh, UVA; Charles Lewis, JSRCC (recorder) Guests: Karen Cary, VCU; Gail McClenney , ODU; Polly Benson, GMU; Mary Hansbrough, VPI Absent- Gerald Gordon, RU.

There were no comments on the minutes of the previous meeting.

The representatives of the two libraries attending their first meeting were asked to give a brief overview of what their libraries are doing with electronic resources.

GMU - Polly Benson - (NOTIS system) GMU has a committee that is charged with proposing how they are going to catalog their electronic resources. Probably will be doing full descriptive cataloging as staffing support will allow. They are only planning to deal with materials that are permanent to their collections. GMU is involved with several consortia and is looking at what support they can get from those arrangements.

VPI - Mary Hansbrough - (VTLS system) Virginia Tech is in the process of requiring Thesis and dissertations to be submitted in electronic format (PDF files). These items are being cataloged. Currently some concern over break with traditional classification scheme. Tech has not done much with serials, but has added some to the paper copy record with additional notes and an 856.

There was discussion on note fields that display in the OPAC and on the type of access that is used. There seemed to be general agreement that patrons chose the resources with the simplest access. Patrons will use Web access over Lynx, TN3270, etc. by choice. We don't know how closely patrons read notes that may have important information concerning access.

Discussion developed on the issue of what to call electronic resources. Currently terms such as "Online Resource" and "Electronic Journal" are being used by some institutions. The question was also raised over what we should call the WWW and Internet since those terms may be obsolete in a few years. There was consensus that we need specific discussions on what we are doing locally and what terms we are using. Classification question was raised. Some systems may not be able to count items in the correct "subjects" if LC specific classification is not used. VCU uses LC classification, but masks that information form the OPAC.


"Survey" of reference librarians

The group was polled on what information and/or priorities the reference librarians felt was most useful to patrons.

- JSRCC - Patrons use online information to the exclusion of similar or better materials available in hard copy in the same room. Having specific titles on the current OPAC may not be very useful since that is not how patrons are looking for information and through our 3270 connections we cannot hot link.

- UVA - No handle on how patrons are using resources. No complaints have come in. At the moment, there is no special separate effort in publicizing the cataloged electronic resources at UVa. The Research and Instruction Resources (reference dept.) indicated that they will convey to patrons in a systematic way about the cataloged electronic resources available in VIRGO, the library's online catalog, when most of the titles (ca. 80%) are cataloged.

- WM - People use what is easy to get to

- VCU - Prefers local records to a union list/catalog. They want hot links from the bibliographic record. They would like full MARC treatment. The priority is discrete resources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.), owned materials before Web materials. A note or field on an existing record is OK. VCU has some training and usage issues.

- ODU - Project Muse and owned titles the priority. A single record is preferred. Enthusiastic for Z39.50 union catalog for state.

- RU - Has a list of priorities headed by discrete titles. Concern over how students get to VIVA, one access point would help. RU prefers finding aids for materials like Chadwyck-Healey.

- UR - Would like resources cataloged. No separate database for electronic resources.


Discussion on types of resources we have access to.

- Project Muse titles are unique publications. Although the content is the same, the visual presentation onscreen is different from the presentation found in the paper issues

- AP IDEAL titles are .PDF files and are identical in presented format to the hard copy. Possible to deal with these using 856 and 530 fields. There is a question on how well students use available notes. Some investigation should be made concerning the subfield z in the 856.

A recent issue of Daedalus covers electronic resources.


Consortia Survey

Reports from the consortia. It was noted that libraries are being hit by duplicate services as a result of belonging to several consortia.

-CIC ARTFUL - a copy of the ARTFUL Cataloging Project was distributed

-Use a standard template for data entry

-Records are contributed to OCLC

-Members can claim contributed records individually or OCLC will make members a monthly tape of ARTFUL contributions for a fee.

-Titles are divided among participating libraries for creating original computer file records.


-Catalog individually, no guidelines, no priorities

-Union catalog with holdings hosted at GA State

-All but one (Emory, SIRSI) use the same automation application

(PALS) - project funding is appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia which includes positions, equipments, etc.

-Ohio Link -Guidelines have been developed but do not require cataloging -Priorities are set locally -Union search is allowed -Z39.50 not needed, all using same software -No policy on Internet resources

We will be looking for more consortia information. Jackie will be putting a query on INTERCAT and Joyce will be sending a query to Yale concerning activities in the NE.



Penn State -Training

-Information has not been returned. Jean will report at the next meeting.


Discussion of archiving of the resources.

The question was raised concerning the active dates of the various contracts.


Inventory of VIVA resources.

A copy of current resources was distributed


Discussion on how we can approach sharing work

- Issues on how we want to share

- We need to share background info

- We need to share OCLC numbers

- We need to share any local guidelines we have developed

- The committee will test with some of the titles and develop a document with suggestions

- UVA has received a tape of the Chadwyck-Healey USMARC data. They have not had a chance to read the tape yet.

- Project Muse titles bibliographic records for electronic resources are all on OCLC, Jean will send copies of numbers to Taskforce.

- IAC and Gale resources have CD bibliographic records on OCLC that we may want to adapt

- UVA - digital imaging project is working to search though various databases with a single search



- All VIVA libraries should have a Z39.50 distribution. What about searching? Although we are aware that the Technical Issues group is well aware of Z39.50 issues, we may want to approach them concerning searching issues since the gateways for some of the VIVA institutions may be server specific.


Web robot software

- Discussion on the use of a Web robot to check URLs for validity. At UVA the Network Office performs that task.


Training for VIVA libraries

- Should we propose training across state, or should we train within the Taskforce to evaluate usefulness?

- Several training suggestions were discussed

- UVA will be doing training for DC libraries in March. Should we consider having the same training offered to the VIVA libraries?

- There is a possibility that several groups other than VIVA could be involved. TSAR, PTPL and RALC are possibilities for a broad base for training.


Discussion on the cataloging of the Academic Press IDEAL titles.

We should promote discussion with AP concerning the availability of bibliographic records, ISSNs or any other useful bibliographic information.



-Jackie - INTERCAT, questions on cooperative efforts

-Joyce - Yale, questions on cooperative efforts in the NE

-Anyone- questions on cooperative efforts that we can identify

-Jean - OCLC numbers for Muse titles for Taskforce

-Karen - TSAR, etc. possibilities for training

-Jackie - UVA possibility for training -AP cataloging, what information may be available from AP - Significant work on AP on hold till we have time to do some preliminary checking on some of the titles

-VIVA contracts and/or effective dates

-We don't want to do a listserv yet

-Gather any cataloging examples and guidelines

-Update the inventory list

Next meeting at William and Mary on January 24th at 10:00AM.

Joyce L. Ogburn
AUL for Information Resources and Systems
University Library